Physical activity and incident type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies

Andrea D Smith, Alessio Crippa, James Woodcock, Søren Brage, Andrea D Smith, Alessio Crippa, James Woodcock, Søren Brage


Aims/hypothesis: Inverse associations between physical activity (PA) and type 2 diabetes mellitus are well known. However, the shape of the dose-response relationship is still uncertain. This review synthesises results from longitudinal studies in general populations and uses non-linear models of the association between PA and incident type 2 diabetes.

Methods: A systematic literature search identified 28 prospective studies on leisure-time PA (LTPA) or total PA and risk of type 2 diabetes. PA exposures were converted into metabolic equivalent of task (MET) h/week and marginal MET (MMET) h/week, a measure only considering energy expended above resting metabolic rate. Restricted cubic splines were used to model the exposure-disease relationship.

Results: Our results suggest an overall non-linear relationship; using the cubic spline model we found a risk reduction of 26% (95% CI 20%, 31%) for type 2 diabetes among those who achieved 11.25 MET h/week (equivalent to 150 min/week of moderate activity) relative to inactive individuals. Achieving twice this amount of PA was associated with a risk reduction of 36% (95% CI 27%, 46%), with further reductions at higher doses (60 MET h/week, risk reduction of 53%). Results for the MMET h/week dose-response curve were similar for moderate intensity PA, but benefits were greater for higher intensity PA and smaller for lower intensity activity.

Conclusions/interpretation: Higher levels of LTPA were associated with substantially lower incidence of type 2 diabetes in the general population. The relationship between LTPA and type 2 diabetes was curvilinear; the greatest relative benefits are achieved at low levels of activity, but additional benefits can be realised at exposures considerably higher than those prescribed by public health recommendations.

Keywords: Cohort studies; Dose–response; Meta-analysis; Physical activity; Systematic review; Type 2 diabetes.

Conflict of interest statement

Access to research materials

Information about how the data can be accessed is available from the corresponding author.

Duality of interest

The authors declare that there is no duality of interest associated with this manuscript

Contribution statement

JW and SB conceived this study. ADS and AC contributed to the design of the study. ADS conducted data collection. ADS and AC conducted the analysis. JW, SB, AC and ADS interpreted the results. ADS wrote the initial draft of the manuscript, with revisions by all authors. The final manuscript was approved by all authors. ADS, JWS and SB are the guarantors of this work.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Forest plot of the study-specific RRs for type 2 diabetes for every 10 MET h/week exposure of PA, sorted by PA domain and publication year. Study-specific estimates obtained by a generalised least squares regression assuming a linear relationship of the RR to the referent in a random-effects model. Referents for PA were the individuals reporting no or lowest level of PA within the specific study. (I)/(II) indicate subcohorts with independently reported risk estimates for type 2 diabetes. The black midline indicates the line of no effect. The diamond indicates the pooled (subgroup) estimate. Grey boxes are relative to study size and the black vertical lines indicate 95% CIs around the effect size estimate
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
(ad) Dose–response association between LTPA and incidence of type 2 diabetes modelled using restricted cubic splines and comparison of predicted RR point estimates for type 2 diabetes using different dose-assignment assumptions. LTPA converted to MET h/week with results pooled in a two-stage random-effects model. RRs were derived from a common lowest PA category within each study. Listed exposure levels were chosen to represent meaningful and easy to interpret PA volumes equivalent to the following: 30 min of MVPA; 1 h MVPA; rounded value to allow for comparison with GLS PA exposure increment; 150 min PA/current recommended guidelines; double the recommended guidelines and two high PA exposure levels investigating the risk reductions at the higher end of the LTPA spectrum. The bold lines indicate the pooled restricted cubic spline model and the black dashed line indicates the 95% CIs of the pooled curve. Duration assumption was necessary in nine out of 27 observations, applied as 45 min/session in scenarios (a) and (c), and 30 min/session in scenarios (b) and (d). Intensity assumption was necessary in 15 out of 27 observations, applied as low-intensity PA (LPA) = 3 MET, MVPA = 4.5 MET and VPA = 8 MET in scenarios (a) and (b), and LPA = 2 MET, MVPA = 3.5 MET and VPA = 7 MET in scenarios (c) and (d)


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