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Kansas University DHA Outcome Study (KUDOS) Follow-Up

2018. január 29. frissítette: Susan Carlson, PhD
This is a continuation study to KUDOS (NCT00266825). The purpose of this study is to follow-up with participants on the original study to determine if the effects of increasing DHA intake during pregnancy increase cognitive development in 2 to 6 year-old children.

A tanulmány áttekintése




Beavatkozás / kezelés

Részletes leírás

Numerous trials show benefits of postnatal DHA supplementation for visual acuity. There are also numerous observational(not intervention)studies that link higher maternal DHA status during pregnancy to higher cognitive function. Intervention studies that increase DHA exposure during fetal life and that measure cognitive development of infants are lacking; and no study to date has systematically followed children whose mothers were randomly assigned to DHA supplementation to school age with regular 6 month assessments of age-appropriate assessments of cognitive development. The absence of such studies is a serious limitation because there is evidence that differences in cognitive function due to such interventions do not become robust until around age 4 years. Women in the US consume low amounts of DHA compared to other world populations, and this likely means less DHA transfer to the fetus than in many other populations. Prenatal DHA exposure may be more important than postnatal exposure, because animal studies show critical windows for brain DHA accumulation in relation to effects on neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and GABA.

Tanulmány típusa


Beiratkozás (Tényleges)



  • 3. fázis

Kapcsolatok és helyek

Ez a rész a vizsgálatot végzők elérhetőségeit, valamint a vizsgálat lefolytatásának helyére vonatkozó információkat tartalmazza.

Tanulmányi helyek

    • Kansas
      • Kansas City, Kansas, Egyesült Államok, 66160
        • University of Kansas Medical Center

Részvételi kritériumok

A kutatók olyan embereket keresnek, akik megfelelnek egy bizonyos leírásnak, az úgynevezett jogosultsági kritériumoknak. Néhány példa ezekre a kritériumokra a személy általános egészségi állapota vagy a korábbi kezelések.

Jogosultsági kritériumok

Tanulmányozható életkorok

16 év (Gyermek, Felnőtt)

Egészséges önkénteseket fogad


Tanulmányozható nemek



Inclusion Criteria:

  • Pregnant females 16.0-35.0 years of age (inclusive) at 8-20 weeks gestation at enrollment (date/ultrasound)
  • Agree to consume study capsules from enrollment until delivery
  • Agree to return to the study center for delivery
  • BMI < 40
  • No serious illnesses (e.g., cancer, diabetes, lupus, hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, not HIV positive)
  • Available by telephone

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Less than 16 or greater than 35 years of age
  • BMI < 40
  • Serious illness such as cancer, lupus, hepatitis, sexually transmitted disease or HIV positive
  • Expecting multiple infants
  • Diabetes or gestational diabetes at baseline
  • Elevated blood pressure due to any cause
  • Not planning to return to the study center for delivery
  • Gestational age at baseline < 8 weeks or >20 weeks
  • Unable or unwilling to agree to consume capsules until delivery
  • Unable to provide informed consent in English

Tanulási terv

Ez a rész a vizsgálati terv részleteit tartalmazza, beleértve a vizsgálat megtervezését és a vizsgálat mérését.

Hogyan készül a tanulmány?

Tervezési részletek

  • Elsődleges cél: Kezelés
  • Kiosztás: Véletlenszerűsített
  • Beavatkozó modell: Párhuzamos hozzárendelés
  • Maszkolás: Kettős

Fegyverek és beavatkozások

Résztvevő csoport / kar
Beavatkozás / kezelés
Placebo Comparator: Placebo kapszula
600 mg of Soybean Oil and Corn Oil, which does not contain any DHA
Kísérleti: DHA Capsule
600 mg DHA capsule
Más nevek:
  • dokozahexaénsav

Mit mér a tanulmány?

Elsődleges eredményintézkedések

Intézkedés leírása
Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, 3rd Edition; Full Scale IQ
Időkeret: 36 Months
The Full Scale IQ score from the Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, 3rd Edition is a standardized measure of a child's general intellectual ability based upon assessments of verbal, cognitive, and performance domains. At three years the Full Scale IQ score has a range of 41 (poorest performance) to 155 (best performance). For the older ages the score can range from 40 to 160. For all ages the assessment is normed to a Mean = 100, St Dev = 15.
36 Months
Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, 3rd Edition; Full Scale IQ
Időkeret: 48 Months
The Full Scale IQ score from the Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, 3rd Edition is a standardized measure of a child's general intellectual ability based upon assessments of verbal, cognitive, and performance domains. At three years the Full Scale IQ score has a range of 41 (poorest performance) to 155 (best performance). For the older ages the score can range from 40 to 160. For all ages the assessment is normed to a Mean = 100, St Dev = 15.
48 Months
Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, 3rd Edition; Full Scale IQ
Időkeret: 72 Months
The Full Scale IQ score from the Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, 3rd Edition is a standardized measure of a child's general intellectual ability based upon assessments of verbal, cognitive, and performance domains. At three years the Full Scale IQ score has a range of 41 (poorest performance) to 155 (best performance). For the older ages the score can range from 40 to 160. For all ages the assessment is normed to a Mean = 100, St Dev = 15.
72 Months
Cognitive Function Score - Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
Időkeret: 60 Months
The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, 3rd Edition provides a standardized assessment of a person's receptive vocabulary. The Standard Score can range from 40 (poorest performance) to 160 (best performance) and has been normed to a Mean = 100, St Dev = 15.
60 Months
Cognitive Function Score - Test of Preschool Early Literacy
Időkeret: 42 Months
The Test of Preschool Early Literacy provides a standardized Early Literacy Index score, a measure of general, early literacy skills that relate to later reading and writing skill acquisition. The score is based on assessments of vocabulary, print knowledge, and phonological awareness. The score can range from 40 (poorest performance) to 144 (best performance) and has been normed to a Mean = 100, St Dev = 15.
42 Months
Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, 3rd Edition; Verbal IQ
Időkeret: 36 Months
The Verbal IQ score from the Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, 3rd Edition is a standardized measure of a child's verbal ability based upon assessments of vocabulary, general knowledge, and reasoning. At three years the Verbal IQ score has a range of 49 (poorest performance) to 150 (best performance). For the older ages the score can range from 46 to 155. For all ages the assessment is normed to a Mean = 100, St Dev = 15.
36 Months
Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, 3rd Edition; Verbal IQ
Időkeret: 48 Months
The Verbal IQ score from the Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, 3rd Edition is a standardized measure of a child's verbal ability based upon assessments of vocabulary, general knowledge, and reasoning. At three years the Verbal IQ score has a range of 49 (poorest performance) to 150 (best performance). For the older ages the score can range from 46 to 155. For all ages the assessment is normed to a Mean = 100, St Dev = 15.
48 Months
Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, 3rd Edition; Verbal IQ
Időkeret: 72 Months
The Verbal IQ score from the Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, 3rd Edition is a standardized measure of a child's verbal ability based upon assessments of vocabulary, general knowledge, and reasoning. At three years the Verbal IQ score has a range of 49 (poorest performance) to 150 (best performance). For the older ages the score can range from 46 to 155. For all ages the assessment is normed to a Mean = 100, St Dev = 15.
72 Months

Másodlagos eredményintézkedések

Intézkedés leírása
Adaptive Regulation Assessment
Időkeret: 36 Months
The Parent Rating Scales of the Behavior Assessment System for Children 2nd Edition measures different aspects of a child's behaviors as reported by a parent. Externalizing Problems is a measure of Aggression and Hyperactivity. Internalizing Problems is a measure of Anxiety, Depression, and Somatization. The Behavioral Symptoms Index is a more global measure of behavior problems and combines Externalizing Problems with the measure of Depression from Internalizing Problems, and additional measures of Atypicality, Withdrawal, and Attention Problems. Adaptive Skills is a measure of Adaptability, Social Skills, Activities of Daily Living, Functional Communication, and at age 6 years Leadership. All scores are derived from the general, combined sex normative tables of T-Scores. For Adaptive Skills higher T-Scores reflect a more optimal outcome. For all other measures lower T-Scores reflect a more optimal outcome. All T-Scores were standardized with a Mean = 50, St Dev = 10.
36 Months
Adaptive Regulation Assessment
Időkeret: 48 Months
The Parent Rating Scales of the Behavior Assessment System for Children 2nd Edition measures different aspects of a child's behaviors as reported by a parent. Externalizing Problems is a measure of Aggression and Hyperactivity. Internalizing Problems is a measure of Anxiety, Depression, and Somatization. The Behavioral Symptoms Index is a more global measure of behavior problems and combines Externalizing Problems with the measure of Depression from Internalizing Problems, and additional measures of Atypicality, Withdrawal, and Attention Problems. Adaptive Skills is a measure of Adaptability, Social Skills, Activities of Daily Living, Functional Communication, and at age 6 years Leadership. All scores are derived from the general, combined sex normative tables of T-Scores. For Adaptive Skills higher T-Scores reflect a more optimal outcome. For all other measures lower T-Scores reflect a more optimal outcome. All T-Scores were standardized with a Mean = 50, St Dev = 10.
48 Months
Adaptive Regulation Assessment
Időkeret: 60 Months
The Parent Rating Scales of the Behavior Assessment System for Children 2nd Edition measures different aspects of a child's behaviors as reported by a parent. Externalizing Problems is a measure of Aggression and Hyperactivity. Internalizing Problems is a measure of Anxiety, Depression, and Somatization. The Behavioral Symptoms Index is a more global measure of behavior problems and combines Externalizing Problems with the measure of Depression from Internalizing Problems, and additional measures of Atypicality, Withdrawal, and Attention Problems. Adaptive Skills is a measure of Adaptability, Social Skills, Activities of Daily Living, Functional Communication, and at age 6 years Leadership. All scores are derived from the general, combined sex normative tables of T-Scores. For Adaptive Skills higher T-Scores reflect a more optimal outcome. For all other measures lower T-Scores reflect a more optimal outcome. All T-Scores were standardized with a Mean = 50, St Dev = 10.
60 Months
Adaptive Regulation Assessment
Időkeret: 72 Months
The Parent Rating Scales of the Behavior Assessment System for Children 2nd Edition measures different aspects of a child's behaviors as reported by a parent. Externalizing Problems is a measure of Aggression and Hyperactivity. Internalizing Problems is a measure of Anxiety, Depression, and Somatization. The Behavioral Symptoms Index is a more global measure of behavior problems and combines Externalizing Problems with the measure of Depression from Internalizing Problems, and additional measures of Atypicality, Withdrawal, and Attention Problems. Adaptive Skills is a measure of Adaptability, Social Skills, Activities of Daily Living, Functional Communication, and at age 6 years Leadership. All scores are derived from the general, combined sex normative tables of T-Scores. For Adaptive Skills higher T-Scores reflect a more optimal outcome. For all other measures lower T-Scores reflect a more optimal outcome. All T-Scores were standardized with a Mean = 50, St Dev = 10.
72 Months

Egyéb eredményintézkedések

Intézkedés leírása
Anthropometrics: Weight-for-age
Időkeret: 2 years
Biannually child weight was measured one time standing without shoes and in the lightest layer of clothing to the nearest 0.1 kg on an electronic scale (Cardinal Detecto 8430, Webb City, MS, USA).
2 years
Anthropometrics: Weight-for-age
Időkeret: 2.5 years
Biannually child weight was measured one time standing without shoes and in the lightest layer of clothing to the nearest 0.1 kg on an electronic scale (Cardinal Detecto 8430, Webb City, MS, USA).
2.5 years
Anthropometrics: Weight-for-age
Időkeret: 3 years
Biannually child weight was measured one time standing without shoes and in the lightest layer of clothing to the nearest 0.1 kg on an electronic scale (Cardinal Detecto 8430, Webb City, MS, USA).
3 years
Anthropometrics: Height-for-Age
Időkeret: 2 years
Biannually child stature was measured one time standing without shoes and in the lightest layer of clothing to the nearest 0.1 cm using a wall mounted statiometer (Health O Meter® Professional, McCook IL, USA). Braids, ponytails or other hair artifacts were removed or subtracted when needed.
2 years
Anthropometrics: Weight-for-age
Időkeret: 3.5 years
Biannually child weight was measured one time standing without shoes and in the lightest layer of clothing to the nearest 0.1 kg on an electronic scale (Cardinal Detecto 8430, Webb City, MS, USA).
3.5 years
Anthropometrics: Weight-for-age
Időkeret: 4 years
Biannually child weight was measured one time standing without shoes and in the lightest layer of clothing to the nearest 0.1 kg on an electronic scale (Cardinal Detecto 8430, Webb City, MS, USA).
4 years
Anthropometrics: Weight-for-age
Időkeret: 4.5 years
Biannually child weight was measured one time standing without shoes and in the lightest layer of clothing to the nearest 0.1 kg on an electronic scale (Cardinal Detecto 8430, Webb City, MS, USA).
4.5 years
Anthropometrics: Weight-for-age
Időkeret: 5 years
Biannually child weight was measured one time standing without shoes and in the lightest layer of clothing to the nearest 0.1 kg on an electronic scale (Cardinal Detecto 8430, Webb City, MS, USA).
5 years
Anthropometrics: Weight-for-age
Időkeret: 5.5 years
Biannually child weight was measured one time standing without shoes and in the lightest layer of clothing to the nearest 0.1 kg on an electronic scale (Cardinal Detecto 8430, Webb City, MS, USA).
5.5 years
Anthropometrics: Weight-for-age
Időkeret: 6 years
Biannually child weight was measured one time standing without shoes and in the lightest layer of clothing to the nearest 0.1 kg on an electronic scale (Cardinal Detecto 8430, Webb City, MS, USA).
6 years
Anthropometrics: Height-for-Age
Időkeret: 2.5 years
Biannually child stature was measured one time standing without shoes and in the lightest layer of clothing to the nearest 0.1 cm using a wall mounted statiometer (Health O Meter® Professional, McCook IL, USA). Braids, ponytails or other hair artifacts were removed or subtracted when needed.
2.5 years
Anthropometrics: Height-for-Age
Időkeret: 3 years
Biannually child stature was measured one time standing without shoes and in the lightest layer of clothing to the nearest 0.1 cm using a wall mounted statiometer (Health O Meter® Professional, McCook IL, USA). Braids, ponytails or other hair artifacts were removed or subtracted when needed.
3 years
Anthropometrics: Height-for-Age
Időkeret: 3.5 years
Biannually child stature was measured one time standing without shoes and in the lightest layer of clothing to the nearest 0.1 cm using a wall mounted statiometer (Health O Meter® Professional, McCook IL, USA). Braids, ponytails or other hair artifacts were removed or subtracted when needed.
3.5 years
Anthropometrics: Height-for-Age
Időkeret: 4 years
Biannually child stature was measured one time standing without shoes and in the lightest layer of clothing to the nearest 0.1 cm using a wall mounted statiometer (Health O Meter® Professional, McCook IL, USA). Braids, ponytails or other hair artifacts were removed or subtracted when needed.
4 years
Anthropometrics: Height-for-Age
Időkeret: 4.5 years
Biannually child stature was measured one time standing without shoes and in the lightest layer of clothing to the nearest 0.1 cm using a wall mounted statiometer (Health O Meter® Professional, McCook IL, USA). Braids, ponytails or other hair artifacts were removed or subtracted when needed.
4.5 years
Anthropometrics: Height-for-Age
Időkeret: 5 years
Biannually child stature was measured one time standing without shoes and in the lightest layer of clothing to the nearest 0.1 cm using a wall mounted statiometer (Health O Meter® Professional, McCook IL, USA). Braids, ponytails or other hair artifacts were removed or subtracted when needed.
5 years
Anthropometrics: Height-for-Age
Időkeret: 5.5 years
Biannually child stature was measured one time standing without shoes and in the lightest layer of clothing to the nearest 0.1 cm using a wall mounted statiometer (Health O Meter® Professional, McCook IL, USA). Braids, ponytails or other hair artifacts were removed or subtracted when needed.
5.5 years
Anthropometrics: Height-for-Age
Időkeret: 6 years
Biannually child stature was measured one time standing without shoes and in the lightest layer of clothing to the nearest 0.1 cm using a wall mounted statiometer (Health O Meter® Professional, McCook IL, USA). Braids, ponytails or other hair artifacts were removed or subtracted when needed.
6 years
Anthropometrics: Body Mass Index-for-age
Időkeret: 2 years
Biannually child body mass index (BMI) was calculated using the standard equation: BMI = kg/m^2.
2 years
Anthropometrics: Body Mass Index-for-age
Időkeret: 2.5 years
Biannually child body mass index (BMI) was calculated using the standard equation: BMI = kg/m^2.
2.5 years
Anthropometrics: Body Mass Index-for-age
Időkeret: 3 years
Biannually child body mass index (BMI) was calculated using the standard equation: BMI = kg/m^2.
3 years
Anthropometrics: Body Mass Index-for-age
Időkeret: 3.5 years
Biannually child body mass index (BMI) was calculated using the standard equation: BMI = kg/m^2.
3.5 years
Anthropometrics: Body Mass Index-for-age
Időkeret: 4 years
Biannually child body mass index (BMI) was calculated using the standard equation: BMI = kg/m^2.
4 years
Anthropometrics: Body Mass Index-for-age
Időkeret: 4.5 years
Biannually child body mass index (BMI) was calculated using the standard equation: BMI = kg/m^2.
4.5 years
Anthropometrics: Body Mass Index-for-age
Időkeret: 5 years
Biannually child body mass index (BMI) was calculated using the standard equation: BMI = kg/m^2.
5 years
Anthropometrics: Body Mass Index-for-age
Időkeret: 5.5 years
Biannually child body mass index (BMI) was calculated using the standard equation: BMI = kg/m^2.
5.5 years
Anthropometrics: Body Mass Index-for-age
Időkeret: 6 years
Biannually child body mass index (BMI) was calculated using the standard equation: BMI = kg/m^2.
6 years
Anthropometrics: Head Circumference-for-age
Időkeret: 2 years
Biannually child head circumference was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm using standard technique (tape positioned just above the eyebrows, above the ears and around the biggest part of the back of the head; tape pulled snuggly to compress hair and underlying soft tissue). Braids, ponytails, glasses or other artifacts were removed whenever possible.
2 years
Anthropometrics: Head Circumference-for-age
Időkeret: 2.5 years
Biannually child head circumference was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm using standard technique (tape positioned just above the eyebrows, above the ears and around the biggest part of the back of the head; tape pulled snuggly to compress hair and underlying soft tissue). Braids, ponytails, glasses or other artifacts were removed whenever possible.
2.5 years
Anthropometrics: Head Circumference-for-age
Időkeret: 3 years
Biannually child head circumference was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm using standard technique (tape positioned just above the eyebrows, above the ears and around the biggest part of the back of the head; tape pulled snuggly to compress hair and underlying soft tissue). Braids, ponytails, glasses or other artifacts were removed whenever possible.
3 years
Anthropometrics: Head Circumference-for-age
Időkeret: 3.5 years
Biannually child head circumference was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm using standard technique (tape positioned just above the eyebrows, above the ears and around the biggest part of the back of the head; tape pulled snuggly to compress hair and underlying soft tissue). Braids, ponytails, glasses or other artifacts were removed whenever possible.
3.5 years
Anthropometrics: Head Circumference-for-age
Időkeret: 4 years
Biannually child head circumference was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm using standard technique (tape positioned just above the eyebrows, above the ears and around the biggest part of the back of the head; tape pulled snuggly to compress hair and underlying soft tissue). Braids, ponytails, glasses or other artifacts were removed whenever possible.
4 years
Anthropometrics: Head Circumference-for-age
Időkeret: 4.5 years
Biannually child head circumference was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm using standard technique (tape positioned just above the eyebrows, above the ears and around the biggest part of the back of the head; tape pulled snuggly to compress hair and underlying soft tissue). Braids, ponytails, glasses or other artifacts were removed whenever possible.
4.5 years
Anthropometrics: Head Circumference-for-age
Időkeret: 5 years
Biannually child head circumference was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm using standard technique (tape positioned just above the eyebrows, above the ears and around the biggest part of the back of the head; tape pulled snuggly to compress hair and underlying soft tissue). Braids, ponytails, glasses or other artifacts were removed whenever possible.
5 years
Anthropometrics: Head Circumference-for-age
Időkeret: 5.5 years
Biannually child head circumference was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm using standard technique (tape positioned just above the eyebrows, above the ears and around the biggest part of the back of the head; tape pulled snuggly to compress hair and underlying soft tissue). Braids, ponytails, glasses or other artifacts were removed whenever possible.
5.5 years
Anthropometrics: Head Circumference-for-age
Időkeret: 6 years
Biannually child head circumference was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm using standard technique (tape positioned just above the eyebrows, above the ears and around the biggest part of the back of the head; tape pulled snuggly to compress hair and underlying soft tissue). Braids, ponytails, glasses or other artifacts were removed whenever possible.
6 years
Dietary Intake
Időkeret: 2 years
Biannually a registered dietitian assessed child diet by a standardized 24 hour dietary recall with three-pass approach. When necessary both the parent and child participated in the recall process to increase overall reliability. Recalls were entered into Nutrition Data System for Research (NDS-R versions 2006-2016, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA) and were checked for accuracy by a second dietitian. Reliability and caloric intake data are presented here. Reliability is defined as the dietitian's subjective assessment of the family's ability to recall the majority of food items consumed during the 24 hour period and within reasonable serving sizes. Caloric intake is the mean kcal per day from reliable recalls only.
2 years
Dietary Intake
Időkeret: 2.5 years
Biannually a registered dietitian assessed child diet by a standardized 24 hour dietary recall with three-pass approach. When necessary both the parent and child participated in the recall process to increase overall reliability. Recalls were entered into Nutrition Data System for Research (NDS-R versions 2006-2016, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA) and were checked for accuracy by a second dietitian. Reliability and caloric intake data are presented here. Reliability is defined as the dietitian's subjective assessment of the family's ability to recall the majority of food items consumed during the 24 hour period and within reasonable serving sizes. Caloric intake is the mean kcal per day from reliable recalls only.
2.5 years
Dietary Intake
Időkeret: 3 years
Biannually a registered dietitian assessed child diet by a standardized 24 hour dietary recall with three-pass approach. When necessary both the parent and child participated in the recall process to increase overall reliability. Recalls were entered into Nutrition Data System for Research (NDS-R versions 2006-2016, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA) and were checked for accuracy by a second dietitian. Reliability and caloric intake data are presented here. Reliability is defined as the dietitian's subjective assessment of the family's ability to recall the majority of food items consumed during the 24 hour period and within reasonable serving sizes. Caloric intake is the mean kcal per day from reliable recalls only.
3 years
Dietary Intake
Időkeret: 3.5 years
Biannually a registered dietitian assessed child diet by a standardized 24 hour dietary recall with three-pass approach. When necessary both the parent and child participated in the recall process to increase overall reliability. Recalls were entered into Nutrition Data System for Research (NDS-R versions 2006-2016, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA) and were checked for accuracy by a second dietitian. Reliability and caloric intake data are presented here. Reliability is defined as the dietitian's subjective assessment of the family's ability to recall the majority of food items consumed during the 24 hour period and within reasonable serving sizes. Caloric intake is the mean kcal per day from reliable recalls only.
3.5 years
Dietary Intake
Időkeret: 4 years
Biannually a registered dietitian assessed child diet by a standardized 24 hour dietary recall with three-pass approach. When necessary both the parent and child participated in the recall process to increase overall reliability. Recalls were entered into Nutrition Data System for Research (NDS-R versions 2006-2016, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA) and were checked for accuracy by a second dietitian. Reliability and caloric intake data are presented here. Reliability is defined as the dietitian's subjective assessment of the family's ability to recall the majority of food items consumed during the 24 hour period and within reasonable serving sizes. Caloric intake is the mean kcal per day from reliable recalls only.
4 years
Dietary Intake
Időkeret: 4.5 years
Biannually a registered dietitian assessed child diet by a standardized 24 hour dietary recall with three-pass approach. When necessary both the parent and child participated in the recall process to increase overall reliability. Recalls were entered into Nutrition Data System for Research (NDS-R versions 2006-2016, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA) and were checked for accuracy by a second dietitian. Reliability and caloric intake data are presented here. Reliability is defined as the dietitian's subjective assessment of the family's ability to recall the majority of food items consumed during the 24 hour period and within reasonable serving sizes. Caloric intake is the mean kcal per day from reliable recalls only.
4.5 years
Dietary Intake
Időkeret: 5 years
Biannually a registered dietitian assessed child diet by a standardized 24 hour dietary recall with three-pass approach. When necessary both the parent and child participated in the recall process to increase overall reliability. Recalls were entered into Nutrition Data System for Research (NDS-R versions 2006-2016, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA) and were checked for accuracy by a second dietitian. Reliability and caloric intake data are presented here. Reliability is defined as the dietitian's subjective assessment of the family's ability to recall the majority of food items consumed during the 24 hour period and within reasonable serving sizes. Caloric intake is the mean kcal per day from reliable recalls only.
5 years
Dietary Intake
Időkeret: 5.5 years
Biannually a registered dietitian assessed child diet by a standardized 24 hour dietary recall with three-pass approach. When necessary both the parent and child participated in the recall process to increase overall reliability. Recalls were entered into Nutrition Data System for Research (NDS-R versions 2006-2016, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA) and were checked for accuracy by a second dietitian. Reliability and caloric intake data are presented here. Reliability is defined as the dietitian's subjective assessment of the family's ability to recall the majority of food items consumed during the 24 hour period and within reasonable serving sizes. Caloric intake is the mean kcal per day from reliable recalls only.
5.5 years
Dietary Intake
Időkeret: 6 years
Biannually a registered dietitian assessed child diet by a standardized 24 hour dietary recall with three-pass approach. When necessary both the parent and child participated in the recall process to increase overall reliability. Recalls were entered into Nutrition Data System for Research (NDS-R versions 2006-2016, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA) and were checked for accuracy by a second dietitian. Reliability and caloric intake data are presented here. Reliability is defined as the dietitian's subjective assessment of the family's ability to recall the majority of food items consumed during the 24 hour period and within reasonable serving sizes. Caloric intake is the mean kcal per day from reliable recalls only.
6 years
Systolic Blood Pressure
Időkeret: 4 years
Biannually child blood pressure was measured in triplicate using an automatic pressure cuff (GE Carescape V100, Chicago, IL, USA) while children were seated in a resting state. Raw averages are reported here, including outliers. Not all subjects participated in triplicate measures.
4 years
Systolic Blood Pressure
Időkeret: 4.5 years
Biannually child blood pressure was measured in triplicate using an automatic pressure cuff (GE Carescape V100, Chicago, IL, USA) while children were seated in a resting state. Raw averages are reported here, including outliers. Not all subjects participated in triplicate measures.
4.5 years
Systolic Blood Pressure
Időkeret: 5 years
Biannually child blood pressure was measured in triplicate using an automatic pressure cuff (GE Carescape V100, Chicago, IL, USA) while children were seated in a resting state. Raw averages are reported here, including outliers. Not all subjects participated in triplicate measures.
5 years
Systolic Blood Pressure
Időkeret: 5.5 years
Biannually child blood pressure was measured in triplicate using an automatic pressure cuff (GE Carescape V100, Chicago, IL, USA) while children were seated in a resting state. Raw averages are reported here, including outliers. Not all subjects participated in triplicate measures.
5.5 years
Systolic Blood Pressure
Időkeret: 6 years
Biannually child blood pressure was measured in triplicate using an automatic pressure cuff (GE Carescape V100, Chicago, IL, USA) while children were seated in a resting state. Raw averages are reported here, including outliers. Not all subjects participated in triplicate measures.
6 years
Diastolic Blood Pressure
Időkeret: 4 years
Biannually child blood pressure was measured in triplicate using an automatic pressure cuff (GE Carescape V100, Chicago, IL, USA) while children were seated in a resting state. Raw averages are reported here, including outliers. Not all subjects participated in triplicate measures.
4 years
Diastolic Blood Pressure
Időkeret: 4.5 years
Biannually child blood pressure was measured in triplicate using an automatic pressure cuff (GE Carescape V100, Chicago, IL, USA) while children were seated in a resting state. Raw averages are reported here, including outliers. Not all subjects participated in triplicate measures.
4.5 years
Diastolic Blood Pressure
Időkeret: 5 years
Biannually child blood pressure was measured in triplicate using an automatic pressure cuff (GE Carescape V100, Chicago, IL, USA) while children were seated in a resting state. Raw averages are reported here, including outliers. Not all subjects participated in triplicate measures.
5 years
Diastolic Blood Pressure
Időkeret: 5.5 years
Biannually child blood pressure was measured in triplicate using an automatic pressure cuff (GE Carescape V100, Chicago, IL, USA) while children were seated in a resting state. Raw averages are reported here, including outliers. Not all subjects participated in triplicate measures.
5.5 years
Diastolic Blood Pressure
Időkeret: 6 years
Biannually child blood pressure was measured in triplicate using an automatic pressure cuff (GE Carescape V100, Chicago, IL, USA) while children were seated in a resting state. Raw averages are reported here, including outliers. Not all subjects participated in triplicate measures.
6 years
Heart Rate
Időkeret: 4 years
Biannually child heart rate was measured in triplicate using an automatic pressure cuff (GE Carescape V100, Chicago, IL, USA) while children were seated in a resting state. Raw averages are reported here, including outliers. Not all subjects participated in triplicate measures.
4 years
Heart Rate
Időkeret: 4.5 years
Biannually child heart rate was measured in triplicate using an automatic pressure cuff (GE Carescape V100, Chicago, IL, USA) while children were seated in a resting state. Raw averages are reported here, including outliers. Not all subjects participated in triplicate measures.
4.5 years
Heart Rate
Időkeret: 5 years
Biannually child heart rate was measured in triplicate using an automatic pressure cuff (GE Carescape V100, Chicago, IL, USA) while children were seated in a resting state. Raw averages are reported here, including outliers. Not all subjects participated in triplicate measures.
5 years
Heart Rate
Időkeret: 5.5 years
Biannually child heart rate was measured in triplicate using an automatic pressure cuff (GE Carescape V100, Chicago, IL, USA) while children were seated in a resting state. Raw averages are reported here, including outliers. Not all subjects participated in triplicate measures.
5.5 years
Heart Rate
Időkeret: 6 years
Biannually child heart rate was measured in triplicate using an automatic pressure cuff (GE Carescape V100, Chicago, IL, USA) while children were seated in a resting state. Raw averages are reported here, including outliers. Not all subjects participated in triplicate measures.
6 years

Együttműködők és nyomozók

Itt találhatja meg a tanulmányban érintett személyeket és szervezeteket.


  • Kutatásvezető: Susan E Carlson, PhD, University of Kansas Medical Center

Publikációk és hasznos linkek

A vizsgálattal kapcsolatos információk beviteléért felelős személy önkéntesen bocsátja rendelkezésre ezeket a kiadványokat. Ezek bármiről szólhatnak, ami a tanulmányhoz kapcsolódik.

Tanulmányi rekorddátumok

Ezek a dátumok nyomon követik a ClinicalTrials.gov webhelyre benyújtott vizsgálati rekordok és összefoglaló eredmények benyújtásának folyamatát. A vizsgálati feljegyzéseket és a jelentett eredményeket a Nemzeti Orvostudományi Könyvtár (NLM) felülvizsgálja, hogy megbizonyosodjon arról, hogy megfelelnek-e az adott minőség-ellenőrzési szabványoknak, mielőtt közzéteszik őket a nyilvános weboldalon.

Tanulmány főbb dátumok

Tanulmány kezdete

2008. július 1.

Elsődleges befejezés (Tényleges)

2016. május 1.

A tanulmány befejezése (Tényleges)

2016. május 1.

Tanulmányi regisztráció dátumai

Először benyújtva

2012. június 18.

Először nyújtották be, amely megfelel a minőségbiztosítási kritériumoknak

2015. június 30.

Első közzététel (Becslés)

2015. július 1.

Tanulmányi rekordok frissítései

Utolsó frissítés közzétéve (Tényleges)

2018. február 7.

Az utolsó frissítés elküldve, amely megfelel a minőségbiztosítási kritériumoknak

2018. január 29.

Utolsó ellenőrzés

2018. január 1.

Több információ

A tanulmányhoz kapcsolódó kifejezések

Egyéb vizsgálati azonosító számok

  • 11406
  • 1R01HD047315 (Az Egyesült Államok NIH támogatása/szerződése)

Gyógyszer- és eszközinformációk, tanulmányi dokumentumok

Egy amerikai FDA által szabályozott gyógyszerkészítményt tanulmányoz


Egy amerikai FDA által szabályozott eszközterméket tanulmányoz


az Egyesült Államokban gyártott és onnan exportált termék


Ezt az információt közvetlenül a clinicaltrials.gov webhelyről szereztük be, változtatás nélkül. Ha bármilyen kérése van vizsgálati adatainak módosítására, eltávolítására vagy frissítésére, kérjük, írjon a következő címre: register@clinicaltrials.gov. Amint a változás bevezetésre kerül a clinicaltrials.gov oldalon, ez a webhelyünkön is automatikusan frissül. .

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