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Nilotinib in PH+, BCR-, ABL+ CML Patients (CML0811)

The Protein Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Nilotinib as First-line Treatment of Ph+, BCR-, ABL+ Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) in Early Chronic Phase: a Phase IIIb, Multicenter Study to Assess the Complete Molecular Response

This study is an open-label, multicentric, phase IIIb study of NILOTINIB administered orally twice daily for 24 months and indefinitely if it is in the interest of the patient.

The primary objective of the trial is to evaluate the efficacy of nilotinib, 300 mg twice daily with dose increase to 400 mg twice daily in case of suboptimal response or failure (excluding patients who will fail for progression to ABP), in a population of patients with Ph-positive, BCR-ABL positive CML in early CP.






This study is an open-label, multicentric, phase IIIb study of NILOTINIB administered orally at the dose of 300 mg twice daily (total daily dose 600 mg daily) for 24 months (study core), and indefinitely if it is in the interest of the patient (the drug will be given free-of-charge after 24 months to all those patients achieving the CMR4 at 24 months and in absence of safety concerns). Nilotinib dose is increased to 400 mg BID in case of suboptimal response or failure (with the exception of patients who will fail for progression to ABP: in case of progression to ABP, the patient will not be treated with study drug and the choice of the treatment will be up to the physician).

Study duration is estimated in 6 years, 1 year of estimated enrollment, 2 years therapy duration. Thereafter, information on course and survival is due for other 3 years.

The main data analysis will be performed when all patients will complete 24 months of treatment (or discontinued earlier). Safety and tolerability profile will be assessed by collecting hematologic and non-hematologic adverse events, laboratory examinations and ECG data. The molecular response will be assessed using the GIMEMA standardized molecular laboratories (Labnet network).



注册 (预期的)



  • 第三阶段




      • Ancona、意大利
        • Azienda ospedaliera Nuovo Ospedale "Torrette"
      • Avellino、意大利
        • S.G. Moscati Hospital
      • Bologna、意大利、40138
        • Azienda Ospedaliera Di Bologna Policlinico S. Orsola - Malpighi
      • Brescia、意大利、25123
        • USD Trapianti di midollo per adulti - Cattedra di Ematologia - Università degli Studi di Brescia
      • Catania、意大利
        • Università di Catania - Cattedra di Ematologia - Ospedale "Ferrarotto"
      • Catanzaro、意大利
        • Azienda Ospedaliera Pugliese Ciaccio - Presidio Ospedaliero A.Pugliese - Unità Operativa di Ematologia
      • Ferrara、意大利
        • Sezione di Ematologia e Fisiopatologia delle Emostasi - Azienda Ospedaliera - Arcispedale S. Anna
      • Foggia、意大利
        • Struttura Complessa di Ematologia Ospedali Riuniti Foggia - Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria
      • Genova、意大利
        • Clinica Ematologica - DiMI - Università degli Studi di Genova
      • Genova、意大利
        • Divisione Ematologia 1 - Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria "San Martino"
      • Mestre、意大利
        • U.O. di Ematologia- Ospedale dell'Angelo - Mestre
      • Milano、意大利
        • U.O. Ematologia e Trapianto di MIdollo - Ist.Scientifico Ospedale San Raffaele
      • Modena、意大利
        • Centro Oncologico Modenese - Dipartimento di Oncoematologia
      • Padova、意大利
        • Università degli Studi di Padova - Ematologia ed Immunologia Clinica
      • Palermo、意大利、90146
        • Ospedale Cervello
      • Palermo、意大利
        • Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria - Policlinico Paolo Giaccone
      • Pesaro、意大利
        • Div. di Ematologia di Muraglia -CTMO Ospedale San Salvatore
      • Piacenza、意大利
        • Unità Operativa Ematologia e Centro Trapianti - Dipartimento di Oncologia ed Ematologia - AUSL Ospedale di Piacenza
      • Ravenna、意大利
        • Dipartimento Oncologico - Ospedale S.Maria delle Croci
      • Reggio Calabria、意大利
        • Dipartimento Emato-Oncologia A.O."Bianchi-Melacrino-Morelli"
      • Reggio Emilia、意大利
        • Unità Operativa Complessa di Ematologia - Arcispedale S. Maria Nuova
      • Rimini、意大利
        • Ospedale "Infermi"
      • Rionero in Vulture、意大利
        • IRCCS Centro di Riferimento Oncologico di Basilicata
      • Roma、意大利
        • Complesso Ospedaliero S. Giovanni Addolorata
      • Roma、意大利
        • Pronto Soccorso e Accettazione Ematologica - Dipartimento Biotecnologie Cellulari ed Ematologia - Università degli Studi di Roma "Sapienza"
      • Roma、意大利
        • U.O.C. Ematologia Ospedale S. Eugenio
      • Roma、意大利
        • Università degli Studi Policlinico di Tor Vergata
      • San Giovanni Rotondo、意大利
        • Istituto di Ematologia - IRCCS Ospedale Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza
      • Siena、意大利
        • U.O.C. Ematologia e Trapianti - A.O. Senese - Policlinico " Le Scotte"
      • Taranto、意大利
        • U.O.C. di Ematolgia - A.O. " SS Annunziata" - P.O. S.G. Moscati
      • Torino、意大利
        • SCDO Ematologia 2 AOU S.Giovanni Battista
      • Treviso、意大利、31100
        • Azienda USL 9 Treviso - U.O. di Ematologia
      • Udine、意大利
        • Clinica Ematologica - Policlinico Universitario
      • Verona、意大利
        • Università degli Studi di Verona - A. O. - Istituti Ospitalieri di Verona- Div. di Ematologia - Policlinico G.B. Rossi





18年 及以上 (成人、年长者)





Inclusion Criteria:

  • Age ≥ 18
  • Male or female patients with diagnosis of Ph+ and/or BCR-ABL+ CML
  • Early chronic phase (within 6 months from diagnosis)
  • Pretreatment with Hydroxyurea or Anagrelide for a duration of up to 3 months and/or pretreatment with Imatinib for up to 30 days are permitted
  • Normal serum levels of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, total calcium corrected for serum albumin or phosphorus, or correctable to within normal limits with supplements prior to the first dose of study medication
  • Written informed consent prior to any study procedures being performed
  • AST and ALT ≤ 2.5 x ULN or ≤ 5.0 x ULN if considered due to leukaemia
  • Alkaline phosphatase ≤ 2.5 x ULN unless considered due to leukaemia
  • Total direct bilirubin ≤ 1.5 x ULN, except know Mb. Gilbert
  • Serum creatinine ≤ 1.5 x ULN

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Known impaired cardiac function, including any of the following:
  • LVEF < 45%
  • Complete left bundle branch block
  • Right bundle branch block plus left anterior hemiblock, bifascicular block
  • Use of a ventricular-paced pacemaker
  • Congenital long QT syndrome
  • History of or presence of clinically significant ventricular or atrial tachyarrhythmias
  • Clinically significant resting bradycardia (<50 beats per minute)
  • QTc>450 msec on screening ECG. If QTc > 450 msec and electrolytes are not within normal ranges before Nilotinib dosing, electrolytes should be corrected and then the patient rescreened for QTc criterion.
  • Myocardial infarction within 12 months prior to starting study drugs
  • Other clinical significant heart disease (e.g. unstable angina, congestive heart failure, uncontrolled hypertension)
  • Serum lipase and amylase > 1.5 x ULN (upper limit of normal) or history of acute (i.e., within 1 year of starting study medication) or chronic pancreatitis
  • Other concurrent uncontrolled medical conditions (e.g., uncontrolled diabetes, active or uncontrolled infections, acute or chronic liver and renal disease) that could cause unacceptable safety risks or compromise compliance with the protocol
  • Impaired gastrointestinal function or disease that may alter the absorption of study drug (e.g., ulcerative disease, uncontrolled nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, malabsorption syndrome, small bowel resection or gastric by-pass surgery)
  • Concomitant medications with potential QT prolongation (see link for complete list: http://www.torsades.org/medical-pros/drug-lists/printable-drug-list.cfm)
  • Concomitant medications known to interact with CYP450 isoenzymes (CYP3A4, CYP2C9,andCYP2C8:link for complete list: http://medicine.iupui.edu/flockhart/table.html..
  • Patients who have undergone major surgery ≤ 2 weeks prior to starting study drug or who have not recovered from side effects of such therapy
  • Patients who are pregnant or breast feeding, or women of reproductive potential not employing an effective method of birth control. (Women of childbearing potential must have a negative serum pregnancy test within 48 hours prior to administration of nilotinib).
  • Patients with a history of another primary malignancy that is currently clinically significant or currently requires active intervention.
  • Patients unwilling or unable to comply with the protocol





  • 主要用途:治疗
  • 分配:不适用
  • 介入模型:单组作业
  • 屏蔽:无(打开标签)



Complete molecular response
大体时间:At 24 months of treatment
To assess the complete molecular response (CMR4) rate at 24 months of treatment. For the purpose of this protocol, CMR is defined as a negative results of quantitative RT-PCR for BCR-ABL transcripts in a peripheral blood sample of at least 10 ml with a minimum sensitivity of 1:10,000, that corresponds to at least a 4-log reduction (hence, CMR4)
At 24 months of treatment


大体时间:At three years from study entry
Number of toxic events
At three years from study entry
大体时间:At 3 years from study entry
Number of fully compliant patients and number of patients who do not comply with treatment
At 3 years from study entry
The complete cytogenetic response (CCgR) rate
大体时间:At 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months from study entry
At 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months from study entry
The rate and the degree of molecular response
大体时间:At 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months from study entry
At 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months from study entry
The time to CCgR, the time to MMR and the time to CMR
Overall Survival (OS)
大体时间:At three years from study entry
From the date of the first nilotinib dose to death
At three years from study entry
Progression Free Survival (PFS)
大体时间:At three years from study entry
From the date of the first nilotinib dose to progression to AP or BP or death
At three years from study entry
Failure Free Survival (FFS)
大体时间:At three years from study entry
From the date of the first nilotinib dose to failure* or progression or death
At three years from study entry
Event Free Survival (EFS)
大体时间:At three years from study entry
From the date of the first nilotinib to any event. Including treatment discontinuation for adverse events, failure, progression to AP or BP, or death, whichever comes first.
At three years from study entry
Patient-reported quality of life (QoL)
大体时间:At baseline and then at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months
At baseline and then at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months




  • 学习椅:Gianantonio Rosti、Dpt of Hematology and Oncology, "Seràgnoli", Sant'Orsola-Malpighi. University Hospital of Bologna




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  • Shenzhen Second People's Hospital
    白血病 | 骨髓的 | 慢性的 | BCR-ABL (Breakpoint Cluster Region-abelson Murine Leukemia) | 积极的

