Multisite pacing for prevention of atrial tachyarrhythmias: potential mechanisms

R Becker, R Klinkott, A Bauer, J C Senges, K D Schreiner, F Voss, W Kuebler, W Schoels, R Becker, R Klinkott, A Bauer, J C Senges, K D Schreiner, F Voss, W Kuebler, W Schoels


Objectives: To determine the effects of single-, dual-, triple- and quadruple-site atrial pacing on atrial activation and refractoriness in normal canine hearts.

Background: Multisite pacing has been suggested to be superior to single-site pacing for prevention of atrial tachyarrhythmias. However, the underlying electrophysiological mechanisms are undetermined at the moment, as is the rationale for the selection of pacing locations and the number of pacing sites.

Methods: In 13 normal beagle dogs, an epicardial multielectrode (128 bipoles) and a multiplexer mapping system were used to reconstruct epicardial atrial activation patterns obtained during simultaneous stimulation from up to four electrodes located in the high and low right and left atrium, respectively. For all pacing modes (single-, dual-, triple- and quadruple-site pacing), total activation times and local effective refractory periods at eight randomly selected sites as well as local recovery intervals were determined. In a subgroup of five dogs, total epicardial activation times were also obtained during single-site septal stimulation (septal group).

Results: Activation times and local recovery intervals were minimized by triple-site stimulation, whereas a fourth site did not produce further shortening. Septal stimulation produced epicardial activation times comparable to quadruple-site stimulation. Local refractory periods and their dispersion always remained unaffected. Functional conduction blocks apparent during single-site were found to resolve during multisite stimulation.

Conclusions: Multisite pacing can prevent functional conduction blocks by multidirectional excitation and a reduction in total activation time. Triple-site and, possibly, septal pacing modes are expected to be most efficient because both minimize total activation times and maximize the multidirectionality of excitation. In spite of unaffected local refractory periods, the shortening of local recovery intervals might homogenize atrial repolarization and, thus, contribute to the preventive effects of multisite pacing.

Source: PubMed
