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Computerized Intervention for Distress Intolerance

2019年11月20日 更新者:Richard Macatee、Auburn University
This study evaluates the impact of a computerized distress intolerance intervention relative to a control intervention on cannabis use-related behavior and neurophysiology.



Distress intolerant cannabis users were randomized to a computerized distress intolerance intervention or a control intervention. Primary and secondary outcomes consist of the treatment target, cannabis use-related behavior, and theoretically-relevant neurophysiological processes (i.e., cannabis cue reactivity, response inhibition).



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18年 至 30年 (成人)





Inclusion Criteria:

  • Distress Intolerance Index score >= 20
  • Average cannabis use frequency in the past year >= 2-3/week

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Current suicidal ideation
  • History of psychotic symptoms
  • Bipolar-spectrum disorder without stabilization on medication for >= 3 months
  • Change in psychotropic medication in the past month
  • Current CBT for internalizing or substance use disorders





  • 主要用途:治疗
  • 分配:随机化
  • 介入模型:并行分配
  • 屏蔽:双倍的


实验性的:Computerized Distress Intolerance Intervention
Two, 1-hour computerized sessions that include psychoeducation about emotional avoidance, idiographic emotional exposure, and construction of idiographic implementation intentions to practice distress tolerance skills outside of session.
安慰剂比较:Computerized Healthy Behaviors Intervention
Two, 1-hour computerized sessions that focus on psychoeducation about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.



Change in Distress Intolerance Index (DII) score from Baseline through 4-Month Follow-Up
大体时间:Baseline, post-treatment (i.e., ~1 week following the last treatment session), 1-month follow-up, 4-month follow-up
Self-report measure of Distress Intolerance (Distress Intolerance Index [DII]; McHugh & Otto, 2012). The DII is a self-report measure comprised of 10 items that are summed together to form a total score (minimum: 0; maximum: 40). Higher scores indicate greater distress intolerance (i.e., worse outcome).
Baseline, post-treatment (i.e., ~1 week following the last treatment session), 1-month follow-up, 4-month follow-up
Change in Mirror-Tracing Persistence Task (MTPT) quit latency from Baseline to Post-Treatment
大体时间:Baseline, post-treatment (i.e., ~1 week following the last treatment session)
Behavioral measure of Distress Intolerance (Mirror-Tracing Persistence Task [MTPT]; Macatee & Cougle, 2015). The MTPT is a behavioral persistence measure that assesses behavioral distress intolerance via the latency to quit a distressing task. Scores range from 0 seconds to a maximum persistence time of 7 minutes. Lower scores indicate greater distress intolerance (i.e., worse outcome).
Baseline, post-treatment (i.e., ~1 week following the last treatment session)
Change in Marijuana Problems Scale (MPS) score from Baseline through 4-Month Follow-Up
大体时间:Baseline, post-treatment (i.e., ~1 week following the last treatment session), 1-month follow-up, 4-month follow-up
Self-report measure of marijuana use-related problems (Marijuana Problems Scale [MPS]; Stephens et al., 2000). The MPS is a self-report measure of marijuana use-related problem severity in the past month. The measure is comprised of 19 items with a minimum score of 0 and a maximum score of 38. Higher scores indicate greater marijuana use-related problem severity in the past month (i.e., worse outcome).
Baseline, post-treatment (i.e., ~1 week following the last treatment session), 1-month follow-up, 4-month follow-up
Change in Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD) diagnostic criteria from Baseline to 4-Month Follow-Up
大体时间:Baseline, 4-month follow-up
Interviewer-assessed Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)-5 Cannabis Use Disorder diagnostic criteria. DSM-5 Cannabis Use Disorder criteria were assessed via interview at baseline and again at the 4-month follow-up. Total number of Cannabis Use Disorder criteria was used to assess Cannabis Use Disorder severity (minimum score: 0; maximum score: 11). Higher scores indicate greater Cannabis Use Disorder severity (i.e., worse outcome).
Baseline, 4-month follow-up
Change in Timeline follow-back (TLFB) cannabis use frequency from Baseline through 4-Month Follow-Up
大体时间:Baseline, post-treatment (i.e., ~1 week following the last treatment session), 1-month follow-up, 4-month follow-up
Percent cannabis use days in the past month (Timeline follow-back [TLFB]; Hjorthoj et al., 2012). The Timeline follow-back (TLFB) is a self-report measure that assesses cannabis use over the past 4 weeks. Percentage of days on which cannabis was used in the past four weeks was used to assess cannabis use frequency (minimum: 0%; maximum: 100%). Higher scores indicate greater cannabis use frequency (i.e., worse outcome).
Baseline, post-treatment (i.e., ~1 week following the last treatment session), 1-month follow-up, 4-month follow-up
Change in Marijuana Motives Measure (MMM) score from Baseline through 4-Month Follow-Up
大体时间:Baseline, post-treatment (i.e., ~1 week following the last treatment session), 1-month follow-up, 4-month follow-up
Self-reported motives for cannabis use (Marijuana Motives Measure [MMM]; Zvolensky et al., 2007). The Marijuana Motives Measure (MMM) is a self-report measure that assesses different motives for marijuana use. The coping motives subscale was the subscale of interest in this project. The Coping motives subscale is comprised of 4 items that are then averaged (minimum score: 1; maximum score: 5). Greater scores indicate greater coping motives for marijuana use (i.e., worse outcome).
Baseline, post-treatment (i.e., ~1 week following the last treatment session), 1-month follow-up, 4-month follow-up
Change in Marijuana Craving Questionnaire (MCQ) score from Baseline to Post-Treatment
大体时间:Baseline, post-treatment (i.e., ~1 week following the last treatment session)
Self-reported state craving for marijuana (Marijuana Craving Questionnaire [MCQ]; Heishman et al., 2009). The Marijuana Craving Questionnaire (MCQ) is a self-report measure of current craving for marijuana use. The emotionality subscale was the subscale of interest in this project. The Emotionality subscale is comprised of 5 items that are then averaged (minimum score: 1; maximum score: 7). Greater scores indicate greater marijuana craving (i.e., worse outcome). In this project, the outcome of interest is the extent to which a laboratory stress induction increases state marijuana craving.
Baseline, post-treatment (i.e., ~1 week following the last treatment session)


Change in electroencephalography (EEG) index of acute stress modulation of cannabis cue reactivity (assessed by the Late Positive Potential [LPP]) from Baseline to Post-Treatment
大体时间:Baseline, post-treatment (i.e., ~1 week following the last treatment session)
Acute Stress modulation of the Late Positive Potential (LPP) to Cannabis Cues. The LPP to visual cannabis cues before and after a laboratory stress induction will be measured as a neurophysiological index of acute stress modulation of cannabis cue incentive salience. Greater values indicate a larger neural response to cannabis cues during acute stress (i.e., worse outcome).
Baseline, post-treatment (i.e., ~1 week following the last treatment session)
Change in electroencephalography (EEG) index of acute stress modulation of threat reactivity (assessed by the Late Positive Potential [LPP]) from Baseline to Post-Treatment
大体时间:Baseline, post-treatment (i.e., ~1 week following the last treatment session)
Acute Stress modulation of the Late Positive Potential (LPP) to threat stimuli. The LPP to visual threat stimuli before and after a laboratory stress induction will be measured as a neurophysiological index of acute stress modulation of threat reactivity. Greater values indicate a larger neural response to threat during acute stress (i.e., worse outcome).
Baseline, post-treatment (i.e., ~1 week following the last treatment session)
Change in electroencephalography (EEG) index of acute stress modulation of response inhibition (assessed by the N200 [N2]) from Baseline to Post-Treatment
大体时间:Baseline, post-treatment (i.e., ~1 week following the last treatment session)
Acute stress modulation of the N2 to no-go stimuli. The N2 to no-go vs. go stimuli on a go/no-go task before and after a laboratory stress induction will be measured as a neurophysiological index of the acute stress modulation of response inhibition. More negative values indicate a larger neural response to stimuli requiring response inhibition during acute stress (i.e., better outcome).
Baseline, post-treatment (i.e., ~1 week following the last treatment session)




  • 首席研究员:Richard J Macatee, PhD、Auburn University





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  • 201720828
  • F31DA039644-01A1 (美国 NIH 拨款/合同)

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