Latent Class Analysis in Depression, Including Clinical and Functional Variables: Evidence of a Complex Depressive Subtype in Primary Care in Chile

Verónica Vitriol, Alfredo Cancino, Carlos Serrano, Soledad Ballesteros, Marcela Ormazábal, Marcelo Leiva-Bianchi, Carolina Salgado, Cristian Cáceres, Soledad Potthoff, Francisca Orellana, Andrea Asenjo, Verónica Vitriol, Alfredo Cancino, Carlos Serrano, Soledad Ballesteros, Marcela Ormazábal, Marcelo Leiva-Bianchi, Carolina Salgado, Cristian Cáceres, Soledad Potthoff, Francisca Orellana, Andrea Asenjo


Objective: To establish differentiated depressive subtypes using a latent class analysis (LCA), including clinical and functional indicators in a sample of depressed patients consulted in Chilean Primary Health Care.

Methods: A LCA was performed on a sample of 297 depressed patients consulted in Chilean PHC. The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, the Outcome Questionnaire -social role, and interpersonal subscales were as instruments. A regression analysis of the different subtypes with sociodemographic and adverse life experiences was performed.

Results: In a sample characterized by 87.5% of women, two, three, and four latent class models were obtained. The three-class model likely represents the best clinical implications. In this model, the classes were labeled: "complex depression" (CD) (58% of the sample), "recurrent depression" (RD) (34%), and "single depression episode" (SD) (8%). Members of CD showed a higher probability of history of suicide attempts, interpersonal, and social dysfunction. Psychiatric comorbidities differentiated the RD from SD. According to a multinomial regression model, childhood trauma experiences, recent stressful life experiences, and intimate partner violence events were associated with the CD class (p < 0.01). Limitations. The vast majority of participants were females from Chile and the sample studied was not random. So, the results may not necessarily represent outpatient clinics.

Conclusions: This study can provide additional evidence that depression, specifically in female gender, could be better understood as a complex heterogeneous disorder when clinical and functional indicators are studied. Furthermore, adverse life experiences starting in childhood could lead to a differentiated complex depressive subtype.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

Copyright © 2021 Verónica Vitriol et al.


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