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Be Healthy, So Easy: FAMILY Education Project

2018年7月10日 更新者:Dr. Agnes Yuen-Kwan Lai、The University of Hong Kong

The goal of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a family-focused, interactive, and theory-based intervention to reduce the sedentary behavior and increase physical activity, family communication and well-being of the participants.

The intervention is to use Zero-time Exercise, the positive psychology theme "Appreciation and Gratitude" [23, 24], and role modelling approach to get sedentary people to start exercising, increase levels of physical activity, family communication and well-being of the participants and their family members.

The intervention aims to encourage positive and sustainable health actions among participants and their family members.



Lack of physical activity is a behavioural risk for non-communicable diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that physical inactivity and unhealthy diets are two of the four main behavioural risk factors that contribute to non-communicable diseases. Globally, people who are overweight and obese, particularly if these people are physically inactive. They are at risk for morbidity and mortality.

Hong Kong-specific data demonstrates that many people cannot meet World Health Organization targets for physical activity. The Hong Kong Behavioural Risk Factor Survey reported that, for the seven days prior to the survey, about half (52.0%) of adults aged 18-64 had not done any moderate physical activity. Overall, only 37.5% of the respondents met the WHO's recommended physical activity level of at least 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity a week for adults.

There is emerging evidence of effective behavioral interventions to decrease sedentary behavior. Some studies focused on reducing screen time or active workstations that encourage standing at the computer. Others focus on increased use of stairs instead of lifts. These interventions used behaviour change techniques such as goal-setting and behavioural self-monitoring. As previous approaches have not shown promising results, new approaches are needed to reduce sedentary behaviour and increase exercise or physical activity.

The goal of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a family-focused, interactive, and theory-based intervention to reduce the sedentary behavior and increase physical activity of the participants.

The intervention is to use Zero-time Exercise, the positive psychology theme "Appreciation and Gratitude", and role modelling approach to get sedentary people to start exercising, increase levels of physical activity, family communication and well-being of the participants and their family members. The intervention aims to encourage positive and sustainable health actions among participants and their family members.

Needs assessment and focus group interview will be conducted before program design and after conducting the training, respectively. Process evaluation will be performed to evaluate the process of each component of the program. Qualitative and quantitative assessments will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of this Zero-time Exercise intervention.



入学 (実際)



  • 適用できない




      • Hong Kong、香港、852
        • Caritas integrated Family Service Centre





18年~100年 (大人、高齢者)






Inclusion Criteria:

  1. Parents with at least on child between 3 and 18;
  2. Parents with at least primary school educational level:
  3. Parents who can read and write Chinese.

Exclusion Criteria:

  1. People with a serious health condition that might prevent them from participating in physical activity;
  2. Parents who do not have a child between 3 and 18.





  • 主な目的:防止
  • 割り当て:ランダム化
  • 介入モデル:並列代入
  • マスキング:なし(オープンラベル)


参加者グループ / アーム
実験的:Zero-time Exercise (PA) group

The intervention arm (PA group) aims to improve family communication and well-being, reduce sedentary behavior and increase physical activity. The programme includes a knowledge and motivation enhancement session at baseline, an experience sharing session at 3 months, a family gathering session at 6 months, and a holistic health session at 12 months after the first session as well as biweekly/monthly mobile messages.

The holistic health session is not a part of the cRCT, it aims to collect one-year feedback from participants and provides additional health information to improve dietary habits.

a knowledge and motivation enhancement session at baseline, an experience sharing session at 3 months, a family gathering session at 6 months, and a holistic health session at 12 months (not a part of cRCT, for the collection of feedback only) as well as biweekly/monthly mobile messages to improve physical activity habit.
プラセボコンパレーター:Healthy Eating (HE) group

The control arm (HE group) aims to improve family communication and well-being and enhance healthy eating habits. Participants are required to engage their family members in their activities. The programme includes a knowledge and motivation enhancement session at baseline, an experience sharing session at 3 months, a family gathering session at 6 months, and a holistic health session at 12 months after the first session as well as biweekly/monthly mobile messages.

The holistic health session is not a part of the cRCT, it aims to collect one-year feedback from participants and provides additional health information to improve physical activity habit.

a knowledge and motivation enhancement session at baseline, an experience sharing session at 3 months, a family gathering session at 6 months, and a holistic health session at 12 months (not a part of cRCT, for the collection of feedback only) as well as biweekly/monthly mobile messages to improve dietary habit.



Change in behavior on performing physical activity in relation to Zero-time Exercise, moderate and vigorous exercises
時間枠:baseline, 3 months
Behaviors on performing physical activity will be assessed by outcome-based questionnaire
baseline, 3 months


Change in behavior on performing physical activity in relation to Zero-time Exercise, moderate and vigorous exercises
時間枠:baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year
Behavior on performing physical activity will be assessed by outcome-based and physical activity questionnaire
baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year
Change in behavior on taking healthy diet
時間枠:baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year
Behavior on taking healthy diet will be assessed by outcome-based healthy diet questionnaire
baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year
Attitude on performing Zero-time Exercise,
時間枠:immediate after training session, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year
Attitude on performing physical activity in relation to Zero-time Exercise will be assessed by outcome-based questionnaire
immediate after training session, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year
Perceived ability and intention to motivate participants themselves and their family to increase Zero-time Exercise
時間枠:baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year
Perceived ability and intention to motivate participants themselves and their family members on performing Zero-time Exercise will be assessed by outcome-based questionnaire
baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year
Change in participants' own health and happiness
時間枠:baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year
Personal health and happiness will be assessed by outcome-based questionnaire
baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year
Change in participants' family harmony
時間枠:baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year
Family harmony will be assessed by outcome-based questionnaire
baseline, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year
Change in physical fitness performance (Endurance)
時間枠:baseline, 3 months,6 months, 1 year
Endurance will be assessed through a simple fitness test called foot pedaling
baseline, 3 months,6 months, 1 year
Family members' behavior on performing physical activity in relation to Zero-time Exercise,
時間枠:6 months
Family members' behavior on performing physical activity in relation to Zero-time Exercise will be assessed by outcome-based questionnaire
6 months





  • 主任研究者:Agnes YK Lai, DN、The University of Hong Kong




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研究開始 (実際)


一次修了 (実際)


研究の完了 (実際)







最初の投稿 (見積もり)



投稿された最後の更新 (実際)









  • UW 15-330

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Zero-time Exerciseの臨床試験
