Physical activity is increased by a 12-week semiautomated telecoaching programme in patients with COPD: a multicentre randomised controlled trial

H Demeyer, Z Louvaris, A Frei, R A Rabinovich, C de Jong, E Gimeno-Santos, M Loeckx, S C Buttery, N Rubio, T Van der Molen, N S Hopkinson, I Vogiatzis, M A Puhan, J Garcia-Aymerich, M I Polkey, T Troosters, Mr Papp PROactive study group and the PROactive consortium, Wim Janssens, Paul Van den Brande, Maarten Spruyt, Miek Hornikx, Rebecca Tanner, Yogini Raste, Claire Yerramasu, Helma Oosterom, Gilbert Buesching, Alexandra Strassman, Martin Frey, Alexander Turk, Stephan Keusch, Alice Zürcher, Ignasi Serra, Nathalie Ivanoff, Niklas Karlsson, Solange Corriol-Rohou, Ian Jarrod, Damijen Erzen, Mario Scuri, Paul McBride, Nadia Kamel, Margaret Tabberer, Fabienne Dobbels, Pim de Boer, Enkeleida Nikai, Bill MacNee, H Demeyer, Z Louvaris, A Frei, R A Rabinovich, C de Jong, E Gimeno-Santos, M Loeckx, S C Buttery, N Rubio, T Van der Molen, N S Hopkinson, I Vogiatzis, M A Puhan, J Garcia-Aymerich, M I Polkey, T Troosters, Mr Papp PROactive study group and the PROactive consortium, Wim Janssens, Paul Van den Brande, Maarten Spruyt, Miek Hornikx, Rebecca Tanner, Yogini Raste, Claire Yerramasu, Helma Oosterom, Gilbert Buesching, Alexandra Strassman, Martin Frey, Alexander Turk, Stephan Keusch, Alice Zürcher, Ignasi Serra, Nathalie Ivanoff, Niklas Karlsson, Solange Corriol-Rohou, Ian Jarrod, Damijen Erzen, Mario Scuri, Paul McBride, Nadia Kamel, Margaret Tabberer, Fabienne Dobbels, Pim de Boer, Enkeleida Nikai, Bill MacNee


Rationale: Reduced physical activity (PA) in patients with COPD is associated with a poor prognosis. Increasing PA is a key therapeutic target, but thus far few strategies have been found effective in this patient group.

Objectives: To investigate the effectiveness of a 12-week semiautomated telecoaching intervention on PA in patients with COPD in a multicentre European randomised controlled trial.

Methods: 343 patients from six centres, encompassing a wide spectrum of disease severity, were randomly allocated to either a usual care group (UCG) or a telecoaching intervention group (IG) between June and December 2014. This 12-week intervention included an exercise booklet and a step counter providing feedback both directly and via a dedicated smartphone application. The latter provided an individualised daily activity goal (steps) revised weekly and text messages as well as allowing occasional telephone contacts with investigators. PA was measured using accelerometry during 1 week preceding randomisation and during week 12. Secondary outcomes included exercise capacity and health status. Analyses were based on modified intention to treat.

Main results: Both groups were comparable at baseline in terms of factors influencing PA. At 12 weeks, the intervention yielded a between-group difference of mean, 95% CI (lower limit - upper limit; ll-ul) +1469, 95% CI (971 to 1965) steps/day and +10.4, 95% CI (6.1 to 14.7) min/day moderate PA; favouring the IG (all p≤0.001). The change in 6-min walk distance was significantly different (13.4, 95% CI (3.40 to 23.5) m, p<0.01), favouring the IG. In IG patients, an improvement could be observed in the functional state domain of the clinical COPD questionnaire (p=0.03) compared with UCG. Other health status outcomes did not differ.

Conclusions: The amount and intensity of PA can be significantly increased in patients with COPD using a 12-week semiautomated telecoaching intervention including a step counter and an application installed on a smartphone.

Trial registration number: NCT02158065.

Keywords: Exercise; Pulmonary Rehabilitation.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing interests: None declared.

Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to


Figure 1
Figure 1
Flow chart for the calculation of the new goal (steps) during the intervention period.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) diagram. Valid data based on two weekdays with at least eight hours of wearing time during baseline and final visit. *No information on screening in site of Edinburgh. ACT, Actigraph; ATH, Athens; DAM, Dynaport Movemonitor; EDI, Edinburgh; GRO, Groningen; LEU, Leuven; LON, London; PA, physical activity; ZUR, Zurich.
Figure 3
Figure 3
Changes in physical activity by group. Patients in the intervention group presented in solid line, and patients in the control group presented as dotted line. Data are presented as mean, 95% (ll to ul); Steps and time in at least moderate physical activity (MPA) analyses are based on Actigraph measurement and include 140 control and 140 intervention patients, Walking time and movement intensity (MI) are based on Dynaport Movemonitor measurement and include 132 control and 129 intervention patients. *indicates significant within-group changes (p

Figure 4

Between-group differences in mean step…

Figure 4

Between-group differences in mean step count, adjusted for baseline data. Data are presented…

Figure 4
Between-group differences in mean step count, adjusted for baseline data. Data are presented for the different subgroups, based on baseline characteristics; Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) quadrants based on modified Medical Research Council (mMRC) to classify symptoms; number of patients mMRC (
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Figure 4
Figure 4
Between-group differences in mean step count, adjusted for baseline data. Data are presented for the different subgroups, based on baseline characteristics; Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) quadrants based on modified Medical Research Council (mMRC) to classify symptoms; number of patients mMRC (


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