Determining Smoking Cessation Related Information, Motivation, and Behavioral Skills among Opiate Dependent Smokers in Methadone Treatment

Nina A Cooperman, Kimber P Richter, Steven L Bernstein, Marc L Steinberg, Jill M Williams, Nina A Cooperman, Kimber P Richter, Steven L Bernstein, Marc L Steinberg, Jill M Williams


Background: Over 80% of people in methadone treatment smoke cigarettes, and existing smoking cessation interventions have been minimally effective.

Objective: To develop an Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills (IMB) Model of behavior change based smoking cessation intervention for methadone maintained smokers, we examined smoking cessation related IMB factors in this population.

Methods: Current or former smokers in methadone treatment (n = 35) participated in focus groups. Ten methadone clinic counselors participated in an individual interview. A content analysis was conducted using deductive and inductive approaches.

Results: Commonly known IMB factors related to smoking cessation were described. These factors included: the health effects of smoking and treatment options for quitting (information); pregnancy and cost of cigarettes (motivators); and coping with emotions, finding social support, and pharmacotherapy adherence (behavioral skills). IMB factors specific to methadone maintained smokers were also described. These factors included: the relationship between quitting smoking and drug relapse (information), the belief that smoking is the same as using drugs (motivator); and coping with methadone clinic culture and applying skills used to quit drugs to quitting smoking (behavioral skills). IMB strengths and deficits varied by individual.

Conclusions: Methadone maintained smokers could benefit from research on an IMB Model based smoking cessation intervention that is individualized, addresses IMB factors common among all smokers, and also addresses IMB factors unique to this population.

Keywords: Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills Model; cigarette; methadone; opiate; smoking cessation.


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