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Physical Condition and Bariatric Surgery (CaPaCITy)

2018年4月30日 更新者:University Hospital, Clermont-Ferrand

Determination of Factors Influencing the Physical Condition of Obese Patients Following Bariatric Surgery. Randomized Controlled Trial

The aim of this project is to investigate in obese patients the changes induced by bariatric surgery on the various components of the physical condition and their postoperative evolution following an intervention combining a physical activity program (aquabike vs bicycle) with or without protein supplementation.



Physical condition will be evaluated in obese patients before surgery and 1, 4, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months after surgery.

Between 1 and 4 months after surgery, participants will be assigned to one of the postoperative care groups:

  • Control
  • Control + protein supplementation
  • Training in aquabike
  • Training in aquabike + protein supplementation
  • Bicycle training
  • Bicycle training + protein supplementation



注册 (预期的)



  • 不适用




      • Clermont-Ferrand、法国、63003
        • 招聘中
        • CHU Clermont-Ferrand





18年 至 60年 (成人)





Inclusion Criteria:

  • Male or Female
  • Age between 18 and 60 years
  • Body mass index: BMI> 40 kg / m2
  • Candidates for bariatric surgery

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Subject under 18 or over 60 years of age
  • Biological assessment considered abnormal by the investigator
  • HIV serology or known positive HCV
  • Pregnant or nursing women
  • For women of childbearing age: beta-hCG positive dosage or absence of contraception deemed reliable (oral contraceptive, IUD, implant or hormonal patch)
  • Medical or surgical history (judged by the investigator to be inconsistent with the study)
  • Subject with cardiorespiratory and / or osteo-articular disorders limiting their ability to perform physical tests or training
  • Subject with cardiovascular or neoplastic disease
  • Subjects with an infection in the 3 months prior to inclusion
  • Hypercorticism and uncontrolled dysthyroidism
  • Patient with known neuro-muscular pathology: myopathy, myasthenia gravis, rhabdomyolysis, paraplegia, hemiplegia
  • Patient with chronic or acute inflammatory disease the 3 months before inclusion
  • CRP> 20 mg / l
  • Person treated with or having stopped treatment for less than 3 months prior to inclusion by corticosteroids, immunosuppressant, anabolic agent, growth hormone
  • Person with an unstable psychiatric condition
  • Blood donation in the two months preceding the study
  • High alcohol consumption (> 2 to 3 drinks per day depending on sex) or presence of drug addiction
  • Significant smoking (> 5 cigarettes / day or equivalent in cigars or pipe tobacco)
  • Intense sports activity (> 5 hours / week)
  • Subjects excluded from another study or having received more than 4500 € in the year following their participation in clinical studies





  • 主要用途:预防
  • 分配:随机化
  • 介入模型:交叉作业
  • 屏蔽:无(打开标签)



Physical condition will be evaluated in obese patients before surgery and 1, 4, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months after surgery.

Between 1 and 4 months after surgery, participants will be assigned to one of the postoperative care groups:

  • Control
  • Control + protein supplementation
  • Training in aquabike
  • Training in aquabike + protein supplementation
  • Bicycle training
  • Bicycle training + protein supplementation
The aim of this project is to investigate in obese patients the changes induced by bariatric surgery on the various components of the physical condition and their postoperative evolution following an intervention combining a physical activity program (aquabike vs bicycle) with or without protein supplementation
实验性的:Control + protein supplementation

Physical condition will be evaluated in obese patients before surgery and 1, 4, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months after surgery.

Between 1 and 4 months after surgery, participants will be assigned to one of the postoperative care groups:

  • Control
  • Control + protein supplementation
  • Training in aquabike
  • Training in aquabike + protein supplementation
  • Bicycle training
  • Bicycle training + protein supplementation
The aim of this project is to investigate in obese patients the changes induced by bariatric surgery on the various components of the physical condition and their postoperative evolution following an intervention combining a physical activity program (aquabike vs bicycle) with or without protein supplementation
实验性的:Training in aquabike

Physical condition will be evaluated in obese patients before surgery and 1, 4, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months after surgery.

Between 1 and 4 months after surgery, participants will be assigned to one of the postoperative care groups:

  • Control
  • Control + protein supplementation
  • Training in aquabike
  • Training in aquabike + protein supplementation
  • Bicycle training
  • Bicycle training + protein supplementation
The aim of this project is to investigate in obese patients the changes induced by bariatric surgery on the various components of the physical condition and their postoperative evolution following an intervention combining a physical activity program (aquabike vs bicycle) with or without protein supplementation
The aim of this project is to investigate in obese patients the changes induced by bariatric surgery on the various components of the physical condition and their postoperative evolution following an intervention combining a physical activity program (aquabike vs bicycle) with or without protein supplementation.
实验性的:- Training in aquabike + protein supplementation

Physical condition will be evaluated in obese patients before surgery and 1, 4, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months after surgery.

Between 1 and 4 months after surgery, participants will be assigned to one of the postoperative care groups:

  • Control
  • Control + protein supplementation
  • Training in aquabike
  • Training in aquabike + protein supplementation
  • Bicycle training
  • Bicycle training + protein supplementation
The aim of this project is to investigate in obese patients the changes induced by bariatric surgery on the various components of the physical condition and their postoperative evolution following an intervention combining a physical activity program (aquabike vs bicycle) with or without protein supplementation
The aim of this project is to investigate in obese patients the changes induced by bariatric surgery on the various components of the physical condition and their postoperative evolution following an intervention combining a physical activity program (aquabike vs bicycle) with or without protein supplementation.
实验性的:Bicycle training

Physical condition will be evaluated in obese patients before surgery and 1, 4, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months after surgery.

Between 1 and 4 months after surgery, participants will be assigned to one of the postoperative care groups:

  • Control
  • Control + protein supplementation
  • Training in aquabike
  • Training in aquabike + protein supplementation
  • Bicycle training
  • Bicycle training + protein supplementation
The aim of this project is to investigate in obese patients the changes induced by bariatric surgery on the various components of the physical condition and their postoperative evolution following an intervention combining a physical activity program (aquabike vs bicycle) with or without protein supplementation
The aim of this project is to investigate in obese patients the changes induced by bariatric surgery on the various components of the physical condition and their postoperative evolution following an intervention combining a physical activity program (aquabike vs bicycle) with or without protein supplementation.
实验性的:- Bicycle training + protein supplementation

Physical condition will be evaluated in obese patients before surgery and 1, 4, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months after surgery.

Between 1 and 4 months after surgery, participants will be assigned to one of the postoperative care groups:

  • Control
  • Control + protein supplementation
  • Training in aquabike
  • Training in aquabike + protein supplementation
  • Bicycle training
  • Bicycle training + protein supplementation
The aim of this project is to investigate in obese patients the changes induced by bariatric surgery on the various components of the physical condition and their postoperative evolution following an intervention combining a physical activity program (aquabike vs bicycle) with or without protein supplementation
The aim of this project is to investigate in obese patients the changes induced by bariatric surgery on the various components of the physical condition and their postoperative evolution following an intervention combining a physical activity program (aquabike vs bicycle) with or without protein supplementation.



Distance traveled at the 6-minute walking test (TM6)
大体时间:at 4 months post-surgery
at 4 months post-surgery


Body composition
大体时间:at 4 months post-surgery
at 4 months post-surgery
resting metabolic rate
大体时间:at 4 months post-surgery
at 4 months post-surgery
VO2 max
大体时间:at 4 months post-surgery
at 4 months post-surgery
food consumption
大体时间:at 4 months post-surgery
at 4 months post-surgery
physical activity level
大体时间:at 4 months post-surgery
at 4 months post-surgery
muscle maximal strength evaluated by an isokinetic dynamometer
大体时间:at 4 months post-surgery
at 4 months post-surgery
evaluation of the equilibrium of the body on a stabilometric platform
大体时间:at 4 months post-surgery
at 4 months post-surgery
muscle typology
大体时间:at 4 months post-surgery
at 4 months post-surgery
muscle oxidative capacity
大体时间:at 4 months post-surgery
at 4 months post-surgery
muscle fat infiltration
大体时间:at 4 months post-surgery
at 4 months post-surgery




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其他相关的 MeSH 术语


  • CHU-320
  • 2016-A01432-49 (其他标识符:2016-A01432-49)


研究美国 FDA 监管的药品

研究美国 FDA 监管的设备产品

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