External validation of clinical prediction models using big datasets from e-health records or IPD meta-analysis: opportunities and challenges

Richard D Riley, Joie Ensor, Kym I E Snell, Thomas P A Debray, Doug G Altman, Karel G M Moons, Gary S Collins, Richard D Riley, Joie Ensor, Kym I E Snell, Thomas P A Debray, Doug G Altman, Karel G M Moons, Gary S Collins


Access to big datasets from e-health records and individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis is signalling a new advent of external validation studies for clinical prediction models. In this article, the authors illustrate novel opportunities for external validation in big, combined datasets, while drawing attention to methodological challenges and reporting issues.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing interests: None declared.


Fig 1
Fig 1
Format of typical prediction models seen in the medical literature
Fig 2
Fig 2
Calibration performance (as measured by the E/O statistic) of a diagnostic prediction model for deep vein thrombosis, over all studies combined and in each of the 12 studies separately. E=total number expected to have deep vein thrombosis according to the prediction model; O=total number observed with deep vein thrombosis; I2=proportion (%) of variability in the ln(E/O) estimates in the meta-analysis that is due to between-study variation (genuine differences between studies in the true ln(E/O)), rather than within-study sampling error (chance)
Fig 3
Fig 3
Funnel plots of discrimination performance (as measured by the C statistic) of QRISK2, across all 364 general practice surgeries in the external validation dataset of Collins and Altman. Plots show C statistic versus (a) number of cardiovascular events and (b) standard error of logit C statistic
Fig 4
Fig 4
Calibration of QRISK2 and the Framingham risk score in women aged 35 to 74 years, (a) by tenth of predicted risk augmented with a smoothed calibration curve, and (b) within eight age groups. Dotted lines=denote perfect calibration
Fig 5
Fig 5
Association between percentage of smokers and C statistic for QRISK2 across all 364 general practice surgeries in the external validation dataset of Collins and Altman. Circle size is weighted by the precision of the C statistic estimate (that is, larger circles indicate C statistic estimates with smaller standard errors, and thus more weight in the meta-regression). Note: the solid line shows the meta-regression slope when data are analysed on the C statistic scale; similar findings and trends were obtained when reanalysing the logit C statistic scale
Fig 6
Fig 6
Calibration performance (as measured by the calibration slope) of the breast cancer model evaluated by Snell and colleagues before and after recalibration of the baseline mortality rate in each country. (a) Forest plot assuming the same baseline hazard rate in each country (no recalibration). (b) Forest plot allowing a different baseline hazard rate for each country (recalibration)


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