Reliability and validity of the NeuroCognitive Performance Test, a web-based neuropsychological assessment

Glenn E Morrison, Christa M Simone, Nicole F Ng, Joseph L Hardy, Glenn E Morrison, Christa M Simone, Nicole F Ng, Joseph L Hardy


The NeuroCognitive Performance Test (NCPT) is a brief, repeatable, web-based cognitive assessment platform that measures performance across several cognitive domains. The NCPT platform is modular and includes 18 subtests that can be arranged into customized batteries. Here we present normative data from a sample of 130,140 healthy volunteers for an NCPT battery consisting of 8 subtests. Participants took the NCPT remotely and without supervision. Factor structure and effects of age, education, and gender were evaluated with this normative dataset. Test-retest reliability was evaluated in a subset of participants who took the battery again an average of 78.8 days later. The eight NCPT subtests group into 4 putative cognitive domains, have adequate to good test-retest reliability, and are sensitive to expected age- and education-related cognitive effects. Concurrent validity to standard neuropsychological tests was demonstrated in 73 healthy volunteers. In an exploratory analysis the NCPT battery could differentiate those who self-reported Mild Cognitive Impairment or Alzheimer's disease from matched healthy controls. Overall these results demonstrate the reliability and validity of the NCPT battery as a measure of cognitive performance and support the feasibility of web-based, unsupervised testing, with potential utility in clinical and research settings.

Keywords: concurrent validity; fluid reasoning; memory; neuropsychological assessment; normative data; psychomotor speed; reliability; web-based.


Figure 1
Figure 1
NCPT normalization. Score distributions for Trail Making A before (left) and after (right) the normalization procedure. Each NCPT subtest is scaled following a percentile rank-based inverse normal transformation. The position of that percentile on a normal distribution is used to convert the raw score to a scaled score where the distribution has a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Effect of age on individual NCPT subtest scores and overall sum score. (A) The effect of age on the Grand Index was significant with peak performance occurring around age 25 and then declining in a linear fashion. (B) The effect of age on the individual subtests followed the same general trend. The decline in performance with age after 25 years appears linear for most subtests with the exception of Arithmetic Reasoning, Grammatical Reasoning, and Trail Making B. The curves were smoothed with a General Additive Model (GAM), a type of general linear model in which the linear predictor depends on linear smoothed functions (Wood, 2011). GAM was selected over a simple linear smoother because we observed that the effect of age on NCPT scores was non-linear. TA, Trail Making A; TB, Trail Making B; DSC, Digit Symbol Coding; FMS, Forward Memory Span; RMS, Reverse Memory Span; PM, Progressive Matrices; AR, Arithmetic Reasoning; GR, Grammatical Reasoning.
Figure 3
Figure 3
Effect of education on NCPT Grand Index score and individual NCPT subtest scores. (A) The effect of education on the Grand Index was significant with scores increasing with number of years education. (B) The same trend was observed for each subtest, with increasing years of education correlated to higher subtest scores. The curves were smoothed with a GAM function. GAM was selected over a simple linear smoother because we observed that the effect of education on NCPT scores was non-linear. TA, Trail Making A; TB, Trail Making B; DSC, Digit Symbol Coding; FMS, Forward Memory Span; RMS, Reverse Memory Span; PM, Progressive Matrices; AR, Arithmetic Reasoning; GR, Grammatical Reasoning.
Figure 4
Figure 4
Effect of gender on NCPT Grand Index score. (A) The interaction between age and gender was significant and suggests that the negative main effect of gender diminishes with age. The y axis is the non-age-normed NCPT sum score. (B) The interaction between education and gender was significant and suggests that education has a greater positive impact on males compared to females. The y axis is the non-age-normed NCPT sum score. The curves were smoothed with a GAM function. GAM was selected over a simple linear model because we observed that the effect of gender on NCPT scores was non-linear.
Figure 5
Figure 5
Inter-assessment correlations. Heat map showing that each NCPT subtest was significantly correlated with performance on more than one other subtest. The heat map suggests three groupings that share higher correlations, as follows: (1) Arithmetic Reasoning (AR), Grammatical Reasoning (GR), and Digit Symbol Coding (DSC); (2) Forward (FMS) and Reverse Memory Span (RMS); and (3) Trail Making A (TA) and Trail Making B (TB). Progressive Matrices (PM) does not appear to correlate strongly with any other subtest.
Figure 6
Figure 6
Box plots of NCPT Grand Index scores for self-report MCI, AD, and healthy controls. Compared to all healthy controls in the Normative Sample, the Grand Index score was 0.78 SD (p < 0.05) lower for those who self-reported MCI and 1.17 SD (p < 0.05) lower for those who self-reported AD suggesting the NCPT is able to differentiate those who self-report MCI or AD from those who don't.


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