French University Hospital conducts GERAP's Epidemiological Survey on Perioperative Hypersensitivity Reactions

The University Hospital, Strasbourg, France is commencing recruitment for the clinical trial of the GERAP's Epidemiological Survey on Perioperative Hypersensitivity Reactions.

A new clinical trial is recruiting patients in the following locations: France.

The trial officially began on the November 12, 2020 and is planned to complete on May 12, 2031.

Perioperative hypersensitivity reactions are still associated with significant morbidity and mortality despite early recognition and use of epinephrine. The epidemiology of these reactions evolves over time and changes with clinical practice. The main objective is to study the epidemiology of these reactions over a 10-year period, including patient phenotype, reaction phenotype and outcome of the allergic work-up.

Retrospective analysis of incidence of all perioperative hypersensitivity reactions referred in an allegro-anesthetic is primary outcome measures.

The population that can be enrolled into this study includes:

  • Participant having experienced a perioperative hypersensitivity reaction between January the 1st 2017 and December the 31st 2027.
  • Referred for an allegro-anesthetic workup.
  • Participant not having expressed his opposition, after information, to the reuse of his data for the purposes of this research.

The link to the complete study profile:

Clinical Research News

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