Pain sensitivity in sleepy pain-free normals

Bantu Samridhi Chhangani, Timothy A Roehrs, Erica J Harris, Maren Hyde, Christopher Drake, David W Hudgel, Thomas Roth, Bantu Samridhi Chhangani, Timothy A Roehrs, Erica J Harris, Maren Hyde, Christopher Drake, David W Hudgel, Thomas Roth


Study objective: Past studies have shown that acute experimental reduction of time in bed in otherwise healthy, non-sleepy people leads to hyperalgesia. We hypothesized that otherwise healthy, sleepy people may also exhibit hyperalgesia relative to their non-sleepy counterparts.

Design: Between-groups sleep laboratory study.

Setting: Hospital-based sleep disorders center.

Participants: Twenty-seven, healthy, normal participants (age 18-35 years) were recruited and categorized into sleepy and non-sleepy groups based on their average sleep latencies on a screening multiple sleep latency test (MSLT).

Interventions: Both groups were then allowed 8 hours time in bed, following which they underwent pain sensitivity testing (10:30 and 14:30) and sleepiness assessments by the MSLT (10:00, 12:00, 14:00, and 16:00). Pain sensitivity assessments were made by measuring finger withdrawal latencies to a radiant heat source delivering 5 different heat intensities.

Measurements and results: This study showed that after only one night of 8 hours time in bed, the sleepy participants continued to be sleepy and exhibited a more rapid finger withdrawal response (i.e., increased pain sensitivity) to radiant heat than non-sleepy participants.

Conclusion: This suggests that sleepy individuals experience hyperalgesia in response to a painful stimulus when compared with non-sleepy individuals.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Mean finger withdrawal latency (sec) for each of the 5 stimulus intensities (1-5: from lowest to highest) for all participants on the morning (AM: 10:30) and afternoon (PM: 14:30) tests. P

Figure 2

Mean finger withdrawal latency (sec)…

Figure 2

Mean finger withdrawal latency (sec) over the 5 stimulus intensities for non-sleepy and…

Figure 2
Mean finger withdrawal latency (sec) over the 5 stimulus intensities for non-sleepy and sleepy participants on the morning (AM: 10:30) and afternoon (PM: 14:30) tests. Groups differed on both tests: **P
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Figure 2
Figure 2
Mean finger withdrawal latency (sec) over the 5 stimulus intensities for non-sleepy and sleepy participants on the morning (AM: 10:30) and afternoon (PM: 14:30) tests. Groups differed on both tests: **P

Source: PubMed
