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A Study to Evaluate if AC-084 is Safe, Its Fate in the Body as Well as Its Potential Effects on the Body in Healthy Subjects

2018年7月6日 更新者:Idorsia Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

A Three-part Single-center, Phase 1 Study to Assess the Tolerability, Safety, Pharmacokinetics (Including Food Interaction), and Pharmacodynamics of Ascending Single and Multiple Doses of AC-084 in Healthy Subjects and to Investigate the Pharmacokinetics of a Single Dose of AC-084 in Healthy CYP2C9 Poor Metabolizers

The primary purpose of this first-in-man study is to investigate whether AC-084 is safe and well-tolerated when orally administered at single- and multiple-ascending dose to healthy adults





The study is designed in three parts, A, B and C

Part A: single-center, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, single ascending dose

Part B: single-center, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, multiple ascending dose

Part C: single-center, open-label, single dose in CYP2C9 poor metabolizers



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  • 阶段1




      • Leeds、英国、LS2 9LH
        • Covance Clinical Research Unit





18年 至 55年 (成人)






Inclusion Criteria:

  • Signed informed consent in the local language prior to any study-mandated procedure
  • Healthy male subjects for Part A, healthy male and female subjects for Part B and Part C aged between 18 and 55 years (inclusive) at screening
  • No clinically significant findings on physical examination at screening
  • Body mass index (BMI) of 18.0 to 28.0 kg/m2 (inclusive) at screening
  • CYP2C9 poor metabolizers (Part C)

Exclusion Criteria:

  • History or clinical evidence of any disease and/or existence of any surgical or medical condition that might interfere with the absorption, distribution, metabolism or excretion of the study treatment (appendectomy and herniotomy allowed, cholecystectomy not allowed)
  • Previous history of fainting, collapse, syncope, orthostatic hypotension, or vasovagal reactions
  • Treatment or substances known to induce CYP enzyme drug metabolism within 30 days prior to first study treatment administration
  • Any circumstances or conditions, which, in the opinion of the investigator, may affect full participation in the study or compliance with the protocol
  • Known allergic reactions or hypersensitivity to the study treatment or drugs of the same class, or any of their excipients
  • For Part A and Part B, CYP2C9 poor metabolizers enrolled in a cohort to be dosed with single or multiple dose of 500 mg or higher of ACT-774312 (confirmed by genotyping before enrollment)





  • 主要用途:其他
  • 分配:随机化
  • 介入模型:并行分配
  • 屏蔽:三倍


实验性的:AC-084, single ascending dose (Part A)
AC-084 administered at different single dose levels in a sequential manner, and in a maximum of 7 dose levels starting from 1 mg (number of cohorts and dose levels will depend on the safety and pharmacokinetic results of the previous cohort). Each dose level will be investigated in a new group of at least 8 healthy male subjects (6 on active drug and 2 on placebo)
Hard gelatin capsules for oral administration formulated in strengths of 1 mg, 10 mg, and 100 mg
安慰剂比较:Placebo,single ascending dose (Part A)
Matched placebo administered as single ascending doses in parallel to AC-084
Placebo capsules matching AC-084 capsules
实验性的:AC-084, multiple ascending dose (Part B)
AC-084 administered in a twice daily (b.i.d.) dosing regimen at multiple dose levels. The starting dose will be between 1 and 30 mg and will be selected on the basis of the safety and pharmacokinetic results of the part A. Each dose level will be investigated in a new group of at least 8 healthy male subjects (6 on active drug and 2 on placebo)
Hard gelatin capsules for oral administration formulated in strengths of 1 mg, 10 mg, and 100 mg
安慰剂比较:Placebo,multiple ascending dose (Part B)
Matched placebo administered as multiple ascending doses in parallel to AC-084
Placebo capsules matching AC-084 capsules
实验性的:AC-084, single dose (Part C)
Up to 6 subjects in part C will receive AC-084 administered at a single dose (foreseen to be 100 mg)
Hard gelatin capsules for oral administration formulated in strengths of 1 mg, 10 mg, and 100 mg



Number of participants with adverse events (AEs) (Part A)
大体时间:From dosing until day 4
Treatment-emergent AEs and treatment-emergent serious AEs
From dosing until day 4
Number of participants with adverse events (AEs) (Part B)
大体时间:From dosing until day 8
Treatment-emergent AEs and treatment-emergent serious AEs
From dosing until day 8
Number of participants with adverse events (AEs) (Part C)
大体时间:From dosing until day 6
Treatment-emergent AEs and treatment-emergent serious AEs
From dosing until day 6
Incidence of safety events of interest (Part A)
大体时间:From dosing until day 4
Events of interest are any abnormalities in ECG, vital signs or laboratory test results
From dosing until day 4
Incidence of safety events of interest (Part B)
大体时间:From dosing until day 8
Events of interest are any abnormalities in ECG, vital signs or laboratory test results
From dosing until day 8
Incidence of safety events of interest (Part C)
大体时间:From dosing until day 6
Events of interest are any abnormalities in ECG, vital signs or laboratory test results
From dosing until day 6


Maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) following single oral ascending doses (Part A)
大体时间:From dosing until day 4
Cmax is derived from the observed plasma concentration-time curves
From dosing until day 4
Maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) following single oral ascending doses (Part B)
大体时间:From dosing until day 8
Cmax is derived from the observed plasma concentration-time curves
From dosing until day 8
Maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) following single oral ascending doses (Part C)
大体时间:From dosing until day 6
Cmax is derived from the observed plasma concentration-time curves
From dosing until day 6
Time to reach Cmax (tmax) following single oral ascending doses (Part A)
大体时间:From dosing until day 4
Tmax is derived from the observed plasma concentration-time curves
From dosing until day 4
Time to reach Cmax (tmax) following single oral ascending doses (Part B)
大体时间:From dosing until day 8
Tmax is derived from the observed plasma concentration-time curves
From dosing until day 8
Time to reach Cmax (tmax) following single oral ascending doses (Part C)
大体时间:From dosing until day 6
Tmax is derived from the observed plasma concentration-time curves
From dosing until day 6
Terminal half-life [t(1/2)] following single oral ascending doses (Part A)
大体时间:From dosing until day 4
From dosing until day 4
Terminal half-life [t(1/2)] following single oral ascending doses (Part B)
大体时间:From dosing until day 8
From dosing until day 8
Terminal half-life [t(1/2)] following single oral ascending doses (Part C)
大体时间:From dosing until day 6
From dosing until day 6
Area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) following single oral ascending doses (Part A)
大体时间:From dosing until day 4
AUC is defined for the time intervals from zero to time t of the last measured concentration above the limit of quantification and from zero to infinity
From dosing until day 4
Area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) following single oral ascending doses (Part B)
大体时间:From dosing until day 8
AUC is defined for the time intervals from zero to time t of the last measured concentration above the limit of quantification and from zero to infinity
From dosing until day 8
Area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) following single oral ascending doses (Part C)
大体时间:From dosing until day 6
AUC is defined for the time intervals from zero to time t of the last measured concentration above the limit of quantification and from zero to infinity
From dosing until day 6




  • 研究主任:Martine Géhin, PhD、Actelion


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  • AC-084-101

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