
03-29 05:18
K-ras mutations and benefit from cetuximab in advanced colorectal cancer
03-29 05:18
Wild-type KRAS is required for panitumumab efficacy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer
03-29 05:18
Decreased catecholamine degradation associates with shock and kidney injury after cardiac surgery
03-29 05:18
Complementary feeding: a Global Network cluster randomized controlled trial
03-29 05:18
Randomized controlled trial of meat compared with multimicronutrient-fortified cereal in infants and toddlers with high stunting rates in diverse settings
03-29 05:18
Efficacy of initial haemopurification strategy for acute paraquat poisoning in adults: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (HeSAPP)
03-29 05:18
Allogeneic bone marrow-derived flk-1+Sca-1- mesenchymal stem cells leads to stable mixed chimerism and donor-specific tolerance
03-29 05:18
Mesenchymal stem cells induce mature dendritic cells into a novel Jagged-2-dependent regulatory dendritic cell population
03-29 05:18
Human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells facilitate the immunosuppressive effect of cyclosporin A on T lymphocytes through Jagged-1-mediated inhibition of NF-κB signaling
03-29 05:18
Upper airway assessment using four different maxillary expanders in cleft patients: A cone-beam computed tomography study
03-29 05:18
Nasal septum changes in adolescent patients treated with rapid maxillary expansion
03-29 05:18
Effects of vitamin D supplementation on metabolic indices and hs-CRP levels in gestational diabetes mellitus patients: a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial
03-29 05:18
Frequency of Vitamin D deficiency in pregnant diabetics at Baskent University Hospital, Istanbul
03-29 05:18
Comparative study of the effectiveness of a low-pressure hyperbaric oxygen treatment and physical exercise in women with fibromyalgia: randomized clinical trial
03-29 05:18
Determinants of erythrocyte omega-3 fatty acid content in response to fish oil supplementation: a dose-response randomized controlled trial
03-29 05:18
Effect of acute aerobic exercise before immunotherapy and chemotherapy infusion in patients with metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer: protocol for the ERICA feasibility trial
03-29 05:18
Cell replacement therapy for Parkinson's disease
03-29 05:18
A multicentre study on suicide outcomes following subthalamic stimulation for Parkinson's disease
03-29 05:18
Single cell transcriptomics identifies stem cell-derived graft composition in a model of Parkinson's disease
03-29 05:18
Neurostimulation for Parkinson's disease with early motor complications
03-29 05:18
Levodopa Equivalent Dose Conversion Factors: An Updated Proposal Including Opicapone and Safinamide
03-29 05:18
Extensive graft-derived dopaminergic innervation is maintained 24 years after transplantation in the degenerating parkinsonian brain
03-29 05:17
IAP-Based Cell Sorting Results in Homogeneous Transplantable Dopaminergic Precursor Cells Derived from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
03-29 05:17
Dopamine neurons derived from human ES cells efficiently engraft in animal models of Parkinson's disease
03-29 05:17
Predictive Markers Guide Differentiation to Improve Graft Outcome in Clinical Translation of hESC-Based Therapy for Parkinson's Disease

Clinical Research News

