Percentile values of the standing broad jump in children and adolescents aged 6-18 years old

Ewan Thomas, Luca Petrigna, Garden Tabacchi, Eduardo Teixeira, Simona Pajaujiene, David J Sturm, Fatma Nese Sahin, Manuel Gómez-López, Jelena Pausic, Antonio Paoli, Marianna Alesi, Antonino Bianco, Ewan Thomas, Luca Petrigna, Garden Tabacchi, Eduardo Teixeira, Simona Pajaujiene, David J Sturm, Fatma Nese Sahin, Manuel Gómez-López, Jelena Pausic, Antonio Paoli, Marianna Alesi, Antonino Bianco


The standing broad jump (SBJ) is a valid, reliable and feasible field-based test, which can evaluate explosive strength of the lower limbs and physical fitness. This study aimed to provide normative data for the SBJ for male and female children and adolescents and describe differences in performance between age groups and genders. A total number of 2140 children and adolescents, sampled in seven European nations have been included for analysis. The SBJ was performed to derive percentile values for gender and each age group. In general, males have greater jumping performance compared to females. Data demonstrate a linear increase in the jumping distance for both males and females until adolescence. However, such increase is evident in males up to 16-17 years old, whereas in females a plateau value is met at 12-13 years old, with a subsequent decrease in the jumping performance. No differences were present in jumping performance between male and female children, however differences between male and female adolescents were evinced. The study has provided percentile values useful to monitor the physical fitness status of children and adolescents.

Keywords: adolescents; children; normative data; standing broad jump.

Conflict of interest statement

We confirm that we have read the Journal’s position on issues involved in ethical publication and affirm that this report is consistent with those guidelines.


Fig 1.
Fig 1.
The male participants show an almost linear increase in the jumping performance up to 16-17 years old for all percentile values
Fig 2.
Fig 2.
Female participants increase the jumping performance up to the age of 12-13 years with a subsequent decrease from 14 years old onwards


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