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Costs, Health Status and Outcomes of CAP (Community-Acquired Pneumonia) (CHO-CAP)

11 de junio de 2015 actualizado por: G.A. de Wit, UMC Utrecht

Collecting Health Outcomes and Economic Data on Hospitalized Community-Acquired Pneumonia - a Prospective Cohort Study

The purpose of this study is to collect additional data on hospitalized Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) on health states, health outcomes and on (health) resources and estimate the differences in the quality of life and resources of elderly persons with and without CAP.

Descripción general del estudio




Descripción detallada

Within the study data on quality of life and various health and non-health resources and their costs is collected with the help of questionnaires administered at different points in time in different cohorts. Data collection is additional upon data collected in the main CAPITA trial, such as incidence data, mortality estimates, use of some health care resources, vaccine effectiveness and general background (socio-demographic) data.

In a first sub-study of CHO-CAP, the CAPITA participants are asked, via written information distributed shortly after vaccination, to fill in once-only a short questionnaire describing their health status (5 item EQ-5D instrument) and a few additional socio-demographic background data. This is done in order to determine an EQ-5D baseline score (index value for health status) - a prerequisite to match CAP patients and controls later, and as such an inclusion criterion for the two (nested) cohorts that will be followed prospectively.

About 2,000 cases of CAP are expected to occur in the CAPITA cohort in the next two to three years. Assuming a response rate of ~30% for the baseline questionnaire, we will have some 600 CAP cases out of the 2,000 expected patients for whom a baseline EQ-5D score is available. These CAP patients will be asked to participate in a prospective cohort study. Within CHO-CAP, these CAP cases will be followed for up to one year after their CAP episode. For each CAP case included in the CAP cohort, two controls from the baseline population are matched and included in a cohort of controls (non-CAP elderly with similar baseline health status). Controls will also be followed for up to one year. The matches between CAP cases and controls will be made based on age, sex and EQ-5D baseline score. This implies that controls will only be recruited from the group that responded to the baseline measurement of health status shortly after vaccination. For both cohorts, the CAP patients and the matched controls, additional data on health care and non-health care resource use, on health status, using EQ-5D and SF-36 questionnaires, and on selected health outcomes is collected at four contact (at 0, 1, 6 and 12 months) moments within a period of 1 year. This will be done using questionnaires, distributed during a home visit and by post.

Tipo de estudio

De observación

Inscripción (Actual)


Contactos y Ubicaciones

Esta sección proporciona los datos de contacto de quienes realizan el estudio e información sobre dónde se lleva a cabo este estudio.

Ubicaciones de estudio

      • The Netherlands, Países Bajos
        • Questionnaires are filled in at participants home addresses

Criterios de participación

Los investigadores buscan personas que se ajusten a una determinada descripción, denominada criterio de elegibilidad. Algunos ejemplos de estos criterios son el estado de salud general de una persona o tratamientos previos.

Criterio de elegibilidad

Edades elegibles para estudiar

65 años y mayores (Adulto Mayor)

Acepta Voluntarios Saludables


Géneros elegibles para el estudio


Método de muestreo

Muestra no probabilística

Población de estudio

The study population consists of community-dwelling persons 65 years and older and taking part in the CAPITA trial, in total 85,000 persons


Inclusion Criteria:

  • Only participants of the CAPITA trial. Therefore the inclusion criteria as applied in CAPITA are the baseline for the current study. Additionally all participants had to be consent and had to fill in a baseline EQ-5D questionnaire
  • Additionally for CAP patients: Consent to be filling to participate as a CAP and the presence of CAP has to be confirmed by the independent adjudication committee of the main CAPITA trial
  • Additionally for controls: Consent to be filling to participate as control

Exclusion Criteria:

  • The non-availability of a baseline EQ-5D score is an exclusion criterion for the prospectively followed cohorts (both CAP patients and controls)
  • In all stages of the study, patients have the right to withdraw their consent and stop their participation in this study.

Plan de estudios

Esta sección proporciona detalles del plan de estudio, incluido cómo está diseñado el estudio y qué mide el estudio.

¿Cómo está diseñado el estudio?

Detalles de diseño

Cohortes e Intervenciones

Grupo / Cohorte
CAP cohort
Includes cases that were hospitalized because of a community-acquired pneumonia during the study period, and for which we had a baseline EQ-5D score from the start of the study period. These CAP cases are prospectively followed for up to one year using questionnaires for health status and (health) resources.
Controls cohort
For each CAP cases, two controls are matched based on age, sex and baseline EQ-5D score measured at the start of the study. These controls are prospectively followed for up to one year using questionnaires for health status and (health) resources.

¿Qué mide el estudio?

Medidas de resultado primarias

Medida de resultado
Periodo de tiempo
(Differences in) the quality of life/health status of elderly persons with and without CAP; inclusive of a 12-months follow-up period after occurrence of a CAP
Periodo de tiempo: 12-months follow-up after CAP
12-months follow-up after CAP
(Differences in) the resources use (health care and non-health care) by CAP patients and non-diseased controls; inclusive of follow-up of 12 months after discharge
Periodo de tiempo: 12-months follow-up after CAP
12-months follow-up after CAP

Medidas de resultado secundarias

Medida de resultado
Periodo de tiempo
To describe the baseline health status and quality of life in a community-dwelling population of 65 years and older
Periodo de tiempo: at the begin of the study
at the begin of the study

Colaboradores e Investigadores

Aquí es donde encontrará personas y organizaciones involucradas en este estudio.



  • Investigador principal: G.Ardine de Wit, PhD, Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care; UMC Utrecht
  • Investigador principal: Marc J.M. Bonten, Prof., MD PhD, Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care; UMC Utrecht

Publicaciones y enlaces útiles

La persona responsable de ingresar información sobre el estudio proporciona voluntariamente estas publicaciones. Estos pueden ser sobre cualquier cosa relacionada con el estudio.

Fechas de registro del estudio

Estas fechas rastrean el progreso del registro del estudio y los envíos de resultados resumidos a Los registros del estudio y los resultados informados son revisados ​​por la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina (NLM) para asegurarse de que cumplan con los estándares de control de calidad específicos antes de publicarlos en el sitio web público.

Fechas importantes del estudio

Inicio del estudio

1 de noviembre de 2008

Finalización primaria (Actual)

1 de octubre de 2014

Finalización del estudio (Actual)

1 de octubre de 2014

Fechas de registro del estudio

Enviado por primera vez

18 de diciembre de 2008

Primero enviado que cumplió con los criterios de control de calidad

18 de diciembre de 2008

Publicado por primera vez (Estimar)

19 de diciembre de 2008

Actualizaciones de registros de estudio

Última actualización publicada (Estimar)

12 de junio de 2015

Última actualización enviada que cumplió con los criterios de control de calidad

11 de junio de 2015

Última verificación

1 de junio de 2015

Más información

Términos relacionados con este estudio

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