
06-06 14:37
Drug-induced liver injury
06-06 14:21
Chronic kidney disease as cardiovascular risk factor in routine clinical practice: a position statement by the Council of the European Renal Association
06-06 13:40
Management of patients with disk displacement without reduction of the temporomandibular joint by arthrocentesis alone, plus hyaluronic acid or plus platelet-rich plasma
06-06 13:40
Evaluation of the participation of hyaluronic acid with platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders
06-06 13:24
Impact of a multimodal anti-emetic prophylaxis on patient satisfaction in high-risk patients for postoperative nausea and vomiting
06-06 13:01
Simulated Acute Hypobaric Hypoxia Effects on Cognition in Helicopter Emergency Medical Service Personnel - A Randomized, Controlled, Single-Blind, Crossover Trial
06-06 13:01
Effect of acute hypoxia on cognition: A systematic review and meta-regression analysis
06-06 01:50
Prevalence and healthcare costs of obesity-related comorbidities: evidence from an electronic medical records system in the United States
06-06 01:47
Child physical abuse, declining trend in prevalence over 10 years in Sweden
06-06 01:46
WASPE Sleep Deprivation, Paired with an Optical Surface Monitoring System, Can Provide Accurate Radiation Therapy to Pediatric Patients Without the Need for Sedation
06-06 01:46
Feasibility of the Audio-Visual Assisted Therapeutic Ambience in Radiotherapy (AVATAR) System for Anesthesia Avoidance in Pediatric Patients: A Multicenter Trial
06-06 01:46
Isoflurane differentially affects neurogenesis and long-term neurocognitive function in 60-day-old and 7-day-old rats
06-06 01:46
Exercise under heat stress: thermoregulation, hydration, performance implications, and mitigation strategies
06-06 01:46
Hyperthermia and central fatigue during prolonged exercise in humans
06-06 01:42
New bone formation around implants inserted on autologous and xenografts irradiated or not with IR laser light: a histomorphometric study in rabbits
06-06 01:11
Intercostal cryonerve block versus elastomeric infusion pump for postoperative analgesia following surgical stabilization of traumatic rib fractures
06-06 01:07
Provider directory inaccuracy and timely access for mental health care
06-06 01:05
Life satisfaction in spouses of patients with stroke during the first year after stroke
06-06 01:05
Stroke: patient characteristics and quality of life of caregivers
06-06 01:01
Indications for and pregnancy outcomes of cervical cerclage: 11-year comparison of patients undergoing history-indicated, ultrasound-indicated, or rescue cerclage
06-04 15:06
Radical versus partial nephrectomy: effect on overall and noncancer mortality
06-04 14:50
Endovascular versus medical therapy in posterior cerebral artery stroke: role of baseline NIHSS and occlusion site
06-04 14:40
Assessment of Health Literacy and validation of single-item literacy screener (SILS) in a sample of Italian people
06-04 14:40
Sex-based differences in early mortality after myocardial infarction. National Registry of Myocardial Infarction 2 Participants
06-04 14:17
Relationship of Cough Strength to Respiratory Function, Physical Performance, and Physical Activity in Older Adults

Clinical Research News

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