Comparison of face-to-face versus email guided self-help for binge eating: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Paul E Jenkins, Amy Luck, Alison Burrows, Nicky Boughton, Paul E Jenkins, Amy Luck, Alison Burrows, Nicky Boughton


Background: Guided self-help is a recommended first-step treatment for bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and atypical variants of these disorders. Further research is needed to compare guided self-help that is delivered face-to-face versus via email.

Methods/design: This clinical trial uses a randomised, controlled design to investigate the effectiveness of providing guided self-help either face-to-face or via e-mail, also using a delayed treatment control condition. At least 17 individuals are required per group, giving a minimum N of 51.

Discussion: Symptom outcomes will be assessed and estimates of cost-effectiveness made. Results are proposed to be disseminated locally and internationally (through submission to conferences and peer-reviewed journals), and will hopefully inform local service provision. The trial has been approved by an ethics review board and was registered with NCT01832792 on 9 April 2013.


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