이 페이지는 자동 번역되었으며 번역의 정확성을 보장하지 않습니다. 참조하십시오 영문판 원본 텍스트의 경우.

Interpretation of Health News Items Reporting Results of Phase I/II (Non-randomized) Trials With or Without Spin by English-speaking Population

2018년 9월 10일 업데이트: Isabelle BOUTRON, Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris

Interpretation of Health News Items Reporting Results of Phase I/II (Non-randomized) Trials With or Without Spin: A Randomized Controlled Trial Among English-speaking Population

The main objective of this study is to compare the interpretation of health news items reporting results of phase I/II (non-randomized) trials with or without spin (i.e., distortion of research results). The news items which reported studies evaluating the treatment effect, having highest number of spin in the headline and text and received high online public attention will be selected. Spin will be deleted and will rewrite the news items without spin. This sample of news items reporting results of phase I/II (non-randomized) trials with and without spin will be interpreted by English-speaking population.

연구 개요

상세 설명

Health news is an important way to communicate updated medical research to the public. News items reporting the results of medical research attract a large audience. However, the quality of reporting in health news is questionable. The merits of a wide range of treatments and tests are overplayed and harms are underplayed. Several studies have shown the presence of spin (i.e., distorted presentation of study results) in health news. Distorted facts can be misleading and can affect the behaviour of physicians, healthcare providers and patients. However, little research has assessed whether spin can affect readers' interpretation of health news items.

Objective: "Spin" is defined as a misrepresentation of study results whatever the motive (intentionally or unintentionally) to highlight that the beneficial effect of the intervention in terms of efficacy and safety is greater than that shown by the results. To compare the interpretation of health news items reporting phase I/II (non-randomized) trials with or without spin. News items evaluating the effect of a pharmacological treatment that received high online public attention will be focused.

Hypothesis: The hypothesis of this study is that the spin can influence the reader's interpretation of health news items reporting results of phase I/II (non-randomized) trials.

Design: A randomized controlled trial

  1. Interventions: Health news items reporting results of phase I/II (non-randomized) studies with and without spin will be compared. A sample of health news items reporting the results of phase I/II (non-randomized) studies evaluating the effect of pharmacologic treatment and containing spin in the headline and text will be selected. Spin will be deleted in the selected news items and will be rewritten the news without spin.
  2. Participants: The participants will include English-speaking population from FindParticipants (https://www.findparticipants.com/).
  3. Sample size: For this RCT, the sample size will be 300 participants.
  4. The primary outcome will be perception of beneficial effect of the treatment X. We will ask participants, what do you think is the probability that treatment X would be beneficial to patients? (scale, 0 [very unlikely] to 10 [very likely]). Perception of safety and beneficial effects of treatment in clinical studies is considered as a surrogate marker of health outcome as it may have an impact on the future development of the drug, and then the potential use of the drug for patients.
  5. Expected results: This study will evaluate the impact of spin on the interpretation of news items reporting results of phase I/II (non-randomized) trials by English-speaking population.

연구 유형


등록 (예상)



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    • Ile-de-france
      • Paris, Ile-de-france, 프랑스, 75004
        • Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris


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자격 기준

공부할 수 있는 나이

18년 이상 (성인, 고령자)

건강한 자원 봉사자를 받아들입니다


연구 대상 성별



Inclusion Criteria:

  • Native English speakers or have a very good level in reading and understanding of English language

Exclusion Criteria:


공부 계획

이 섹션에서는 연구 설계 방법과 연구가 측정하는 내용을 포함하여 연구 계획에 대한 세부 정보를 제공합니다.

연구는 어떻게 설계됩니까?

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연구는 무엇을 측정합니까?

주요 결과 측정

결과 측정
측정값 설명
치료의 유익한 효과에 대한 인식 X
기간: 개입이 할당되면(뉴스 항목 읽기) 즉, 1-2시간
우리는 참가자들에게 치료 X가 환자에게 유익할 확률이 얼마라고 생각하는지 물어볼 것입니다. 10점 리커트 척도(척도, 0[매우 가능성 없음]에서 10[매우 가능성 있음])에 대한 답변 선택
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2차 결과 측정

결과 측정
측정값 설명
치료 X가 환자에게 얼마나 안전할 것이라고 생각하십니까?
기간: 개입이 할당되면(뉴스 항목 읽기) 즉, 1-2시간
10점 리커트 척도(척도, 0[매우 안전하지 않음] ~ 10[매우 안전함])에 대한 답변 선택
개입이 할당되면(뉴스 항목 읽기) 즉, 1-2시간
이 치료법이 단기적으로 환자에게 제공되어야 한다고 생각하십니까?
기간: 개입이 할당되면(뉴스 항목 읽기) 즉, 1-2시간
10점 리커트 척도(척도, 0[절대 아니요] ~ 10[절대 예])에 대한 답변 선택
개입이 할당되면(뉴스 항목 읽기) 즉, 1-2시간
이 치료법이 기존 임상 실습에 차이를 가져올 것이라고 생각하십니까?
기간: 개입이 할당되면(뉴스 항목 읽기) 즉, 1-2시간
10점 리커트 척도(척도, 0[절대 아니요] ~ 10[절대 예])에 대한 답변 선택
개입이 할당되면(뉴스 항목 읽기) 즉, 1-2시간
기존 임상에서 치료 X의 효능, 안전성, 가용성 및 임상적 유용성에 대한 인식
기간: 개입이 할당되면(뉴스 항목 읽기) 즉, 1-2시간
참가자들에게 물어볼 것입니다. 환자에게 잠재적인 혜택의 크기가 어느 정도라고 생각하십니까? 5점 척도(척도, [없음, 작음, 보통 또는 큼])의 답변 선택
개입이 할당되면(뉴스 항목 읽기) 즉, 1-2시간

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여기에서 이 연구와 관련된 사람과 조직을 찾을 수 있습니다.


  • 수석 연구원: Romana HANEEF, PhD researcher, INSERM U1153
  • 수석 연구원: Isabelle BOUTRON, Prof., INSERM U1153, University of Paris-Descartes

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