Preliminary Efficacy of a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Text Messaging Intervention Targeting Alcohol Use and Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Suzette Glasner, Helene Chokron Garneau, Alfonso Ang, Lara Ray, Alexandra Venegas, Richard Rawson, Seth Kalichman, Suzette Glasner, Helene Chokron Garneau, Alfonso Ang, Lara Ray, Alexandra Venegas, Richard Rawson, Seth Kalichman


This trial was registered with, NCT02603471.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Fig 1. CONSORT flow diagram.
Fig 1. CONSORT flow diagram.
Fig 2. Alcohol use frequency (past 30…
Fig 2. Alcohol use frequency (past 30 days) from baseline to week 12 by treatment group.
Fig 3. Mean days of alcohol intoxication…
Fig 3. Mean days of alcohol intoxication (past 30 days) from baseline to week 12 by treatment group.
Fig 4. Mean ART adherence scores at…
Fig 4. Mean ART adherence scores at weeks 0, 4, 8, and 12 by treatment group.
Fig 5. Mean log viral load levels…
Fig 5. Mean log viral load levels as a function of treatment group at baseline and week 12.


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