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Optimising Screening for Early Disease Detection in Familial Pulmonary Fibrosis (FLORIS)

4 mei 2022 bijgewerkt door: Jan C. Grutters, MD, St. Antonius Hospital

In this study the prognostic value of the current screening parameters for familial pulmonary fibrosis (FPF) will be investigated by looking at the screenings of 200 first-degree relatives of patients with FPF.

Also insight in the natural history of early FPF, and the necessary interval between screenings visits will be investigated.

Studie Overzicht



Gedetailleerde beschrijving

Familial pulmonary fibrosis (FPF) is a fatal lung disease that is often not diagnosed until a significant portion of the lung function is lost. Median survival after diagnosis is 3 to 5 years. As treatment can only slow down lung function decline, early disease detection is essential to provide timely therapeutic support. As first-degree relatives of patients with FPF are at high risk of developing pulmonary fibrosis as well, a screening protocol has been put in place. However, the value of current screening parameters to detect early asymptomatic disease as well as the optimal interval between screening appointments are unknown. A prospective study into the prognostic value of these screening markers in the target population and the appropriate clinical setting is needed to develop an evidence-based screening protocol. There will be an emphasis on easily operable parameters that may allow for redirection of (part of the) screening activities to the general practice in the future.



Inschrijving (Verwacht)


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Deelname Criteria

Onderzoekers zoeken naar mensen die aan een bepaalde beschrijving voldoen, de zogenaamde geschiktheidscriteria. Enkele voorbeelden van deze criteria zijn iemands algemene gezondheidstoestand of eerdere behandelingen.


Leeftijden die in aanmerking komen voor studie

18 jaar en ouder (Volwassen, Oudere volwassene)

Accepteert gezonde vrijwilligers


Geslachten die in aanmerking komen voor studie




Studie Bevolking

Asymptomatic first-degree relatives of patients with FPF are invited to enroll.


Inclusion Criteria:

  • Asymptomatic first-degree relative of patients with familial pulmonary fibrosis (FPF)

Exclusion Criteria:

  • A previous diagnosis of interstitial lung disease (ILD)
  • Minors (aged <18 years)
  • Pregnant

Note: woman who are pregnant at the start of the study or at the time of the HRCT are not allowed to participate. If a participant gets pregnant at a later stage during the study, she will not be excluded from the study. To be able to account for a potential effect of pregnancy during data analysis, female participants can be asked if they are pregnant at every visit.

Studie plan

Dit gedeelte bevat details van het studieplan, inclusief hoe de studie is opgezet en wat de studie meet.

Hoe is de studie opgezet?


  • Observatiemodellen: Cohort
  • Tijdsperspectieven: Prospectief

Wat meet het onderzoek?

Primaire uitkomstmaten

Maatregel Beschrijving
Characteristics of participants
Tijdsspanne: Baseline
Difference in age, sex, body weight, smoking history and comorbidities between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
Forced Vital Capacity (FVC)
Tijdsspanne: Baseline
Difference in forced vital capacity (FVC) between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
Haemoglobulin-corrected carbon monoxide diffusing capacity (DLCOc)
Tijdsspanne: Baseline
Difference in haemoglobulin-corrected carbon monoxide diffusing capacity (DLCOc) between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
Total lung capacity (TLC)
Tijdsspanne: Baseline
Difference in total lung capacity (TLC) between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
Biomarker levels
Tijdsspanne: Baseline
Difference in Krebs von den Lungen 6 (KL6), chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 18 (CCL18), surfactant protein-D (SP-D), matrix metalloproteinase 7 (MMP7) between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
Oxygen saturation in 6-minute walk test (6MWT)
Tijdsspanne: Baseline
Difference in oxygen saturation (rest in %), oxygen saturation (after 6MWT in %), oxygen saturation (nadir in %) and oxygen saturation (difference between rest and nadir in %) (all continuous variables) between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
Distance (meters) in 6-minute walk test (6MWT)
Tijdsspanne: Baseline
Difference in distance covered (in meters) between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
MUC5B genotype
Tijdsspanne: Baseline
Difference in MUC5B genotype (all discrete variables) between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
Patient reported cough score
Tijdsspanne: Baseline
Difference in visual analogue scale (VAS) for cough (scores between 0-100, with 100 being the worst) between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
Patient reported dyspnea score
Tijdsspanne: Baseline
Difference in medical research council (MRC) (scores between 0-5, with 5 being the worst) between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
Tijdsspanne: Baseline
Difference in presence of digital clubbing between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
Tijdsspanne: Baseline
Difference in inspiratory crackles during lung auscultation between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT

Secundaire uitkomstmaten

Maatregel Beschrijving
Forced Vital Capacity (FVC)
Tijdsspanne: 2 years
Difference in forced vital capacity (FVC) over the course of 2 years in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and also between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
2 years
Haemoglobulin-corrected carbon monoxide diffusing capacity (DLCOc)
Tijdsspanne: 2 years
Difference in haemoglobulin-corrected carbon monoxide diffusing capacity (DLCOc) over the course of 2 years in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and also between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
2 years
Total lung capacity (TLC)
Tijdsspanne: 2 years
Difference in total lung capacity (TLC) over the course of 2 years in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and also between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
2 years
Biomarker levels
Tijdsspanne: 2 years
Difference in KL6, CCL18, SP-D and MMP7 over the course of 2 years in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and also between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
2 years
Tijdsspanne: 2 years
Difference in MUC5B genotype over the course of 2 years in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and also between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
2 years
Oxygen saturation in 6-minute walk test (6MWT)
Tijdsspanne: 2 years
Difference in oxygen saturation (rest in %), oxygen saturation (after 6MWT in %), oxygen saturation (nadir in %) and oxygen saturation (difference between rest and nadir in %) (all continuous variables) over the course of 2 years in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and also between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
2 years
Distance (meters) in 6-minute walk test (6MWT)
Tijdsspanne: 2 years
Difference in distance covered (in meters) over the course of 2 years in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and also between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
2 years
Patient reported cough score
Tijdsspanne: 2 years
Difference in visual analogue scale (VAS) for cough (scores between 0-100, with 100 being the worst) over the course of 2 years in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and also between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
2 years
Patient reported dyspnea score
Tijdsspanne: 2 years
Difference in medical research council (MRC) (scores between 0-5, with 5 being the worst) over the course of 2 years in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and also between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
2 years
Digital clubbing
Tijdsspanne: 2 years
Difference in presence of digital clubbing over the course of 2 years in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and also between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
2 years
Tijdsspanne: 2 years
Difference in inspiratory crackles during lung auscultation over the course of 2 years in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and also between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
2 years
Patient reported fatigue
Tijdsspanne: 2 years
Difference in fatigue assessment scale (FAS) (scores range from 10-50, with 50 being the worst) over the course of 2 years in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and also between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
2 years
Patient reported health status
Tijdsspanne: 2 years
Difference in EuroQol 5D-5L (EQ-5D-5L) (comprises of a score in five levels, level 1-5 with 5 being the worst, and a visual analoque scale ranging from 0-100 with 100 being the best) and the over the course of 2 years in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and also between the group with ILD changes and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
2 years

Andere uitkomstmaten

Maatregel Beschrijving
Tijdsspanne: Baseline
In case multiple members of the same family are included in the study
Blood count
Tijdsspanne: 2 years
Blood count (Consisting of; hemoglobin (mmol/l), erythrocytes (x10^12/l), mean corpuscular volume (fl), red cell distribution width (%), thrombocytes (x10^9/l), leukocytes (x10^9/l)) as an exploratory measurement in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and the difference between bloodcount in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
2 years
Tijdsspanne: 2 years
creatinin (umol/l) as an exploratory measurement in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and the difference between creatinin in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
2 years
Liver function tests
Tijdsspanne: 2 years
Liver function tests (consisting of: ASAT (U/l), ALAT (U/l), alkaline phosphatase (U/l), Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (U/l)) as an exploratory measurement in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and the difference between these liver function tests in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
2 years
Total bilirubin
Tijdsspanne: 2 years
Total bilirubin (umol/l) as an exploratory measurement in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and the difference between total bilirubin in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
2 years
Additional blood based markers
Tijdsspanne: 2 years
Additional blood based markers as an exploratory measurement in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and the difference between these blood based markers in the subjects with presence of ILD changes on enrollment HRCT and the group without ILD changes present on enrollment HRCT
2 years

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Studie record data

Deze datums volgen de voortgang van het onderzoeksdossier en de samenvatting van de ingediende resultaten bij Studieverslagen en gerapporteerde resultaten worden beoordeeld door de National Library of Medicine (NLM) om er zeker van te zijn dat ze voldoen aan specifieke kwaliteitscontrolenormen voordat ze op de openbare website worden geplaatst.

Bestudeer belangrijke data

Studie start (Werkelijk)

16 juni 2021

Primaire voltooiing (Verwacht)

16 juni 2025

Studie voltooiing (Verwacht)

1 september 2025


Eerst ingediend

28 maart 2022

Eerst ingediend dat voldeed aan de QC-criteria

4 mei 2022

Eerst geplaatst (Werkelijk)

10 mei 2022

Updates van studierecords

Laatste update geplaatst (Werkelijk)

10 mei 2022

Laatste update ingediend die voldeed aan QC-criteria

4 mei 2022

Laatst geverifieerd

1 maart 2022

Meer informatie

Termen gerelateerd aan deze studie

Plan Individuele Deelnemersgegevens (IPD)

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Beschrijving IPD-plan

Data of patients is coded

Informatie over medicijnen en apparaten, studiedocumenten

Bestudeert een door de Amerikaanse FDA gereguleerd geneesmiddel


Bestudeert een door de Amerikaanse FDA gereguleerd apparaatproduct


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