Study of inter- and intra-individual variations in the salivary microbiota

Vladimir Lazarevic, Katrine Whiteson, David Hernandez, Patrice François, Jacques Schrenzel, Vladimir Lazarevic, Katrine Whiteson, David Hernandez, Patrice François, Jacques Schrenzel


Background: Oral bacterial communities contain species that promote health and others that have been implicated in oral and/or systemic diseases. Culture-independent approaches provide the best means to assess the diversity of oral bacteria because most of them remain uncultivable.

Results: The salivary microbiota from five adults was analyzed at three time-points by means of the 454 pyrosequencing technology. The V1-V3 region of the bacterial 16S rRNA genes was amplified by PCR using saliva lysates and broad-range primers. The bar-coded PCR products were pooled and sequenced unidirectionally to cover the V3 hypervariable region. Of 50,708 obtained sequences, 31,860 passed the quality control. Non-bacterial sequences (2.2%) were removed leaving 31,170 reads. Samples were dominated by seven major phyla: members of Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes and candidate division TM7 were identified in all samples; Fusobacteria and Spirochaetes were identified in all individuals, but not at all time-points. The dataset was represented by 3,011 distinct sequences (100%-ID phylotypes) of ~215 nucleotides and 583 phylotypes defined at ≥97% identity (97%-ID phylotypes). We compared saliva samples from different individuals in terms of the phylogeny of their microbial communities. Based on the presence and absence of phylotypes defined at 100% or 97% identity thresholds, samples from each subject formed separate clusters. Among individual taxa, phylum Bacteroidetes and order Clostridiales (Firmicutes) were the best indicators of intraindividual similarity of the salivary flora over time. Fifteen out of 81 genera constituted 73 to 94% of the total sequences present in different samples. Of these, 8 were shared by all time points of all individuals, while 15-25 genera were present in all three time-points of different individuals. Representatives of the class Sphingobacteria, order Sphingobacteriales and family Clostridiaceae were found only in one subject.

Conclusions: The salivary microbial community appeared to be stable over at least 5 days, allowing for subject-specific grouping using UniFrac. Inclusion of all available samples from more distant time points (up to 29 days) confirmed this observation. Samples taken at closer time intervals were not necessarily more similar than samples obtained across longer sampling times. These results point to the persistence of subject-specific taxa whose frequency fluctuates between the time points. Genus Gemella, identified in all time-points of all individuals, was not defined as a core-microbiome genus in previous studies of salivary bacterial communities. Human oral microbiome studies are still in their infancy and larger-scale projects are required to better define individual and universal oral microbiome core.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Proportion of taxonomic assignments under the phylum level. Bars represent the reads assigned to each of the four taxonomic levels for each major phylum. Their heights represent the percentage of reads that can be placed at a given level of taxonomy using the MG-RAST server. C, class; O, order; F, family; G, genus.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Relative abundance of predominant phyla across 15 microbiomes from 5 subjects. Bacterial phyla are indicated by the colour mode. Rare "cyanobacteria" identified in samples 1-5, 1-29 and 5-1 are not depicted. The rightmost column designated as "All" corresponds to the average of phyla frequency in individual samples. Sample numbers include subject ID, hyphen and the follow up time (days) after the first sampling time point (day 1).
Figure 3
Figure 3
Relative abundance of bacterial genera across samples. Rows 1 to 81 correspond to genera listed in Additional file 1, Supplementary Table 1. Each column represents one sample. The abundance (%) is indicated according to the scale at the bottom of the plot. The sequences assigned to genera cover 85-97% of total sequences in individual samples.
Figure 4
Figure 4
Number of phylotypes and genera as function of the total number of sequences. A. Rarefaction curves of individual samples. Curves were generated at the 97%-ID cutoff using RDP pyrosequencing pipeline [24]. The three samples from the same subject are represented by the same colour. B. Rarefaction curves of the pooled dataset. OTUs with ≥97%, ≥95% and ≥90% pairwise sequence identity generated using RDP pyrosequencing pipeline [24] are arbitrarily assumed to form the same species, genus and family respectively. C. Number of genera. Taxonomic composition was identified using MG-RAST. The three samples from the same subject are represented by symbols of the same colour.
Figure 5
Figure 5
Comparison of the salivary microbiotas. A. Hierarchical clustering trees were generated using unweighted UniFrac based on the presence or absence of all 3011 phylotypes (All) defined at 100% identity or subsets including indicated phylum or order Clostridiales. The trees based on 583 phylotypes defined at 97% identity and their derivatives obtained by the removal of hypervariable regions are designated All OTU003, and All OTU003-hv, respectively. Clusters formed by the three time points of the same subject are colour-shaded. PCoA analysis based on unweighted (B) or weighted (including abundance) UniFrac and 100%-ID phylotypes (C). Samples from the same subject are represented by the same colour.


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