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Engineering an Online STI Prevention Program: CSE2

3. Juli 2019 aktualisiert von: Linda Collins, Penn State University

The Intersection of Alcohol and Sex: Engineering an Online STI Prevention Program

The overall objective of the proposed research is to reduce the incidence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among college students. The investigators propose to accomplish this by using the innovative, engineering-inspired multiphase optimization strategy (MOST) to develop a highly effective, appealing, economical, and readily scalable internet-delivered behavioral intervention targeting the intersection of alcohol use and sexual risk behavior. The rate of STIs on college campuses is alarming: one in four college students is diagnosed with an STI at least once during their college experience. Sexual activity when drinking alcohol is highly prevalent among college students. Alcohol use is known to contribute to the sexual risk behaviors that are most responsible for the transmission of STIs, namely unprotected sex, contact with numerous partners, and "hook-ups" (casual sexual encounters). Few interventions have been developed that explicitly target the intersection of alcohol use and sexual risk behaviors, and none have been optimized. In order to reduce the incidence of STI transmission among this and other high-risk groups, a new approach is needed. MOST is a comprehensive methodological framework that brings the power of engineering principles to bear on optimization of behavioral interventions. MOST enables researchers to experimentally test the individual components in an intervention to determine their effectiveness, indicating which components need to be revised and re-tested. Given the high rates of alcohol use and sex among college students, the college setting provides an ideal opportunity for intervening on alcohol use and sexual risk behaviors. The proposed study will include a diverse population of college students on 4 campuses which will increase the generalizability of the findings. The specific aims are to (1) develop and pilot test an initial set of online intervention components targeting the link between alcohol use and sexual risk behaviors, (2) use the MOST approach to build an optimized preventive intervention, and (3) evaluate the effectiveness of the newly optimized preventive intervention using a fully powered randomized controlled trial (RCT). This work will result in a new, more potent behavioral intervention that will reduce the incidence of STIs among college students in the US, and will lay the groundwork for a new generation of highly effective STI prevention interventions aimed at other subpopulations at risk.




Intervention / Behandlung

Detaillierte Beschreibung

As part of the MOST approach, the investigators will conduct a series of screening experiments to build an optimized intervention. The current study is the second (of two) screening experiments. The first screening experiment corresponds to clinicaltrials.gov ID # NCT02897804.



Einschreibung (Tatsächlich)



  • Unzutreffend

Kontakte und Standorte

Dieser Abschnitt enthält die Kontaktdaten derjenigen, die die Studie durchführen, und Informationen darüber, wo diese Studie durchgeführt wird.


    • California
      • Fresno, California, Vereinigte Staaten, 93740
        • Fresno State University
    • North Dakota
      • Fargo, North Dakota, Vereinigte Staaten, 58108
        • North Dakota State University
    • Tennessee
      • Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Vereinigte Staaten, 37132
        • Middle Tennessee State University
    • Texas
      • College Station, Texas, Vereinigte Staaten, 77843
        • Texas A&M University


Forscher suchen nach Personen, die einer bestimmten Beschreibung entsprechen, die als Auswahlkriterien bezeichnet werden. Einige Beispiele für diese Kriterien sind der allgemeine Gesundheitszustand einer Person oder frühere Behandlungen.


Studienberechtigtes Alter

18 Jahre bis 30 Jahre (Erwachsene)

Akzeptiert gesunde Freiwillige


Studienberechtigte Geschlechter



Inclusion Criteria:

  • Currently enrolled at an American college or university
  • A first-year student or first-year transfer student
  • 18 years of age or older
  • Have not gone through previous versions of itMatters before

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Not a first-year student or transfer student
  • Younger than 18 years of age
  • Have gone through previous versions of itMatters


Dieser Abschnitt enthält Einzelheiten zum Studienplan, einschließlich des Studiendesigns und der Messung der Studieninhalte.

Wie ist die Studie aufgebaut?


  • Hauptzweck: Verhütung
  • Zuteilung: Zufällig
  • Interventionsmodell: Fakultätszuweisung
  • Maskierung: Keine (Offenes Etikett)

Waffen und Interventionen

Teilnehmergruppe / Arm
Intervention / Behandlung
Experimental: Wissen allein
Die Teilnehmer haben für einen Zeitraum von bis zu 3 Wochen Zugang zum Wissensmodul.
Increase knowledge relate d STIs, STI risk, alcohol impairment, condom use skills, alcohol use behavior tracking skills, testing & treatment services.
Experimental: Alleine die Selbstwirksamkeit
Die Teilnehmer haben für einen Zeitraum von bis zu 3 Wochen Zugang zum Wissensmodul plus Selbstwirksamkeitsmodul.
Increase self-efficacy to us e protective behavioral strategies (e.g., condom negotiation skills) to reduce unprotected sex.
Experimental: Unterlassungsnormen allein
Die Teilnehmer haben für einen Zeitraum von bis zu 3 Wochen Zugriff auf das Wissensmodul plus das Unterlassungsnormenmodul.
Correct misperceptions regarding approval of alcohol misuse & sexual risk taking.
Experimental: Beschreibende Normen und Selbstwirksamkeit
Die Teilnehmer haben für einen Zeitraum von bis zu 3 Wochen Zugang zum Wissensmodul sowie zu den beschreibenden Normen und Selbstwirksamkeitsmodulen.
Korrigieren Sie falsche Wahrnehmungen der Prävalenz von alkoholinduziertem sexuellem Risikoverhalten, Alkoholkonsum / -missbrauch und sexuellem Risikoverhalten und steigern Sie die Selbstwirksamkeit, um schützende Verhaltensstrategien (z. B. Verhandlungsfähigkeiten für Kondome) einzusetzen, um ungeschützten Sex zu reduzieren.
Experimental: Beschreibende Normen und wahrgenommene Vorteile
Die Teilnehmer haben für einen Zeitraum von bis zu 3 Wochen Zugriff auf das Wissensmodul sowie die Module „Beschreibende Normen“ und „Wahrgenommener Nutzen“.
Korrigieren Sie falsche Wahrnehmungen der Prävalenz von alkoholinduziertem sexuellem Risikoverhalten, Alkoholkonsum / -missbrauch und sexuellem Risikoverhalten und erhöhen Sie den wahrgenommenen Nutzen, um schützende Verhaltensstrategien anzuwenden, um die negativen Folgen des sexuellen Verhaltens unter Alkoholeinfluss zu verringern.
Experimental: Beschreibende Normen und Unterlassungsnormen
Die Teilnehmer haben für einen Zeitraum von bis zu 3 Wochen Zugriff auf das Wissensmodul sowie die Module Beschreibende Normen und Unterlassungsnormen.
Correct misperceptions of prevalence of alcohol-induced sexual risk behaviors, alcohol use/misuse, and sexual risk behaviors and correct misperceptions regarding approval of alcohol misuse & sexual risk taking.
Experimental: Erwartungen allein
Die Teilnehmer haben für einen Zeitraum von bis zu 3 Wochen Zugriff auf das Wissensmodul plus das Erwartungsmodul.
Reduzieren Sie die Erwartung, dass Alkohol für eine gute sexuelle Begegnung benötigt wird.
Experimental: Erwartungen und Selbstwirksamkeit
Die Teilnehmer haben für einen Zeitraum von bis zu 3 Wochen Zugang zum Wissensmodul sowie zu den Modulen Erwartungen und Selbstwirksamkeit.
Verringern Sie die Erwartung, dass Alkohol für eine gute sexuelle Begegnung erforderlich ist, und steigern Sie die Selbstwirksamkeit, um schützende Verhaltensstrategien (z. B. Verhandlungsfähigkeiten bei Kondomen) anzuwenden, um ungeschützten Sex zu reduzieren.
Experimental: Erwartungen und wahrgenommene Vorteile
Die Teilnehmer haben für einen Zeitraum von bis zu 3 Wochen Zugriff auf das Wissensmodul sowie die Module zu Erwartungen und wahrgenommenem Nutzen.
Decrease the expectation that alcohol is needed to have good sexual encounter and increase perceived benefits to use protective behavioral strategies to reduce the negative consequences of engaging in sexual behaviors under the influence of alcohol.
Experimental: Erwartungen und einstweilige Normen
Die Teilnehmer haben für einen Zeitraum von bis zu 3 Wochen Zugriff auf das Wissensmodul sowie die Module Erwartungen und Unterlassungsnormen.
Verringern Sie die Erwartung, dass Alkohol für eine gute sexuelle Begegnung erforderlich ist, und korrigieren Sie falsche Vorstellungen in Bezug auf die Zustimmung zum Alkoholmissbrauch und zum Eingehen sexueller Risiken.
Experimental: Erwartungen, einstweilige Verfügungsnormen und Vorteile
Die Teilnehmer haben für einen Zeitraum von bis zu 3 Wochen Zugriff auf das Wissensmodul sowie die Module zu Erwartungen, Unterlassungsnormen und wahrgenommenen Vorteilen.
Decrease the expectation that alcohol is needed to have good sexual encounter; correct misperceptions regarding approval of alcohol misuse & sexual risk taking; and increase perceived benefits to use protective behavioral strategies to reduce the negative consequences of engaging in sexual behaviors under the influence of alcohol.
Experimental: Erwartungen, einstweilige Normen, Nutzen, Wirksamkeit
Die Teilnehmer haben für einen Zeitraum von bis zu 3 Wochen Zugriff auf das Wissensmodul sowie die Module zu Erwartungen, Unterlassungsnormen, wahrgenommenen Vorteilen und Selbstwirksamkeit.
Verringern Sie die Erwartung, dass Alkohol für eine gute sexuelle Begegnung benötigt wird; Korrigieren von Fehleinschätzungen in Bezug auf die Billigung von Alkoholmissbrauch und das Eingehen sexueller Risiken; den wahrgenommenen Nutzen erhöhen, um schützende Verhaltensstrategien anzuwenden, um die negativen Folgen des sexuellen Verhaltens unter Alkoholeinfluss zu verringern; und erhöhen Sie die Selbstwirksamkeit, um schützende Verhaltensstrategien (z. B. Verhandlungsfähigkeiten für Kondome) anzuwenden, um ungeschützten Sex zu reduzieren.
Experimental: Erwartungen und beschreibende Normen
Die Teilnehmer haben für einen Zeitraum von bis zu 3 Wochen Zugang zum Wissensmodul sowie zu den Modulen Erwartungen und beschreibende Normen.
Verringern Sie die Erwartung, dass Alkohol für eine gute sexuelle Begegnung erforderlich ist, und korrigieren Sie falsche Vorstellungen über die Prävalenz von alkoholinduziertem sexuellem Risikoverhalten, Alkoholkonsum / -missbrauch und sexuellem Risikoverhalten.
Experimental: Perceived benefits alone
Participants will have access to the knowledge module plus the perceived benefits module for a period up to 3 weeks. *Also referred to as 'benefits' in other arm descriptions**
Erhöhen Sie den wahrgenommenen Nutzen, indem Sie schützende Verhaltensstrategien anwenden, um die negativen Folgen des sexuellen Verhaltens unter Alkoholeinfluss zu verringern.
Experimental: Benefits and self-efficacy
Participants will have access to the knowledge module plus perceived benefits and self-efficacy modules for a period up to 3 weeks.
Increase perceived benefits to use protective behavioral strategies to reduce the negative consequences of engaging in sexual behaviors under the influence of alcohol and increase self-efficacy to use protective behavioral strategies (e.g., condom negotiation skills) to reduce unprotected sex.
Experimental: Injunctive norms and self-efficacy
Participants will have access to the knowledge module plus injunctive norms and self-efficacy modules for a period up to 3 weeks.
Korrigieren Sie Fehleinschätzungen in Bezug auf die Billigung von Alkoholmissbrauch und das Eingehen sexueller Risiken und steigern Sie die Selbstwirksamkeit, um schützende Verhaltensstrategien (z. B. Verhandlungsfähigkeiten für Kondome) anzuwenden, um ungeschützten Sex zu reduzieren.
Experimental: Injunctive norms and benefits
Participants will have access to the knowledge module plus injunctive norms and perceived benefits modules for a period up to 3 weeks.
Correct misperceptions regarding approval of alcohol misuse & sexual risk taking and increase perceived benefits to use protective behavioral strategies to reduce the negative consequences of engaging in sexual behaviors under the influence of alcohol and increase self-efficacy to use protective behavioral strategies (e.g., condom negotiation skills) to reduce unprotected sex.
Experimental: Injunctive norms, benefits, self-efficacy
Participants will have access to the knowledge module plus the injunctive norms, perceived benefits, and self-efficacy modules for a period up to 3 weeks.
Correct misperceptions regarding approval of alcohol misuse & sexual risk taking; increase perceived benefits to use protective behavioral strategies to reduce the negative consequences of engaging in sexual behaviors under the influence of alcohol and increase self-efficacy to use protective behavioral strategies (e.g., condom negotiation skills) to reduce unprotected sex; and increase self-efficacy to use protective behavioral strategies (e.g., condom negotiation skills) to reduce unprotected sex.
Experimental: Descriptive norms alone
Participants will have access to the knowledge module plus the descriptive norms modules for a period up to 3 weeks.
Korrigieren Sie Fehleinschätzungen der Prävalenz von alkoholinduziertem sexuellem Risikoverhalten, Alkoholkonsum/-missbrauch und sexuellem Risikoverhalten.
Experimental: Descriptive norms, benefits, self-efficacy
Participants will have access to the knowledge module plus the descriptive norms, perceived benefits, and self-efficacy modules for a period up to 3 weeks.
Correct misperceptions of prevalence of alcohol-induced sexual risk behaviors, alcohol use/misuse, and sexual risk behaviors; increase perceived benefits to use protective behavioral strategies to reduce the negative consequences of engaging in sexual behaviors under the influence of alcohol; and increase self-efficacy to use protective behavioral strategies (e.g., condom negotiation skills) to reduce unprotected sex.
Experimental: Descriptive and injunctive norms, self-efficacy
Participants will have access to the knowledge module plus the injunctive norms and self-efficacy modules for a period up to 3 weeks.
orrect misperceptions of prevalence of alcohol-induced sexual risk behaviors, alcohol use/misuse, and sexual risk behaviors; correct misperceptions regarding approval of alcohol misuse & sexual risk taking; and increase self-efficacy to use protective behavioral strategies (e.g., condom negotiation skills) to reduce unprotected sex.
Experimental: Descriptive and injunctive norms, and benefits
Participants will have access to the knowledge module plus the descriptive norms, injunctive norms, and perceived benefits modules for a period up to 3 weeks.
Correct misperceptions of prevalence of alcohol-induced sexual risk behaviors, alcohol use/misuse, and sexual risk behaviors; correct misperceptions regarding approval of alcohol misuse & sexual risk taking; and increase perceived benefits to use protective behavioral strategies to reduce the negative consequences of engaging in sexual behaviors under the influence of alcohol.
Experimental: Descriptive & injunctive norms, benefits, efficacy
Participants will have access to the knowledge module plus the descriptive norms, injunctive norms, perceived benefits, and self-efficacy modules for a period up to 3 weeks.
Correct misperceptions of prevalence of alcohol-induced sexual risk behaviors, alcohol use/misuse, and sexual risk behaviors; correct misperceptions regarding approval of alcohol misuse & sexual risk taking; increase perceived benefits to use protective behavioral strategies to reduce the negative consequences of engaging in sexual behaviors under the influence of alcohol; and Increase self-efficacy to use protective behavioral strategies (e.g., condom negotiation skills) to reduce unprotected sex.
Experimental: Expectancies, benefits, self-efficacy
Participants will have access to the knowledge module plus the expectancies, perceived benefits, and self-efficacy modules for a period up to 3 weeks.
Decrease the expectation that alcohol is needed to have good sexual encounter; increase perceived benefits to use protective behavioral strategies to reduce the negative consequences of engaging in sexual behaviors under the influence of alcohol; and increase self-efficacy to use protective behavioral strategies (e.g., condom negotiation skills) to reduce unprotected sex.
Experimental: Expectancies, injunctive norms, self-efficacy
Participants will have access to the knowledge module plus the expectancies, injunctive norms, and self-efficacy modules for a period up to 3 weeks.
Decrease the expectation that alcohol is needed to have good sexual encounter; correct misperceptions regarding approval of alcohol misuse & sexual risk taking; and increase self-efficacy to use protective behavioral strategies (e.g., condom negotiation skills) to reduce unprotected sex.
Experimental: Expectancies, descriptive norms, self-efficacy
Participants will have access to the knowledge module plus the expectancies, descriptive norms, and self-efficacy modules for a period up to 3 weeks.
Decrease the expectation that alcohol is needed to have good sexual encounter; correct misperceptions of prevalence of alcohol-induced sexual risk behaviors, alcohol use/misuse, and sexual risk behaviors; and increase self-efficacy to use protective behavioral strategies (e.g., condom negotiation skills) to reduce unprotected sex.
Experimental: Expectancies, descriptive norms, benefits
Participants will have access to the knowledge module plus the expectancies, descriptive norms, and perceived benefits modules for a period up to 3 weeks.
Decrease the expectation that alcohol is needed to have good sexual encounter; correct misperceptions of prevalence of alcohol-induced sexual risk behaviors, alcohol use/misuse, and sexual risk behaviors; and increase perceived benefits to use protective behavioral strategies to reduce the negative consequences of engaging in sexual behaviors under the influence of alcohol.
Experimental: Expectancies, descriptive norms, benefits, efficacy
Participants will have access to the knowledge module plus the expectancies, descriptive norms, perceived benefits, and self-efficacy modules for a period up to 3 weeks.
Decrease the expectation that alcohol is needed to have good sexual encounter; correct misperceptions of prevalence of alcohol-induced sexual risk behaviors, alcohol use/misuse, and sexual risk behaviors; increase perceived benefits to use protective behavioral strategies to reduce the negative consequences of engaging in sexual behaviors under the influence of alcohol; and increase self-efficacy to use protective behavioral strategies (e.g., condom negotiation skills) to reduce unprotected sex.
Experimental: Expectancies, descriptive and injunctive norms
Participants will have access to the knowledge module plus the expectancies , descriptive norms, and injunctive norms modules for a period up to 3 weeks.
Verringern Sie die Erwartung, dass Alkohol für eine gute sexuelle Begegnung benötigt wird; Korrigieren falscher Wahrnehmungen der Prävalenz von alkoholinduziertem sexuellem Risikoverhalten, Alkoholkonsum/-missbrauch und sexuellem Risikoverhalten; und korrigieren Sie Fehleinschätzungen in Bezug auf die Genehmigung von Alkoholmissbrauch und das Eingehen sexueller Risiken.
Experimental: Expectancies, descriptive & injunctive norms, efficacy
Participants will have access to the knowledge module plus the expectancies , descriptive norms, injunctive norms, and self-efficacy modules for a period up to 3 weeks.
Decrease the expectation that alcohol is needed to have good sexual encounter; correct misperceptions of prevalence of alcohol-induced sexual risk behaviors, alcohol use/misuse, and sexual risk behaviors; correct misperceptions regarding approval of alcohol misuse & sexual risk taking; and increase self-efficacy to use protective behavioral strategies (e.g., condom negotiation skills) to reduce unprotected sex.
Experimental: Expectancies, descriptive & injunctive norms, benefits
Participants will have access to the knowledge module plus the expectancies, descriptive norms, injunctive norms, and perceived benefits modules for a period up to 3 weeks.
Decrease the expectation that alcohol is needed to have good sexual encounter; correct misperceptions of prevalence of alcohol-induced sexual risk behaviors, alcohol use/misuse, and sexual risk behaviors; correct misperceptions regarding approval of alcohol misuse & sexual risk taking; and increase perceived benefits to use protective behavioral strategies to reduce the negative consequences of engaging in sexual behaviors under the influence of alcohol.
Experimental: Expectancies, descriptive & injunctive, benefits, efficacy
Participants will have access to the knowledge module plus the expectancies, descriptive norms, injunctive norms, perceived benefits, and self-efficacy modules for a period up to 3 weeks.
Decrease the expectation that alcohol is needed to have good sexual encounter; correct misperceptions of prevalence of alcohol-induced sexual risk behaviors, alcohol use/misuse, and sexual risk behaviors; correct misperceptions regarding approval of alcohol misuse & sexual risk taking; increase perceived benefits to use protective behavioral strategies to reduce the negative consequences of engaging in sexual behaviors under the influence of alcohol; and increase self-efficacy to use protective behavioral strategies (e.g., condom negotiation skills) to reduce unprotected sex.

Was misst die Studie?

Primäre Ergebnismessungen

Ergebnis Maßnahme
Descriptive norms about the intersection of alcohol and sex collected via an online questionnaire.
Zeitfenster: This measure will be assessed immediately following the 3-week intervention.
This scale consists of 6 items and will be created as a weighted scale score. Analyses will report the mean and standard deviation and expected mean values from a regression analysis. The scale will reflect the average perceived prevalence of the alcohol and sex behaviors.
This measure will be assessed immediately following the 3-week intervention.
Injunctive norms about the intersection of alcohol and sex collected via an online questionnaire.
Zeitfenster: his measure will be assessed immediately following the 3-week intervention.
This scale consists of 6 items and will be created as a weighted scale score. Analyses will report the mean and standard deviation and expected mean values from a regression analysis. The scale will reflect the average perceived approval of the alcohol and sex behaviors, ranging from strongly disapprove to strongly approve.
his measure will be assessed immediately following the 3-week intervention.
Expectancies about the intersection of alcohol use and sex collected via an online questionnaire.
Zeitfenster: This measure will be assessed immediately following the 3-week intervention.
This scale consists of 10 items and will be created as a weighted scale score. Analyses will report the mean and standard deviation and expected mean values from a regression analysis. The scale will reflect the average number of drinks expected to experience the 10 different outcomes.
This measure will be assessed immediately following the 3-week intervention.
Perceived benefits about using protective behavioral strategies collected via an online questionnaire.
Zeitfenster: This measure will be assessed immediately following the 3-week intervention.
This scale consists of 11 items and will be created as a weighted scale score. Analyses will report the mean and standard deviation and expected mean values from a regression analysis. The scale will reflect the average likelihood of contracting an STI using the listed behaviors.
This measure will be assessed immediately following the 3-week intervention.
Self-efficacy to use protective behavioral strategies collected via an online questionnaire.
Zeitfenster: This measure will be assessed immediately following the 3-week intervention.
This scale consists of 9 items and will be created as a weighted scale score. Analyses will report the mean and standard deviation and expected mean values from a regression analysis. The scale will reflect the average level of confidence is using protective behavioral strategies to reduce the risk of contracting and STI, ranging from not at all confident to extremely confident.
This measure will be assessed immediately following the 3-week intervention.

Sekundäre Ergebnismessungen

Ergebnis Maßnahme
Binge drinking behavior collected via an online questionnaire.
Zeitfenster: This measure will be assessed 1 month following the completion of the intervention.
This item asks how many times in the past two weeks a male has 5 or more drinks in a 2-hour period (or females 4 or more drinks in a 2-hour period). This variable will be collapsed into 1 or more times versus other and reported as a prevalence of this behavior and used as a dichotomous outcome in regression analyses.
This measure will be assessed 1 month following the completion of the intervention.
Unprotected sex behavior at most recent sex collected via an online questionnaire.
Zeitfenster: This measure will be assessed 1 month following the completion of the intervention.
This item asks whether or not a condom was used for oral, anal or vaginal sex. This variable will be collapsed into a dichotomous variable with unprotected anal or vaginal sex versus other and reported as a prevalence of this behavior and used as a dichotomous outcome in regression analyses.
This measure will be assessed 1 month following the completion of the intervention.
Penetrative sex at most recent hookup collected via an online questionnaire.
Zeitfenster: This measure will be assessed 1 month following the completion of the intervention.
This item asks whether or not the most recent hookup included vaginal or anal sex. This variable will be collapsed into a dichotomous variable with penetrative sex versus other and reported as a prevalence of this behavior and used as a dichotomous outcome in regression analyses.
This measure will be assessed 1 month following the completion of the intervention.

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Diese Daten verfolgen den Fortschritt der Übermittlung von Studienaufzeichnungen und zusammenfassenden Ergebnissen an ClinicalTrials.gov. Studienaufzeichnungen und gemeldete Ergebnisse werden von der National Library of Medicine (NLM) überprüft, um sicherzustellen, dass sie bestimmten Qualitätskontrollstandards entsprechen, bevor sie auf der öffentlichen Website veröffentlicht werden.

Haupttermine studieren

Studienbeginn (Tatsächlich)

18. September 2017

Primärer Abschluss (Tatsächlich)

31. Dezember 2017

Studienabschluss (Tatsächlich)

31. Dezember 2017


Zuerst eingereicht

17. Januar 2018

Zuerst eingereicht, das die QC-Kriterien erfüllt hat

17. Januar 2018

Zuerst gepostet (Tatsächlich)

24. Januar 2018


Letztes Update gepostet (Tatsächlich)

5. Juli 2019

Letztes eingereichtes Update, das die QC-Kriterien erfüllt

3. Juli 2019

Zuletzt verifiziert

1. Juli 2019

Mehr Informationen

Begriffe im Zusammenhang mit dieser Studie

Andere Studien-ID-Nummern

  • R01AA022931-2
  • R01AA022931 (US NIH Stipendium/Vertrag)

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Arzneimittel- und Geräteinformationen, Studienunterlagen

Studiert ein von der US-amerikanischen FDA reguliertes Arzneimittelprodukt


Studiert ein von der US-amerikanischen FDA reguliertes Geräteprodukt


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Klinische Studien zur Nur wahrgenommene Vorteile
