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CMO Letter to Reduce Unnecessary Antibiotic Prescribing and Broad Spectrum Prescribing Winter 2018-9 (CMO2018-9)

2020年3月2日 更新者:Public Health England

A Randomized Controlled Trial of Behaviourally Informed Feedback Letters Sent by the Chief Medical Officer on the Amount of Antibiotics and the Percentage of Broad Spectrum Antibiotics Prescribed in Primary Care

This trial aims to reduce unnecessary prescription of antibiotics and broad spectrum antibiotics by general practitioners (GPs) in England. Unnecessary prescriptions are defined as those that do not improve patient health outcomes. The intervention is to send GPs a letter from the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) that gives feedback on their practice's prescribing levels. Specifically the sample was GPs whose practices whose prescribed more than 1.161 items per STAR-PU or whose practices prescribed more that .965 items per STAR-PU and greater than 10% broad spectrum items. The intervention groups received a letter telling them they are among the highest prescribers of either their total or broad spectrum antibiotics, with a graph showing their prescribing compared to average prescribing ("their peers"). The letter also contained a leaflet to help GPs discuss self-care advice with patients and some advice to use delayed prescriptions. The investigators hypothesize that the antibiotic prescribing rate in will be lower for the treatment group compared to the control group, following the receipt of the letter.




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      • London、英国、SE1
        • Public Health England





  • 孩子
  • 成人
  • 年长者






Inclusion Criteria:

  • GP practices that prescribed more than 1.161 Antibacterial Items/STAR-PU for the twelve months (June 2017 - May 2018)
  • GP practices that prescribed more than 0.965 Antibacterial Items/STAR-PU and also more than 10% broad spectrum items for the twelve months (June 2017 - May 2018).

Exclusion Criteria:

  • none





  • 主要用途:其他
  • 分配:随机化
  • 介入模型:并行分配
  • 屏蔽:无(打开标签)


实验性的:high total and high broad spectrum prescribing letter
social norm feedback letter with bar chart GPs who prescribe more than 1.161 Antibacterial Items/ STAR-PU and more than 10% broad spectrum receive a letter that has specific information about the percentile they are on for broad spectrum prescribing and a bar chart representing their broad spectrum prescribing compared to the average
letter with the percentile prescribing the practice is on and a bar chart, comparing prescribing to the national average
有源比较器:high total and high broad spectrum prescribing control
standard social norm feedback letter GPs who prescribe more than 1.161 Antibacterial Items/ STAR-PU and more than 10% broad spectrum receive the standard practice overall prescribing letter as a control
social norm feedback letter used as standard practice, without specific information about the prescribing percentile
实验性的:high total prescribing only intervention letter
social norm feedback letter with bar chart GPs who prescribe more than 1.161 Antibacterial Items/ STAR-PU and less than 10% broad spectrum receive a letter that has specific information about the percentile they are on for overall prescribing and a bar chart representing their overall prescribing compared to the average
letter with the percentile prescribing the practice is on and a bar chart, comparing prescribing to the national average
有源比较器:high total prescribing control letter
standard social norm feedback letter GPs who prescribe more than 1.161 Antibacterial Items/ STAR-PU and less than 10% broad spectrum receive the standard practice overall prescribing letter as a control
social norm feedback letter used as standard practice, without specific information about the prescribing percentile
实验性的:moderate total prescribing and high broad spectrum letter
social norm feedback letter with bar chart GPs who prescribe more than 0.965 but less than 1.161 Antibacterial Items/ STAR-PU and more than 10% broad spectrum will receive a letter that has specific information about the percentile they are on for broad spectrum prescribing and a bar chart representing their broad spectrum prescribing compared to the average
letter with the percentile prescribing the practice is on and a bar chart, comparing prescribing to the national average
无干预:moderate total prescribing and high broad spectrum control
GPs who prescribe more than 0.965 but less than 1.161 Antibacterial Items/ STAR-PU and more than 10% broad spectrum receive no letter, which is standard practice, as a control.



total antibiotic prescribing weighted by Specific Therapeutic group Age-sex Related Prescribing Unit (STAR-PU) in November for each GP practice
大体时间:1 month
antibiotic prescribing weighted by Specific Therapeutic group Age-sex Related Prescribing Unit (STAR-PU)
1 month
total broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing weighted by STAR-PU in November for each GP practice
大体时间:1 month
broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing weighted by Specific Therapeutic group Age-sex Related Prescribing Unit (STAR-PU)
1 month
percentage broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing in November for each GP practice
大体时间:1 month
percentage broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing
1 month
total non-broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing weighted by STAR-PU in November for each GP practice
大体时间:1 month
total overall antibiotic prescribing minus total broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing
1 month
total antibiotic prescribing weighted by STAR-PU in December for each GP practice
大体时间:2 months
antibiotic prescribing weighted by Specific Therapeutic group Age-sex Related Prescribing Unit (STAR-PU)
2 months
total broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing weighted by STAR-PU in December for each GP practice
大体时间:2 months
2 months
percentage broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing in December for each GP practice
大体时间:2 months
2 months
total non-broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing weighted by STAR-PU in December for each GP practice
大体时间:2 months
2 months
total antibiotic prescribing in January weighted by STAR-PU for each GP practice
大体时间:3 months
3 months
total broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing weighted by STAR-PU in January for each GP practice
大体时间:3 months
3 months
percentage broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing in January for each GP practice
大体时间:3 months
3 months
total non-broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing weighted by STAR-PU in January for each GP practice
大体时间:3 months
3 months
total antibiotic prescribing weighted by STAR-PU in February for each GP practice
大体时间:4 months
4 months
total broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing weighted by STAR-PU in February for each GP practice
大体时间:4 months
4 months
percentage broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing in February for each GP practice
大体时间:4 months
4 months
total non-broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing weighted by STAR-PU in February for each GP practice
大体时间:4 months
4 months
total antibiotic prescribing weighted by STAR-PU in March for each GP practice
大体时间:5 months
5 months
total broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing weighted by STAR-PU in March for each GP practice
大体时间:5 months
5 months
percentage broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing in March for each GP practice
大体时间:5 months
5 months
total non-broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing weighted by STAR-PU in March for each GP practice
大体时间:5 months
5 months
total antibiotic prescribing weighted by STAR-PU in April for each GP practice
大体时间:6 months
6 months
total broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing weighted by STAR-PU in April for each GP practice
大体时间:6 months
6 months
percentage broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing in April for each GP practice
大体时间:6 months
6 months
total non-broad spectrum antibiotic prescribing weighted by STAR-PU in April for each GP practice
大体时间:6 months
6 months






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