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A Crossover Study to Determine the Effect on Lung Function of Indacaterol in Patients With Moderate to Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Using Tiotropium as an Active Control

2011年7月22日 更新者:Novartis

A Phase III, Randomized, Double-blind, Double-dummy, Placebo-controlled, Multicenter, 3-period Incomplete Block, Multidose Crossover Study to Determine the Effect on Lung Function of Indacaterol (150 and 300 μg o.d.) in Patients With Moderate to Severe COPD, Using Tiotropium (18 μg o.d.) as an Active Control

The study compared the 24-hour spirometry profile of indacaterol with that of placebo and with tiotropium as an active control in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.




注册 (实际的)



  • 第三阶段




      • Durban、南非
        • Novartis Investigator Site
      • Gauting、德国
        • Novartis Investigator Site
      • Grosshansdorf、德国
        • Novartis Investigator Site
      • Mainz、德国
        • Novartis Investigator Site
      • Marburg、德国
        • Novartis Investigator Site
      • Wiesbaden、德国
        • Novartis Investigator Site
      • Wellington、新西兰
        • Novartis Investigator Site
      • Katowice、波兰
        • Novartis Investigator Site
      • Warsaw、波兰
        • Novartis Investigator Site
      • Camperdown、澳大利亚
        • Novartis Investigative Site
      • Almelo、荷兰
        • Novartis Investigator Site
      • Breda、荷兰
        • Novartis Investigator Site
      • Eindhoven、荷兰
        • Novartis Investigator Site
      • Harderwijk、荷兰
        • Novartis Investigator Site
      • Helmond、荷兰
        • Novartis Investigator Site
      • Alicante、西班牙
        • Novartis Investigative Site
      • Cacenes、西班牙
        • Novartis Investigative Site
      • La Coruna、西班牙
        • Novartis Investigator Site
      • Madrid、西班牙
        • Novartis Investigative Site
      • Orense、西班牙
        • Novartis Investigator Site





40年 及以上 (成人、年长者)





Inclusion Criteria:

  • Male and female adults aged ≥ 40 years, who have signed an Informed Consent Form prior to initiation of any study-related procedure
  • Co-operative out patients with a diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (moderate to severe as classified by the Global initiative for chronic obstructive lung disease (GOLD) Guidelines, 2006) and:

    1. Smoking history of at least 10 pack years (current or previous smokers)
    2. Post-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) < 80% and ≥30% of the predicted normal value.
    3. Post-bronchodilator FEV1/Forced vital capacity (FVC) < 70%

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Patients who have been hospitalized for a COPD exacerbation in the 6 weeks prior to Visit 1 or during the run-in period
  • Patients requiring long-term oxygen therapy for chronic hypoxemia
  • Patients who have had a respiratory tract infection within 6 weeks prior to Visit
  • Patients with concomitant pulmonary disease
  • Patients with a history of asthma
  • Patients with diabetes Type I or uncontrolled diabetes Type II
  • Any patient with lung cancer or a history of lung cancer
  • Any patient with active cancer or a history of cancer with less than 5 years disease free survival time
  • Patients with a history of long QT syndrome or whose QTc interval (Bazett's) measured at Visit 1 or randomization is prolonged
  • Patients who have been vaccinated with live attenuated vaccines within 30 days prior to screening or during the run-in period.
  • Patients unable to successfully use a dry powder inhaler device, MDI or perform spirometry measurements

Other protocol-defined inclusion/exclusion criteria may apply.





  • 主要用途:治疗
  • 分配:随机化
  • 介入模型:交叉作业
  • 屏蔽:双倍的


实验性的:Sequence 1: Placebo,Tiotropium, Indacaterol 150 μg
In period I, placebo to indacaterol (150 or 300 μg) delivered via SDDPI. The placebo for blinding tiotropium was delivered via the tiotropium inhalation device. In period II, tiotropium (18 μg) once daily delivered via inhalation device and matching placebo to indacaterol delivered once daily via single dose dry powder inhaler (SDDPI). In period III, indacaterol 150 μg once daily delivered via SDDPI and placebo to tiotropium was delivered once daily via the tiotropium inhalation device. Daily inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) monotherapy (where applicable) was provided to remain stable throughout study. The Short acting (beta) β2-agonist (SABA) was available for rescue use throughout the study.
Indacaterol 150 μg or 300 μg, delivered via SDDPI
Tiotropium 18 μg once daily delivered via inhalation device
Placebo to indacaterol (150 or 300 μg) delivered via SDDPI. The placebo for blinding tiotropium was delivered via the tiotropium manufacturer's proprietary inhalation device (HandiHaler®)
实验性的:Sequence 2: Indacaterol 300 μg, Indacaterol 150 μg, Tiotropium
In period I,indacaterol 300 μg once daily delivered via single dose dry powder inhaler (SDDPI)and matching placebo to tiotropium delivered once daily via tiotropium inhalation device. In period II, indacaterol 150 μg once daily delivered via SDDPI and matching placebo to tiotropium delivered once daily via tiotropium inhalation device. In period III, tiotropium (18 μg) once daily delivered via inhalation device and matching placebo to indacaterol delivered once daily via SDDPI. Daily ICS monotherapy (where applicable) was provided to remain stable throughout study. The SABA was available for rescue use throughout the study.
Indacaterol 150 μg or 300 μg, delivered via SDDPI
Tiotropium 18 μg once daily delivered via inhalation device
实验性的:Sequence 3: Indacaterol 150 μg, Indacaterol 300 μg, Placebo
In period I, indacaterol 150 μg once daily delivered via SDDPI and matching placebo to tiotropium delivered once daily via tiotropium inhalation device. In period II, indacaterol 300 μg once daily delivered via SDDPI and matching placebo to tiotropium delivered once daily via tiotropium inhalation device. In period III, placebo to indacaterol (150 or 300 μg) delivered via SDDPI. The placebo for blinding tiotropium was delivered via the tiotropium inhalation device. Daily ICS monotherapy (where applicable) was provided to remain stable throughout study. The SABA was available for rescue use throughout the study.
Indacaterol 150 μg or 300 μg, delivered via SDDPI
Placebo to indacaterol (150 or 300 μg) delivered via SDDPI. The placebo for blinding tiotropium was delivered via the tiotropium manufacturer's proprietary inhalation device (HandiHaler®)
实验性的:Sequence 4: Tiotropium, Placebo, Indacaterol 300 μg
In period I, tiotropium (18 μg) once daily delivered via inhalation device and matching placebo to indacaterol delivered once daily via SDDPI. In period II, placebo to indacaterol (150 or 300 μg) delivered via SDDPI. The placebo for blinding tiotropium was delivered via the tiotropium inhalation device. In period III, indacaterol 300 μg once daily delivered via SDDPI and matching placebo to tiotropium delivered once daily via tiotropium inhalation device. Daily ICS monotherapy (where applicable) was provided to remain stable throughout study. The SABA was available for rescue use throughout the study.
Indacaterol 150 μg or 300 μg, delivered via SDDPI
Tiotropium 18 μg once daily delivered via inhalation device
Placebo to indacaterol (150 or 300 μg) delivered via SDDPI. The placebo for blinding tiotropium was delivered via the tiotropium manufacturer's proprietary inhalation device (HandiHaler®)



24-hour Post-dose Trough Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 Second (FEV1) After 14 Days of Treatment
大体时间:23 hours 10 minutes and 23 hours 45 minutes post-dose on Day 15 of each treatment period
FEV1 was measured with spirometry conducted according to internationally accepted standards. Trough FEV1 was defined as the mean of FEV1 measurements at 23 h 10 min and 23 h 45 min post Day 14 dose measured on the morning of Day 15 in each treatment period. The model used for analysis contained the (period) baseline FEV1 as covariate. The (period) baseline FEV1 was defined as the value measured before the study drug administration in that treatment period.
23 hours 10 minutes and 23 hours 45 minutes post-dose on Day 15 of each treatment period


Peak FEV1 During 4 Hours Post Morning Dose on Day 1
大体时间:Day 1 (from 0 to 4 hours post morning dose)
FEV1 was measured with spirometry conducted according to internationally accepted standards. The peak effect on Day 1 was defined as the maximum FEV1 during the first 4 hour on that day. FEV1 measurements taken within 6 hour of rescue use were set to missing before the peak FEV1 (0-4 hour) was calculated. The model used for analysis contained the (period) baseline FEV1 as covariate. The (period) baseline FEV1 was defined as the value measured before the study drug administration in that treatment period.
Day 1 (from 0 to 4 hours post morning dose)







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