Self-Reported Periodization of Nutrition in Elite Female and Male Runners and Race Walkers

Ida Aliisa Heikura, Trent Stellingwerff, Louise Mary Burke, Ida Aliisa Heikura, Trent Stellingwerff, Louise Mary Burke


Athletes should achieve event-specific physiological requirements through careful periodization of training, underpinned by individualized and targeted nutrition strategies. However, evidence of whether, and how, elite endurance athletes periodize nutrition is scarce. Accordingly, elite international female (n = 67) and male (n = 37) middle/long-distance athletes (IAAF score: 1129 ± 54, corresponds to 13:22.49 [males] and 15:17.93 [females] in the 5000 m) completed an online survey (February-May 2018) examining self-reported practices of dietary periodization for micro (within/between-days), meso (weeks/months) and macro (across the year) contexts. Data are shown as the percentage of all athletes practicing a given strategy followed by the % of athletes reporting various beliefs or practices within this strategy. Differences according to sex, event (middle-distance [800 m/1500 m] vs. track-distance [3000 m-10000 m] vs. road-distance [marathon/race walks]), caliber (high [major championship qualifier] vs. lower), and training volume (low/moderate/high male and female tertiles) were analyzed using Chi-square test or Kruskal-Wallis Test and indicated statistically different when p ≤ 0.05. Most athletes reported eating more on hard training days (92%) and focusing on nutrition before (84%; carbohydrate intake [63%] and timing [58%]) and after (95%; protein goals [59%], timing [55%], carbohydrate goals [50%]) key sessions. Road-distance were the most (62 and 57%), and middle-distance the least (30 and 30%) likely to train fasted (p = 0.037) or restrict carbohydrates periodically (p = 0.050), respectively. Carbohydrate intake during training (58% of total) was more common in males (79%; p = 0.004) and road-distance (90%; p < 0.001) than females (53%) or middle/track-distance (48 and 37%). Most athletes (83%) reported following a specific diet before and during race day, with half of the athletes focusing on carbohydrates. Nearly all (97%) road-distance athletes reported following a during-race nutrition plan (carbohydrates/fluids:89%). Only 32% reported taking advice from a dietitian/nutritionist. Based on our analysis: (1) Road-distance athletes periodize carbohydrate availability while track/middle-distance avoid low carbohydrate availability; (2) Middle-distance runners emphasize physique goals to guide their nutrition strategies; (3) Females seem to be more cautious of increasing energy/carbohydrate intake; (4) Among all athletes, nutrition strategies are chosen primarily to improve performance, followed by reasons related to physique, adaptation and health outcomes. Overall, these athletes appear to possess good knowledge of nutrition for supporting training and competition performance.

Keywords: carbohydrate availability; elite athletes; endurance athletes; nutrition periodization; questionnaire.


A1: Overall dietary practices across the year. The prevalence of specific, consistent nutrition practices (e.g., vegetarian) and the reasons for following them in 104 elite female and male track and field endurance athletes. Percentages (%) reflect the % of athletes that chose a specific answer in relation to all athletes (YES/NO answers) or in relation to specific sub-question populations (i.e., % of those that answered YES or NO). In addition, number (n) of athletes per each answer box has been provided. Answer boxes or circles are color coded based on % of all athletes as follows: ≥ 50%, black box with white font; 30–49%, dark gray box with white font; 20–29%, light gray box with black font; < 20%, white box with black font. Light gray circles with diagonal stripes indicate zero responses to this option. Symbols have been used to reflect significant (p < 0.05) between-group differences between sexes (vector sex symbol), athlete caliber (medal symbol), distance event (runner symbol), and reported volume during base training (distance symbol). Where significant differences were detected, answer boxes include a brief description of direction of difference, for example, M > F reflects a higher % of males (M) compared to females (F) for that answer. MidD, Middle Distance (800 and 1500 m); TrackD, track distance (3000 m steeplechase to 10,000 m); RoadD, road distance (marathon and race walks). High caliber, major championship qualifiers; Lower caliber, those that have not qualified to major championships. Low, Moderate, and High Volume groups as sex-specific tertile cut-offs.
B1: Nutrition on hard training days during base training phase. The prevalence of specific nutrition practices on hard training days and the reasons for following them in 95 elite female and male track and field endurance athletes. Please see full description for figure within Figure 1.
B2: Nutrition on easy training days during base training phase. The prevalence of specific nutrition practices on easy training days and the reasons for following them in 94 elite female and male track and field endurance athletes. Please see full description for figure within Figure 1.
B3: Nutrition before (3.1) and after (3.2) key training sessions during base training phase. The prevalence of specific nutrition practices around fueling and recovery from key training sessions and the reasons for following them in 93 elite female and male track and field endurance athletes. Please see full description for figure within Figure 1.
B4: Fasted training during base training phase. The prevalence of training in the fasted state with specific details around timing, frequency and reasons for this strategy in 93 elite female and male track and field endurance athletes. Please see full description for figure within Figure 1.
B5: Periodic carbohydrate restriction during base training phase. The prevalence of restricting carbohydrate intake periodically with specific details around timing, frequency and reasons for this strategy in 92 elite female and male track and field endurance athletes. Please see full description for figure within Figure 1.
B6: Gut training during base training phase. The prevalence of training the gut (i.e., ingesting carbohydrates during workouts) with specific details around timing, frequency and reasons for this strategy in 86 elite female and male track and field endurance athletes. Please see full description for figure within Figure 1.
C: Major nutrition strategies implemented during competition season and preparation for competition as compared to base/endurance phase. Answers to Part C: “Compared to nutrition during base/endurance training phase, how much do you focus on the following dietary strategies during competition season (track athletes) or preparation for competition (road athletes)?” Values are percentages of all athletes (n = 83): white bars, less likely; gray bars, equally likely; black bars, more likely to follow this strategy. Symbols have been used to reflect significant (p < 0.05) between-group differences between sexes (vector sex symbol), and distance event (runner symbol). Where significant differences were detected, the symbols are combined with a brief description of direction of difference, for example, M > F reflects a higher % of males (M) compared to females (F) for that answer. MidD, Middle Distance (800 and 1500 m); TrackD, track distance (3000 m steeplechase to 10,000 m); RoadD, road distance (marathon and race walks).
D1: Nutrition in the 24–48h time period before the race. The prevalence of specific nutrition strategies and the reasons for them in 83 elite female and male track and field endurance athletes within the acute time period preceding the main race. Please see full description for figure within Figure 1.
D2: Nutrition on race day. The prevalence of specific nutrition strategies and the reasons for them in 83 elite female and male track and field endurance athletes on the day of the main race. Please see full description for figure within Figure 1.
D3: Nutrition during the race. The prevalence of specific nutrition strategies and the reasons for them in 36 elite female and male track and field endurance athletes during the main race. Only athletes competing in road events replied to this question. Please see full description for figure within Figure 1.


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