Longitudinal pathways linking family risk, neural risk processing, delay discounting, and adolescent substance use

Jungmeen Kim-Spoon, Nina Lauharatanahirun, Kristin Peviani, Alexis Brieant, Kirby Deater-Deckard, Warren K Bickel, Brooks King-Casas, Jungmeen Kim-Spoon, Nina Lauharatanahirun, Kristin Peviani, Alexis Brieant, Kirby Deater-Deckard, Warren K Bickel, Brooks King-Casas


Background: Current theories in neuroscience emphasize the crucial role of individual differences in the brain contributing to the development of risk taking during adolescence. Yet, little is known about developmental pathways through which family risk factors are related to neural processing of risk during decision making, ultimately contributing to health risk behaviors. Using a longitudinal design, we tested whether neural risk processing, as affected by family multi-risk index, predicted delay discounting and substance use.

Method: One hundred and fifty-seven adolescents (aged 13-14 years at Time 1, 52% male) were assessed annually three times. Family multi-risk index was measured by socioeconomic adversity, household chaos, and family risk-taking behaviors. Delay discounting was assessed by a computerized task, substance use by questionnaire data, and risk-related neural processing by blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) responses in the amygdala during a lottery choice task.

Results: Family multi-risk index at Time 1 was related to adolescent substance use at Time 3 (after controlling for baseline substance use) indirectly through heightened amygdala sensitivity to risks and greater delay discounting.

Conclusions: Our results elucidate the crucial role of neural risk processing in the processes linking family multi-risk index and the development of substance use. Furthermore, risk-related amygdala activation and delay discounting are important targets in the prevention and treatment of substance use among adolescents growing up in high-risk family environments.

Keywords: Family multi-risk index; delay discounting; functional neuroimaging; risk processing; substance use.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors have declared that they have no competing or potential conflicts of interest.

Conflicts of interest statement: No conflicts declared.

© 2019 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.


Figure 1.
Figure 1.
A) In the lottery choice task, adolescents were asked to choose between pairs of uncertain gambles. For each gamble, there was a high and low monetary outcome, each associated with a specific probability. The associations between outcomes and probabilities are represented with corresponding colors (orange or blue), B) Each trial consisted of a decision phase, a fixation phase, an outcome phase, and an inter-trial-interval (ITI), C) During the decision phase of the economic lottery choice task, adolescents with higher (relative to lower) levels of family multi-risk index scores exhibited increased BOLD responses in the right amygdala to chosen gambles that were of higher relative to lower levels of risk (i.e., coefficient of variation; CV), t(133) = 4.09, p(cluster family-wise error correction) < .05).
Figure 2.
Figure 2.
Summarized model fitting results of the path model of longitudinal associations among family multi-risk index, neural risk processing, delay discounting, and substance use among adolescents. Standardized estimates are presented. *p < .05; **p < .001.


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