Internet-based support for informal caregivers to individuals with head and neck cancer (Carer eSupport): a study protocol for the development and feasibility testing of a complex online intervention

Ulrica Langegård, Åsa Cajander, Maria Carlsson, Louise von Essen, Awais Ahmad, Göran Laurell, Ylva Tiblom Ehrsson, Birgitta Johansson, Ulrica Langegård, Åsa Cajander, Maria Carlsson, Louise von Essen, Awais Ahmad, Göran Laurell, Ylva Tiblom Ehrsson, Birgitta Johansson


Introduction: It is strongly recommended that randomised controlled trials are preceded with an exploration of the needs of the target population and feasibility testing of the intervention. The present study protocol is set out to describe these steps in the development of a complex intervention.The past decades' transition of care from inpatient to outpatient settings has increased the complexity of caregivers' responsibilities, which they may not be prepared for. There is a need to support informal caregivers (ICs) to prepare them for caregiving and decrease the caregiver burden. The main aim of this study is to describe the development of an internet-based intervention (Carer eSupport) to improve ICs' ability to support individuals with head and neck cancer and to describe the testing of the feasibility and acceptability of Carer eSupport.

Methods and analysis: This is a multicentre study involving the ear, nose and throat clinics and the oncology and radiotherapy clinics at three university hospitals. The study protocol comprises two phases, development and feasibility testing, using the Medical Research Council framework for developing a complex intervention. Carer eSupport will be based on the results from focus group discussions with ICs and healthcare professionals (planned for n=6-8 in respective groups) and scientific evidence, the Social Cognitive Theory and the Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. The feasibility testing will include 30 ICs who will have access to Carer eSupport for 1 month. The feasibility testing will be evaluated with a mixed-method design.

Ethics and dissemination: All procedures have been approved by the Ethics Committee at Uppsala University (Dnr: 2020-04650). Informed consent will be obtained before enrolment of patients, their ICs and healthcare staff. The feasibility testing is registered at (Identifier: NCT05028452). Findings will be disseminated in peer-reviewed journal publications.

Trial registration number: (Identifier: NCT05028452).

Keywords: complex intervention; development; feasibility testing; head and neck cancer; informal caregiver; study protocol.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing interests: None declared.

© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2022. Re-use permitted under CC BY. Published by BMJ.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Overview of the development phase and the feasibility testing phase of the intervention, Carer eSupport, according to Medical research councils guidelines for complex intervention.


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