RCT evaluation of Skhokho: A holistic school intervention to prevent gender-based violence among South African Grade 8s

Rachel Jewkes, Anik Gevers, Esnat Chirwa, Pinky Mahlangu, Simukai Shamu, Nwabisa Shai, Carl Lombard, Rachel Jewkes, Anik Gevers, Esnat Chirwa, Pinky Mahlangu, Simukai Shamu, Nwabisa Shai, Carl Lombard


ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02349321.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Fig 1. Theory of change for the…
Fig 1. Theory of change for the Skhokho intervention.
Fig 2. Intervention panel.
Fig 2. Intervention panel.
Fig 3. Trial profile.
Fig 3. Trial profile.


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