Eisai in Portugal



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About Eisai

We give first thought to patients and their families, and to increasing the benefits health care provides. A human health care company capable of making a meaningful contribution under any health care system while observing the highest legal and ethical standards in business activities. We give first thoughts to patients and their families. We strive to increase the benefits that healthcare provides them and we conduct our business to meet their diversified healthcare needs worldwide. As a human health care ("hhc") company, we develop and provide products and services that contribute to the well-being of patients and their families under any healthcare system. It is an integral part of our corporate mission that we exercise good business judgment and act in a proper manner, in compliance with all relevant laws and ethical standards. These principles are essential to the company's existence and are given top priority in all corporate activities. We hereby establish our Charter of Business Conduct as a statement of our commitment to compliance. Eisai's officers, directors and managers recognize that it is their role to lead by example by implementing the content and spirit of this Charter in all the work they do and in supervising those who work with them. By adhering to this Charter, they will inspire and encourage everyone to apply these standards in all their activities. Everyone is expected to abide by the content and spirit of this Charter.
