Randomised intervention study to assess the prevalence of subclinical vascular disease and hidden kidney disease and its impact on morbidity and mortality: The ILERVAS project

Àngels Betriu, Cristina Farràs, María Abajo, Montserrat Martinez-Alonso, David Arroyo, Ferran Barbé, Miquel Buti, Albert Lecube, Manuel Portero, Francisco Purroy, Gerard Torres, José Manuel Valdivielso, Elvira Fernández, Àngels Betriu, Cristina Farràs, María Abajo, Montserrat Martinez-Alonso, David Arroyo, Ferran Barbé, Miquel Buti, Albert Lecube, Manuel Portero, Francisco Purroy, Gerard Torres, José Manuel Valdivielso, Elvira Fernández


Background and objectives: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and atherosclerosis are 2 interrelated diseases that increase the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The objectives of the ILERVAS project are: 1) to determine the prevalence of subclinical arterial disease and hidden kidney disease; 2) to assess the impact of early diagnosis of both diseases on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and also on the progression of CKD; 3) to have a platform of data and biological samples.

Methods: Randomized intervention study. From 2015 to 2017, 19,800 people (9,900 in the intervention group and 9,900 in the control group) aged between 45 and 70 years without previous history of cardiovascular disease and with at least one cardiovascular risk factor will be randomly selected from the primary health care centres across the province of Lérida. A team of experts will travel around in a mobile unit to carry out the following baseline tests on the intervention group: Artery ultrasound; (carotid, femoral, transcranial and abdominal aorta); ankle-brachial index; spirometry; determination of advanced glycation end products; dried blood spot and urine spot tests. Additionally, blood and urine samples will be collected and stored in the biobank to identify new biomarkers using omics studies. Participants will be followed up until 2025 for identification of cardiovascular events, treatment changes and changes in lifestyle.

Conclusions: The ILERVAS project will reveal the prevalence of subclinical vascular disease and hidden kidney disease, determine whether or not their early diagnosis brings health benefits and will also allow investigation of new risk factors.

Keywords: Atherosclerotic plaque; Biomarcadores; Biomarkers; Capacidad pulmonar; Cardiovascular disease; Diagnóstico precoz; Early diagnosis; Enfermedad cardiovascular; Enfermedad renal oculta; Hidden kidney disease; Lung capacity; Placa de ateroma; Prevención; Prevention.

Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Nefrología. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

Source: PubMed
