Oleocanthal-rich extra virgin olive oil demonstrates acute anti-platelet effects in healthy men in a randomized trial

Karan Agrawal, Eleni Melliou, Xueqi Li, Theresa L Pedersen, Selina C Wang, Prokopios Magiatis, John W Newman, Roberta R Holt, Karan Agrawal, Eleni Melliou, Xueqi Li, Theresa L Pedersen, Selina C Wang, Prokopios Magiatis, John W Newman, Roberta R Holt


The phenolic profiles of extra virgin olive oils (EVOOs) may influence their cardiovascular benefits. In a randomized crossover of acute EVOO intake on platelet function, participants (n=9) consumed 40 mL of EVOO weekly. EVOOs were matched for total phenolic content and were either tyrosol-poor with 1:2 oleacein/oleocanthal (D2i0.5), or 2:1 oleacein/oleocanthal (D2i2), or predominantly tyrosol (D2i0). Ibuprofen provided a platelet inhibition control. Blood was collected pre- and 2 hr post-EVOO intake. D2i0.5 and D2i2 reduced 1 µg/mL collagen-stimulated maximum platelet aggregation (Pmax), with effects best correlated to oleocanthal intake (R=0.56, P=0.002). Total phenolic intake was independently correlated to eicosanoid production inhibition, suggesting that cyclooxygenase blockade was not responsible for the Pmax inhibition. Five participants exhibited >25% ΔPmax declines with D2i0.5 and D2i2 intake and plasma metabolomic profiles discriminated subjects by oil responsivity. Platelet responses to acute EVOO intake are associated with oil phenolic composition and may be influenced by diet.

Keywords: extra virgin olive oil; human; oleocanthal; oxylipins; platelet aggregation.

Conflict of interest statement

Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Effects of tested EVOOs on (A) maximum platelet aggregation and (B) oxylipins associated with platelet function in healthy male subjects. D2i2, D2i0.5 and Ibuprofen all decreased maximum platelet aggregation compared to D2i0, and Ibuprofen decreased oxylipin concentrations compared to all oils. Data shown are presented as means (n = 9) with their standard deviations. Data points with unlike letters were significantly different at P < 0.05 (repeated measures ANOVA).
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) Scores Plots showing discrimination between “responders” and “non-responders” at (A) baseline and (B) two-hours post-EVOO consumption. “Responders” are defined at subjects exhibiting >25% reduction in 1 µg/mL collagen-stimulated ΔPmax with D2i0.5 or D2i2 EVOO intake.

Source: PubMed
