Cardiac Coherence Training to Reduce Anxiety in Remitted Schizophrenia, a Pilot Study

M Trousselard, F Canini, D Claverie, C Cungi, B Putois, N Franck, M Trousselard, F Canini, D Claverie, C Cungi, B Putois, N Franck


Health care that addresses the emotional regulation capacity of patients with schizophrenia confronted with daily stress may contribute to a less anxious life. A psycho-physiological training [cardiac coherence training (CCT)] focusing on emotion regulation is known to decrease anxiety for healthy individuals. We performed a pilot cross sectional survey to explore the benefits of CCT for clinically stable patients with schizophrenia. Ten patients were enrolled in the program consisting of twelve weekly 1-h session programs monitored over a 2-month period. Standardised questionnaires were used before and after the intervention to assess anxiety, well-being outcomes, and how patients deal with stress and stressors. Results showed that this quite-well accepted intervention improved (or tended to improve) well-being outcomes, state-anxiety, and emotional stressors evaluation. The successful transformations were higher for patients with the highest clinical and emotional suffering. Thus, this pilot study revealed that CCT may help patients with schizophrenia to deal with anxiety in daily life.

Keywords: Anxiety; Emotional regulation; No drug therapy; Schizophrenia; Well-being.

Conflict of interest statement

Compliance with Ethical Standards Conflict of interest The authors declare that there are no competing interests.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Evolution of the assessed outcomes’ scores for the GNO and GPO after the CCT. *indicating a significant difference (p < .05)


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