Attrition among HIV positive children enrolled under integrated HIV care programme in Myanmar: 12 years cohort analysis

Aung Chan Minn, Nang Thu Thu Kyaw, Thet Ko Aung, Ohn Mar Mon, Thurain Htun, Myo Minn Oo, July Moe, Aye Aye Mon, Srinath Satyanarayana, Htun Nyunt Oo, Aung Chan Minn, Nang Thu Thu Kyaw, Thet Ko Aung, Ohn Mar Mon, Thurain Htun, Myo Minn Oo, July Moe, Aye Aye Mon, Srinath Satyanarayana, Htun Nyunt Oo


Background: In Myanmar, HIV seropositive children are being enrolled in an integrated HIV care (IHC) Program for HIV treatment and care since 2005.

Objectives: To assess the: (a) attrition (death or loss-to-follow-up) rates among children (aged ≥ 18 months to < 15 years) enrolled into the programme before and after initiation of anti-retroviral therapy (ART) (pre-ART and ART periods); (b) demographic and clinical factors associated with attrition during these two periods.

Methods: Children enrolled in IHC Programme and their status (death, lost to follow-up, regular follow-up or transferred out) was assessed as on 30 June 2017. Attrition rates (per 100 person-years) at pre - ART and ART periods were calculated and the association between demographic and clinical characteristics with attrition was assessed using Cox proportional hazards model.

Results: Among 2,736 children enrolled, pre-ART attrition rate was 19 per 100 person-years of follow-up (95% CI: 17-21) and ART attrition rate was 4 per 100 person-years of follow-up (95% CI: 3-4) with higher levels during the initial few months of enrolment. The 36-month retention rates during pre-ART period was 75% (95% CI: 72-78) and during ART period was 87% (95% CI: 86-88). The children 'at enrolment' with relatively lower levels of haemoglobin, immune deficiency, underweight for age, higher WHO clinical stages, presence of hepatitis B infection had higher hazards of attrition in both periods.

Conclusion: The attrition rates are high particularly among children with relatively poorer clinical, nutritional profiles at enrolment. The study suggests the urgent need for improving adherence counselling especially during the initial few months of enrolment and early ART initiation.

Keywords: Attrition; HIV; SORT-IT; children; death; lost to follow up; retention.


Figure 1.
Figure 1.
Flow diagram of the study participants and outcomes in children (aged 18 months –

Figure 2.

The smoothened ‘hazard function’ for…

Figure 2.

The smoothened ‘hazard function’ for pre-ART attrition in a cohort of HIV positive…

Figure 2.
The smoothened ‘hazard function’ for pre-ART attrition in a cohort of HIV positive children (aged 18 months to

Figure 3.

The smoothened ‘hazard function’ for…

Figure 3.

The smoothened ‘hazard function’ for attrition during ART period in a cohort of…

Figure 3.
The smoothened ‘hazard function’ for attrition during ART period in a cohort of HIV positive children (aged 18 months to

Figure 4.

Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph…

Figure 4.

Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph for Pre-ART attrition in children (aged 18 months…

Figure 4.
Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph for Pre-ART attrition in children (aged 18 months –

Figure 5.

Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph…

Figure 5.

Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph for ART attrition in children (aged 18 months…

Figure 5.
Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph for ART attrition in children (aged 18 months –
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    1. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS(UNAIDS) Data 2017. Geneva (Switserland); 2017. Available from:
    1. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS(UNAIDS) Regional HIV Statistics 2016. Geneva (Switzerland); 2017. Available from:
    1. Peacock-Villada E, Richardson BA, John-Stewart GC.. Post-HAART outcomes in pediatric populations: comparison of resource-limited and developed countries. Pediatrics. 2011;127:e423–11. - PMC - PubMed
    1. Vermund SH, Blevins M, Moon TD, et al. Poor clinical outcomes for HIV infected children on antiretroviral therapy in rural Mozambique: need for program quality improvement and community engagement. PLoS One. 2014;9:e110116. - PMC - PubMed
    1. Abuogi LL, Smith C, McFarland EJ. Retention of HIV-infected children in the first 12 months of anti-retroviral therapy and predictors of attrition in resource limited settings: a systematic review. PLoS One. 2016;11:e0156506. - PMC - PubMed
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The training programme and open access publications costs were funded by the Department for International Development (DFID), UK and La Fondation Veuve Emile Metz-Tesch (Luxembourg). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
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Figure 2.
Figure 2.
The smoothened ‘hazard function’ for pre-ART attrition in a cohort of HIV positive children (aged 18 months to

Figure 3.

The smoothened ‘hazard function’ for…

Figure 3.

The smoothened ‘hazard function’ for attrition during ART period in a cohort of…

Figure 3.
The smoothened ‘hazard function’ for attrition during ART period in a cohort of HIV positive children (aged 18 months to

Figure 4.

Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph…

Figure 4.

Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph for Pre-ART attrition in children (aged 18 months…

Figure 4.
Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph for Pre-ART attrition in children (aged 18 months –

Figure 5.

Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph…

Figure 5.

Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph for ART attrition in children (aged 18 months…

Figure 5.
Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph for ART attrition in children (aged 18 months –
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    1. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS(UNAIDS) Data 2017. Geneva (Switserland); 2017. Available from:
    1. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS(UNAIDS) Regional HIV Statistics 2016. Geneva (Switzerland); 2017. Available from:
    1. Peacock-Villada E, Richardson BA, John-Stewart GC.. Post-HAART outcomes in pediatric populations: comparison of resource-limited and developed countries. Pediatrics. 2011;127:e423–11. - PMC - PubMed
    1. Vermund SH, Blevins M, Moon TD, et al. Poor clinical outcomes for HIV infected children on antiretroviral therapy in rural Mozambique: need for program quality improvement and community engagement. PLoS One. 2014;9:e110116. - PMC - PubMed
    1. Abuogi LL, Smith C, McFarland EJ. Retention of HIV-infected children in the first 12 months of anti-retroviral therapy and predictors of attrition in resource limited settings: a systematic review. PLoS One. 2016;11:e0156506. - PMC - PubMed
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Grant support
The training programme and open access publications costs were funded by the Department for International Development (DFID), UK and La Fondation Veuve Emile Metz-Tesch (Luxembourg). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
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Figure 3.
Figure 3.
The smoothened ‘hazard function’ for attrition during ART period in a cohort of HIV positive children (aged 18 months to

Figure 4.

Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph…

Figure 4.

Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph for Pre-ART attrition in children (aged 18 months…

Figure 4.
Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph for Pre-ART attrition in children (aged 18 months –

Figure 5.

Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph…

Figure 5.

Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph for ART attrition in children (aged 18 months…

Figure 5.
Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph for ART attrition in children (aged 18 months –
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    1. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS(UNAIDS) Data 2017. Geneva (Switserland); 2017. Available from:
    1. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS(UNAIDS) Regional HIV Statistics 2016. Geneva (Switzerland); 2017. Available from:
    1. Peacock-Villada E, Richardson BA, John-Stewart GC.. Post-HAART outcomes in pediatric populations: comparison of resource-limited and developed countries. Pediatrics. 2011;127:e423–11. - PMC - PubMed
    1. Vermund SH, Blevins M, Moon TD, et al. Poor clinical outcomes for HIV infected children on antiretroviral therapy in rural Mozambique: need for program quality improvement and community engagement. PLoS One. 2014;9:e110116. - PMC - PubMed
    1. Abuogi LL, Smith C, McFarland EJ. Retention of HIV-infected children in the first 12 months of anti-retroviral therapy and predictors of attrition in resource limited settings: a systematic review. PLoS One. 2016;11:e0156506. - PMC - PubMed
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Grant support
The training programme and open access publications costs were funded by the Department for International Development (DFID), UK and La Fondation Veuve Emile Metz-Tesch (Luxembourg). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
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Figure 4.
Figure 4.
Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph for Pre-ART attrition in children (aged 18 months –

Figure 5.

Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph…

Figure 5.

Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph for ART attrition in children (aged 18 months…

Figure 5.
Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph for ART attrition in children (aged 18 months –
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    1. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS(UNAIDS) Data 2017. Geneva (Switserland); 2017. Available from:
    1. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS(UNAIDS) Regional HIV Statistics 2016. Geneva (Switzerland); 2017. Available from:
    1. Peacock-Villada E, Richardson BA, John-Stewart GC.. Post-HAART outcomes in pediatric populations: comparison of resource-limited and developed countries. Pediatrics. 2011;127:e423–11. - PMC - PubMed
    1. Vermund SH, Blevins M, Moon TD, et al. Poor clinical outcomes for HIV infected children on antiretroviral therapy in rural Mozambique: need for program quality improvement and community engagement. PLoS One. 2014;9:e110116. - PMC - PubMed
    1. Abuogi LL, Smith C, McFarland EJ. Retention of HIV-infected children in the first 12 months of anti-retroviral therapy and predictors of attrition in resource limited settings: a systematic review. PLoS One. 2016;11:e0156506. - PMC - PubMed
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Grant support
The training programme and open access publications costs were funded by the Department for International Development (DFID), UK and La Fondation Veuve Emile Metz-Tesch (Luxembourg). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
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Figure 5.
Figure 5.
Nelson Aalen Cumulative Hazard graph for ART attrition in children (aged 18 months –


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    1. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS(UNAIDS) Regional HIV Statistics 2016. Geneva (Switzerland); 2017. Available from:
    1. Peacock-Villada E, Richardson BA, John-Stewart GC.. Post-HAART outcomes in pediatric populations: comparison of resource-limited and developed countries. Pediatrics. 2011;127:e423–11.
    1. Vermund SH, Blevins M, Moon TD, et al. Poor clinical outcomes for HIV infected children on antiretroviral therapy in rural Mozambique: need for program quality improvement and community engagement. PLoS One. 2014;9:e110116.
    1. Abuogi LL, Smith C, McFarland EJ. Retention of HIV-infected children in the first 12 months of anti-retroviral therapy and predictors of attrition in resource limited settings: a systematic review. PLoS One. 2016;11:e0156506.
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