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Long-Term, Follow-Up Study Of the Safety And Efficacy Of Levetiracetam In Children With Partial Onset Seizures

2013年2月8日 更新者:UCB Pharma

A Multi-Center, Open-Label, Long-Term, Follow-Up Study Of the Safety And Efficacy Of Levetiracetam In Children With Partial Onset Seizures.

To allow pediatric patients with partial onset seizures an opportunity to receive (as follow-up to studies N01009(NCT00105040)/N01103(NCT00175890) or by direct enrollment) open-label levetiracetam treatment, continue studying cognition and behavior in children, and continue collection of safety/efficacy data.






入学 (実際)



  • フェーズ 3




    • Alabama
      • Mobile、Alabama、アメリカ
    • Arizona
      • Phoenix、Arizona、アメリカ
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      • Los Angeles、California、アメリカ
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      • Denver、Colorado、アメリカ
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      • Pensacola、Florida、アメリカ
      • Tallahassee、Florida、アメリカ
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      • Augusta、Georgia、アメリカ
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      • Chicago、Illinois、アメリカ
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      • New Orleans、Louisiana、アメリカ
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      • St. Paul、Minnesota、アメリカ
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      • Edison、New Jersey、アメリカ
      • Voorhees、New Jersey、アメリカ
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      • Buffalo、New York、アメリカ
      • New York、New York、アメリカ
      • Rochester、New York、アメリカ
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      • Chapel Hill、North Carolina、アメリカ
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    • Pennsylvania
      • Hershey、Pennsylvania、アメリカ
      • Philadelphia、Pennsylvania、アメリカ
    • South Carolina
      • Charleston、South Carolina、アメリカ
    • Tennessee
      • Germantown、Tennessee、アメリカ
      • Nashville、Tennessee、アメリカ
    • Texas
      • Fort Worth、Texas、アメリカ
      • Galveston、Texas、アメリカ
    • Utah
      • Salt Lake City、Utah、アメリカ
    • Virginia
      • Norfolk、Virginia、アメリカ
      • Richmond、Virginia、アメリカ
    • West Virginia
      • Morgantown、West Virginia、アメリカ
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      • Milwaukee、Wisconsin、アメリカ
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      • Roma、イタリア
      • Hyderabad、インド
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      • Mahim Mumbai、インド
      • Mumbai、インド
      • Pune Maharashtra、インド
    • British Columbia
      • Vancouver、British Columbia、カナダ
    • Ontario
      • Thornhill、Ontario、カナダ
      • Toronto、Ontario、カナダ
      • Brno、チェコ共和国
      • Praha 4、チェコ共和国
      • Berlin、ドイツ
      • Erlangen、ドイツ
      • Heidelberg、ドイツ
      • Jena、ドイツ
      • Kiel、ドイツ
    • Kork
      • Kehl、Kork、ドイツ
      • Budapest、ハンガリー
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      • Kalingrad、ロシア連邦
      • Moscow、ロシア連邦
      • St Petersburg、ロシア連邦
      • St. Petersburg、ロシア連邦
      • Cape Town、南アフリカ
      • Capitol Park、南アフリカ
      • Johannesburg、南アフリカ





1ヶ月~16年 (子)






Inclusion Criteria:

  • Pediatric patients with partial onset seizures, with 1 to 2 anti-epileptic drugs (AEDS), with participation in previous levetiracetam pediatric studies (N01009 or N01103) or direct enrollment, for whom levetiracetam treatment will be of possible benefit

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Patients on a ketogenic diet
  • Seizures too close together to accurately count
  • Pseudoseizures
  • Status epilepticus 1 month prior Visit 1
  • Current diagnosis of Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome or epilepsy secondary to a progressing cerebral disease will be excluded from the study.





  • 主な目的:処理
  • 割り当て:非ランダム化
  • 介入モデル:単一グループの割り当て
  • マスキング:なし(オープンラベル)


参加者グループ / アーム
Per protocol oral tablets or oral solution at 10 to 30mg/kg/day bid for 48 weeks, or approximately 52 weeks should a subject choose to discontinue levetiracetam (LEV) at the end of the maintenance period.
  • ケプラ



Percentage Change (Reduction) of Partial (Type I) Seizure Frequency Per Week From Baseline Over Time During Treatment Period.
時間枠:Up-titration/Conversion Period (2-8 weeks); Maintenance Period (2-8 weeks to 40-46 weeks)
Positive changes from Baseline indicate an improvement (i.e., a reduction) in seizure frequency per week.
Up-titration/Conversion Period (2-8 weeks); Maintenance Period (2-8 weeks to 40-46 weeks)


Percentage Change (Reduction) of Total (Type I, II, III) Seizure Frequency Per Week From Baseline Over Time During Treatment Period.
時間枠:Up-titration/Conversion Period (2-8 weeks); Maintenance Period (2-8 weeks to 40-46 weeks)
Positive changes from Baseline indicate an improvement (i.e., a reduction) in seizure frequency per week.
Up-titration/Conversion Period (2-8 weeks); Maintenance Period (2-8 weeks to 40-46 weeks)
Partial (Type I) Seizure Frequency Per Week Over Time During Treatment Period.
時間枠:Up-titration/Conversion Period (2-8 weeks); Maintenance Period (2-8 weeks to 40-46 weeks)
Up-titration/Conversion Period (2-8 weeks); Maintenance Period (2-8 weeks to 40-46 weeks)
Total (Type I, II, III) Seizure Frequency Per Week Over Time During Treatment Period.
時間枠:Up-titration/Conversion Period (2-8 weeks); Maintenance Period (2-8 weeks to 40-46 weeks)
Up-titration/Conversion Period (2-8 weeks); Maintenance Period (2-8 weeks to 40-46 weeks)
Change (Reduction) From Baseline in Partial (Type I) Seizure Frequency Per Week Over Time During Treatment Period
時間枠:Up-titration/Conversion Period (2-8 weeks); Maintenance Period (2-8 weeks to 40-46 weeks)
Positive changes from Baseline indicate an improvement (i.e., a reduction) in seizure frequency per week.
Up-titration/Conversion Period (2-8 weeks); Maintenance Period (2-8 weeks to 40-46 weeks)
Change (Reduction) From Baseline in Total (Type I, II, III) Seizure Frequency Per Week Over Time During Treatment Period
時間枠:Up-titration/Conversion Period (2-8 weeks); Maintenance Period (2-8 weeks to 40-46 weeks)
Positive changes from Baseline indicate an improvement (i.e., a reduction) in seizure frequency per week.
Up-titration/Conversion Period (2-8 weeks); Maintenance Period (2-8 weeks to 40-46 weeks)
Partial Seizure (Type I) Responder Rate (Percent) During the Up-titration/Conversion Phase and by Visit During the Maintenance Phase
時間枠:Up-titration (4 weeks); Maintenance Visits 3-4 (weeks 4-14, 6-15, or 8-16); Visits 4-5 (weeks 14-24, 15-24, or 16-24); Visits 5-6 (weeks 24-36); Visits 6-7 (weeks 36-48)

The responder rate is defined as the number of responders. A responder is a patient with a 50% or greater change (reduction) in partial seizure frequency per week.

Note: Rates were reported as percentages.

Up-titration (4 weeks); Maintenance Visits 3-4 (weeks 4-14, 6-15, or 8-16); Visits 4-5 (weeks 14-24, 15-24, or 16-24); Visits 5-6 (weeks 24-36); Visits 6-7 (weeks 36-48)
Partial Seizure (Type I) Maximum Seizure Free Interval (Percentage of Days Belonging to a Seizure Free Interval of 28 Days or More)
時間枠:Subjects with up to 24 weeks of exposure
For subjects with up to 24 weeks in the evaluation phase the denominator for each subject is their number of days in the evaluation phase.
Subjects with up to 24 weeks of exposure
Partial Seizure (Type I) Maximum Seizure Free Interval (Percentage of Days Belonging to a Seizure Free Interval of 28 Days or More)
時間枠:Subjects with greater than 24 weeks of exposure
For subjects with greater than 24 weeks in the evaluation phase the denominator for each subject is their number of days in the evaluation phase.
Subjects with greater than 24 weeks of exposure
Total Seizure (Type I, II, III) Maximum Seizure Free Interval (Percentage of Days Belonging to a Seizure Free Interval of 28 Days or More)
時間枠:Subjects with up to 24 weeks of exposure
For subjects with up to 24 weeks in the evaluation phase the denominator for each subject is their number of days in the evaluation phase.
Subjects with up to 24 weeks of exposure
Total Seizure (Type I, II, III) Maximum Seizure Free Interval (Percentage of Days Belonging to a Seizure Free Interval of 28 Days or More)
時間枠:Subjects with greater than 24 weeks of exposure
For subjects with greater than 24 weeks in the evaluation phase the denominator for each subject is their number of days in the evaluation phase.
Subjects with greater than 24 weeks of exposure
Total Seizure (Type I, II, III) Continuously Seizure Free During the Maintenance Period
時間枠:greater than or equal to 24 weeks, greater than or equal to 40 weeks

The measure description is the product limit adjusted percent of subjects seizure free starting from the beginning of the Maintenance Period.

The up-titration period is the up to 6 week period of increasing dose prior to the Maintenance Period. The Maintenance Period is the period of stable dosing, subsquent to the up-titration period, which could last from 42 to 48 weeks.

greater than or equal to 24 weeks, greater than or equal to 40 weeks
Percent of Subjects With Each Seizure Type During the Evaluation Period
時間枠:Evaluation period (48 weeks)

Type I Seizure is a partial onset Seizure (see International League Against Epilepsy definitions).

Type II Seizure is a Generalized Seizure (see International League Against Epilepsy definitions).

Type III Seizure is a Unknown Seizure Type (see International League Against Epilepsy definitions).

A subject could experience more than one seizure type.

Evaluation period (48 weeks)
Investigator Global Evaluation Scale
時間枠:End of Evaluation period (week 48 or at point of early discontinuation)
There are 7 categories, 3 for improvement (Marked improvement, Moderate improvement, Slight improvement), 3 for worsening (Slight worsening, Moderate worsening, Marked worsening), and 1 for no change (No change).
End of Evaluation period (week 48 or at point of early discontinuation)
Parent/Guardian Global Evaluation Scale
時間枠:End of Evaluation period (week 48 or at point of early discontinuation)
There are 7 categories, 3 for improvement (Marked improvement, Moderate improvement, Slight improvement), 3 for worsening (Slight worsening, Moderate worsening, Marked worsening), and 1 for no change (No change).
End of Evaluation period (week 48 or at point of early discontinuation)
Subject (>=8 Years Old) Global Evaluation Scale
時間枠:End of Evaluation period (week 48 or at point of early discontinuation)
There are 7 categories, 3 for improvement (Marked improvement, Moderate improvement, Slight improvement), 3 for worsening (Slight worsening, Moderate worsening, Marked worsening), and 1 for no change (No change).
End of Evaluation period (week 48 or at point of early discontinuation)
Leiter-R Associated Memory (AM) Memory Screen Composite Score Change From Baseline to Visit 5 (Week 24) and Visit 7 (Week 48) (4 to 16 Year Olds)
時間枠:Baseline to Visit 5 (Week 24) and Visit 7 (Week 48)
The Leiter-R AM battery has 10 subtests. The raw scores of the subtests are converted into scaled scores. Six composite scores are constructed from the 10 subtest scaled scores. The Memory Screen is one of them. It is composed of 2 subtests the Associated Pairs and Forward Memory. The sum of the Associated Pairs and Forward Memory subtest scaled scores are converted into a Memory composite score normally distributed with a mean and standard deviation of 100 (±15). Higher scores and positive changes from baseline are better. The range of the Memory Screen composite score is 44 to 155.
Baseline to Visit 5 (Week 24) and Visit 7 (Week 48)
Bayley Scale of Infant Development (BSID) II Mental Development Index Scores Classification Shift From Baseline at Visit 5 (Week 24) (1 Month to < 4 Year Olds)
時間枠:Visit 5 (Week 24)
This score is obtained from a total raw score which is the sum of a battery of individual questions. It is adjusted for a child's age, has an expected mean of 100 and standard deviation of 15, and can be categorized as: (1) Accelerated Performance (>= 115), (2) Within Normal Limits (85-114), (3) Mildly Delayed Performance (70-84), and (4) Significantly Delayed Performance (<=69). Changes from baseline are then further categorized where 'Improved' is any positive category change, 'Stable' is no category change, and 'Worsened' is any negative category change, from baseline.
Visit 5 (Week 24)
Bayley Scale of Infant Development (BSID) II Mental Development Index Scores Classification Shift From Baseline at Visit 7 (Week 48) (1 Month to < 4 Year Olds)
時間枠:Visit 7 (week 48)
This score is obtained from a total raw score which is the sum of a battery of individual questions. It is adjusted for a child's age, has an expected mean of 100 and standard deviation of 15, and can be categorized as: (1) Accelerated Performance (>= 115), (2) Within Normal Limits (85-114), (3) Mildly Delayed Performance (70-84), and (4) Significantly Delayed Performance (<=69). Changes from baseline are then further categorized where 'Improved' is any positive category change, 'Stable' is no category change, and 'Worsened' is any negative category change, from baseline.
Visit 7 (week 48)
Bayley Scale of Infant Development (BSID) II Psychomotor Development Index Scores Classification Shift From Baseline at Visit 5 (Week 24) (1 Month to < 4 Year Old)
時間枠:Visit 5 (week 24)
This score is obtained from a total raw score which is the sum of a battery of individual questions. It is adjusted for a child's age, has an expected mean of 100 and standard deviation of 15, and can be categorized as: (1) Accelerated Performance (>= 115), (2) Within Normal Limits (85-114), (3) Mildly Delayed Performance (70-84), and (4) Significantly Delayed Performance (<=69). Changes from baseline are then further categorized where 'Improved' is any positive category change, 'Stable' is no category change, and 'Worsened' is any negative category change, from baseline.
Visit 5 (week 24)
Bayley Scale of Infant Development (BSID) II Psychomotor Development Index Scores Classification Shift From Baseline at Visit 7 (Week 48) (1 Month to < 4 Year Old)
時間枠:Visit 7 (week 48)
This score is obtained from a total raw score which is the sum of a battery of individual questions. It is adjusted for a child's age, has an expected mean of 100 and standard deviation of 15, and can be categorized as: (1) Accelerated Performance (>= 115), (2) Within Normal Limits (85-114), (3) Mildly Delayed Performance (70-84), and (4) Significantly Delayed Performance (<=69). Changes from baseline are then further categorized where 'Improved' is any positive category change, 'Stable' is no category change, and 'Worsened' is any negative category change, from baseline.
Visit 7 (week 48)





  • スタディディレクター:UCB Clinical Trial Call Center、+1 877 822 9493





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levetiracetam (LEV)の臨床試験
