Evaluating community-based participatory research to improve community-partnered science and community health

Sarah Hicks, Bonnie Duran, Nina Wallerstein, Magdalena Avila, Lorenda Belone, Julie Lucero, Maya Magarati, Elana Mainer, Diane Martin, Michael Muhammad, John Oetzel, Cynthia Pearson, Puneet Sahota, Vanessa Simonds, Andrew Sussman, Greg Tafoya, Emily White Hat, Sarah Hicks, Bonnie Duran, Nina Wallerstein, Magdalena Avila, Lorenda Belone, Julie Lucero, Maya Magarati, Elana Mainer, Diane Martin, Michael Muhammad, John Oetzel, Cynthia Pearson, Puneet Sahota, Vanessa Simonds, Andrew Sussman, Greg Tafoya, Emily White Hat


Background: Since 2007, the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) Policy Research Center (PRC) has partnered with the Universities of New Mexico and Washington to study the science of community-based participatory research (CBPR). Our goal is to identify facilitators and barriers to effective community-academic partnerships in American Indian and other communities, which face health disparities.

Objectives: We have described herein the scientific design of our National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded study (2009-2013) and lessons learned by having a strong community partner leading the research efforts.

Methods: The research team is implementing a mixed-methods study involving a survey of principal investigators (PIs) and partners across the nation and in-depth case studies of CBPR projects.

Results: We present preliminary findings on methods and measures for community-engaged research and eight lessons learned thus far regarding partnership evaluation, advisory councils, historical trust, research capacity development of community partner, advocacy, honoring each other, messaging, and funding.

Conclusions: Study methodologies and lessons learned can help community-academic research partnerships translate research in communities.


Figure 1. CBPR Conceptual Logic Model
Figure 1. CBPR Conceptual Logic Model
Adapted from: Wallerstein, Oetzel, Duran, Tafoya, Belone, & Rae, “What Predicts Outcomes In CBPR,” in CBPR for health from process to outcomes, Minkler & Wallerstein (eds.). San Francisco, CA, Jossey-Bass, 2008; and Wallerstein & Duran, CBPR contributions to intervention research: The intersection of science and practice to improve health equity. Am J Public Health; S1, 2010:100;S40-S46.

Source: PubMed
