Consequences of bariatric surgery on outcomes in rheumatic diseases

Eric Lespessailles, Emneh Hammoud, Hechmi Toumi, Nada Ibrahim-Nasser, Eric Lespessailles, Emneh Hammoud, Hechmi Toumi, Nada Ibrahim-Nasser


Obesity is associated with numerous comorbidities including some rheumatic conditions. Through adipose-derived inflammation, obesity has been shown to induce increased initiation, progression, and worse responses on outcomes of rheumatic diseases. Bariatric surgery is being increasingly used thanks to its positive effects on major comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Consequently, surgically induced weight and adipose tissue losses might play a role in the course of rheumatic conditions. The present narrative literature review aims to provide rheumatologists with an update on both the positive and negative effects of bariatric surgery on the rheumatic outcomes reported in the literature. Current evidence seems to show improved outcomes in obese populations with rheumatic disorders after bariatric surgery. However, rigorous prospective controlled studies with long follow-up are needed. Bariatric procedures have deleterious effects on bone and are associated with an increased risk of fractures.

Keywords: Bariatric surgery; Fibromyalgia; Gout; Low back pain; Obesity; Osteoarthritis; Osteoporosis; Psoriatic arthritis; Rheumatoid arthritis.

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Not applicable.

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The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

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