Effectiveness of Mobile Apps for Smoking Cessation: A Review

Kabindra Regmi, Norhayati Kassim, Norhayati Ahmad, Nik A Tuah, Kabindra Regmi, Norhayati Kassim, Norhayati Ahmad, Nik A Tuah


Introduction: Smartphone-based smoking cessation interventions are increasingly used around the world. However, the effects of smartphone applications on applicability and efficacy on cessation rate and prevention of relapses are not often evaluated. Therefore, this review aims to assess the evidence on effectiveness of smartphone applications as an intervention tool for smoking cessation support.

Methods: We conducted the search using Ovid Medline/PubMed, CENTRAL and Scopus databases dated (January 2007-June 2016). Inclusion criteria include randomized control trials or intervention studies with mobile applications that offer smoking cessation support. Two assessors independently extracted and evaluated the data from each included study.

Results: The review of eight selected studies illustrate the use of smartphone applications in increasing quit rates among smokers, however adherence to app features influences quit rates. Audiovisual features followed by a quit plan, tracking progress and sharing features are most accepted and utilised app features. However, inconsistency was observed in their association with abstinence or quit rate. App engagement features increase the statistical significance in the quit rate. Development of smartphone applications was supported by behavior change theories in all studies nevertheless; heterogeneous forms of intervention were adopted within studies. Similarly, reduction in relapse attributed to enhanced discussion among quitters using social media applications was observed.

Conclusions: Quality evidence is warranted with large sample size to measure effect size of the intervention. Future research on effectiveness and efficacy of smartphone alone and comparisons with other mHealth interventions, such as text messaging would be useful.

Keywords: Smoking cessation; intervention study; mHealth; randomized control trials; relapse prevention; smartphone mobile application.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest and none were reported.

© 2017 Kabindra R.


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Search details


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