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Recovery Kinetics Following Eccentric Exercise

2022年6月7日 更新者:Ioannis G. Fatouros、University of Thessaly

Recovery Kinetics Following Three Exercise-induced Muscle Damage Protocols in Adult Males

The aim of this study will be to investigate the recovery kinetics of neuromuscular fatigue, muscle microtrauma indicators, performance and oxidative stress factors after three different exercise induced muscle damage (EIMD) protocols in adult Males. Also, this study will determine the comparison among three different eccentric protocols in neuromuscular fatigue, muscle microtrauma indicators, performance and oxidative stress factors. The eccentric protocols will be differentiated in training volume and specifically in the eccentric repetitions in isokinetic dynamometer.



It is known that eccentric exercise induces muscle microtrauma. Also, eccentric type of exercise are associated with inflammatory response. The leukocytes and the immune cells during the phagocytosis process alter the redox status causing secondary muscle damage to the muscle tissue and also increase oxidative stress concentration. Despite of the existence of studies that examine the muscle damage indicators, inflammatory response, performance and neuromuscular fatigue and oxidative stress concentrations after eccentric exercise, however no studies are detected in order to compare the differences among three eccentric protocols. The eccentric protocols will be differentiated in training volume and specifically in the eccentric repetitions in isokinetic dynamometer. Specifically, a randomized, fourth-trial, cross-over, repeated measures design will be applied. Healthy male adults (age 18-30 years) will participate in the present study. Also, it is considered necessary that the participants will not suffer from any musculoskeletal injuries that will limit their ability to perform the exercise protocols. Also the participants will not be smokers and will not consume alcohol and nutritional supplements.

In the first phase all participants will sign an informed consent form after they will be informed about all benefits and risks of this study and they will sign a recent historical of musculoskeletal injury or illness form. Subsequently, fasting blood samples will be collected by venipuncture using a disposable needle (20-gauge) in order to measure muscle damage markers (CK), inflammation markers (WBC) and oxidative stress markers (TBARS, PC, GSH, ΤΑC, CAT, UA). After, delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) in the knee flexors (KF) and extensors (KE) of both limbs, body weight (BW), height and body composition (DXA method) will be measured in the lab. Completing the first phase, participants will be instructed by a dietitian how to record a 5 days diet recalls estimating the energy intake during the trials will be the same. The knee range of motion (KJRM) will be determined by the use of a goniometer, 24 hours after (second phase). The counter movement jump (CMJ) will be evaluated on a force platform using two force platforms at 1000 Hz, with each foot in parallel on the two platforms providing a separate yet time-synchronized measurement of the data for each leg. During the CMJ will be measured the jump height (cm), the ground reaction force (N), the peak and mean power (W/kg), the vertical stiffness (Kvert, N/m/kg) and the peak rate of force development (RFD, N/s), while at the same time will be evaluated the change in peak and mean normalized EMG during the eccentric and concentric phases of the counter movement jump, for the vastus medialis (VM) and vastus lateralis muscles. Electromyography data will be collected wirelessly at 2.000 Hz using a Myon MA-320 EMG system. The peak eccentric and concentric isokinetic torque of the knee flexors and extensors, in both limbs will be evaluated on an isokinetic dynamometer at 60°/sec. Also, the isometric peak torque of the knee extensors will be evaluated at 65° in both limbs. Finally, Open-circuit spirometry will be utilized for assessment of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) using an automated online pulmonary gas exchange system via breath-by-breath analysis during a graded exercise testing on a treadmill.

96 hours after, the participants are going to perform one of the three eccentric protocols randomly, on an isokinetic dynamometer. The eccentric protocol will be performed on a different limb for each trial. The ECC 75 trial will include 75 eccentric maximum repetitions (5 sets, 15 reps/set and recovery period: 30sec.) at 60°/sec. The ECC 150 trial will include 150 eccentric maximum repetitions (10 sets, 15 reps/set and recovery period: 30sec.) at 60°/sec. The ECC 300 trial will include 300 eccentric maximum repetitions (20 sets, 15 reps/set and recovery period: 30sec.) at 60°/sec. The DOMS indicator in the knee flexors (KF) and extensors (KE) of both limbs and the KJRM will be evaluated immediately after each protocol. Also, the (CMJ) will be evaluated on a force platform using two force platforms at 1000 Hz, with each foot in parallel on the two platforms providing a separate yet time-synchronized measurement of the data for each leg. During the CMJ will be measured the jump height (cm), the ground reaction force (N), the peak and mean power (W/kg), the vertical stiffness (Kvert, N/m/kg) and the peak rate of force development (RFD, N/s), while at the same time will be evaluated the change in peak and mean normalized EMG during the eccentric and concentric phases of the counter movement jump, for the vastus medialis (VM) and vastus lateralis muscles. Electromyography data will be collected wirelessly at 2.000 Hz using a Myon MA-320 EMG system. In addition, the peak eccentric and concentric isokinetic torque of the knee flexors and extensors, in both limbs will be evaluated on an isokinetic dynamometer at 60o/sec. Also, the isometric peak torque of the knee extensors will be evaluated at 65o in both limbs. All the above markers will be evaluated 24, 48 and 192 hours post eccentric protocol, however at these time points, fasting blood samples (20ml) will be collected in order to estimate hematological and biochemical indicators. Α 2 - week washout period will be adapted among trials. After, the participants will perform the process until they complete the trials.



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  • 不适用




      • Tríkala、希腊、42100
        • University o Thessaly, School of Physical Education and Sports Science





18年 至 30年 (成人)






Inclusion Criteria:

  • Aged between 18 and 30 years
  • Body Mass Index between 18.5-24.9 kg/m*m
  • Free of chronic diseases
  • Free of musculoskeletal injury
  • participants should be non-smokers

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Musculoskeletal injury
  • Chronic disease
  • Use of alcohol, caffeine and any type of nutritional supplements or medication before (≥ 6 months) and throughout the study.





  • 主要用途:基础科学
  • 分配:随机化
  • 介入模型:交叉作业
  • 屏蔽:无(打开标签)


实验性的:Eccentric 75
Participants in this arm will perform an eccentric exercise protocol consisted of 75 eccentric repetetions on an isokinetic dynamometer.
An acute bout of eccentric exercise will be performed on an isokinetic dynamometer, including 5 sets of 15 repetitions, with 30 sec rest intervals,at 60 degrees/sec.
实验性的:Eccentric 150
Participants in this arm will perform an eccentric exercise protocol consisted of 150 eccentric repetetions on an isokinetic dynamometer.
An acute bout of eccentric exercise will be performed on an isokinetic dynamometer, including 10 sets of 15 repetitions, with 30 sec rest intervals,at 60 degrees/sec.
实验性的:Eccentric 300
Participants in this arm will perform an eccentric exercise protocol consisted of 300 eccentric repetetions on an isokinetic dynamometer.
An acute bout of eccentric exercise will be performed on an isokinetic dynamometer, including 20 sets of 15 repetitions, with 30 sec rest intervals,at 60 degrees/sec.



Change in white blood cell count
大体时间:At baseline, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
White blood cell count will be measured using an automatic blood analyzer
At baseline, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in catalase activity
大体时间:At baseline, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Concentration of catalase will be measured in red blood cells
At baseline, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in uric acid in plasma
大体时间:At baseline, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
concentration of uric acid will be measured in plasma
At baseline, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in protein carbonyls in blood
大体时间:At baseline, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Concentration of protein carbonyls will be measured in red blood cells
At baseline, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in total antioxidant capacity
大体时间:At baseline, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
total antioxidant capacity will be measured in serum
At baseline, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in reduced glutathione in blood
大体时间:At baseline, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Concentration of oxidized glutathione will be measured in red blood cells
At baseline, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in thiobarbituric acid reactive substances
大体时间:At baseline, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Thiobarbituric acid will be measured in plasma
At baseline, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in Creatine kinase in blood
大体时间:At baseline, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Creatine kinase will be measured in plasma
At baseline, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in countermovement jump height
大体时间:At baseline, at 1 hour and 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Countermovement jump height will be measured using two force platforms at 1000 Hz, with each foot in parallel on the two platforms providing a separate yet time-synchronized measurement of the jump height data for each leg.
At baseline, at 1 hour and 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in ground reaction force (GRF) during countermovement jump test
大体时间:At baseline, at 1 hour and 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
The ground reaction force will be measured using two force platforms at 1000 Hz, with each foot in parallel on the two platforms providing a separate yet time-synchronized measurement of the GRF data for each leg.
At baseline, at 1 hour and 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in peak power during countermovement jump test
大体时间:At baseline, at 1 hour and 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
The peak power will be measured using two force platforms at 1000 Hz, with each foot in parallel on the two platforms providing a separate yet time-synchronized measurement of the peak power data for each leg.
At baseline, at 1 hour and 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in mean power during countermovement jump test
大体时间:At baseline, at 1 hour and 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
The mean power will be measured using two force platforms at 1000 Hz, with each foot in parallel on the two platforms providing a separate yet time-synchronized measurement of the mean power data for each leg.
At baseline, at 1 hour and 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in vertical stifness during countermovement jump test
大体时间:At baseline, at 1 hour and 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
The vertical stiffness will be measured using two force platforms at 1000 Hz, with each foot in parallel on the two platforms providing a separate yet time-synchronized measurement of vertical stifness data for each leg.
At baseline, at 1 hour and 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in peak rate of force develpemnt during countermovement jump test
大体时间:At baseline, at 1 hour and 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
The Peak rate of force development will be measured using two force platforms at 1000 Hz, with each foot in parallel on the two platforms providing a separate yet time-synchronized measurement of the Peak RFD data for each leg.
At baseline, at 1 hour and 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in peak normalized EMG during the eccentric and concentric phases of the counter movement jump
大体时间:At baseline, at 1 hour and 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Electromyography data will be collected wirelessly at 2.000 Hz using a Myon MA-320 EMG system (Myon AG, Schwarzenberg, Switzerland) for the vastus medialis (VM) and vastus lateralis muscles.
At baseline, at 1 hour and 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in mean normalized EMG during the eccentric and concentric phases of the counter movement jump
大体时间:At baseline, at 1 hour and 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Electromyography data will be collected wirelessly at 2.000 Hz using a Myon MA-320 EMG system (Myon AG, Schwarzenberg, Switzerland) for the vastus medialis (VM) and vastus lateralis muscles.
At baseline, at 1 hour and 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in knee range of motion
大体时间:At baseline, at 1 hour and 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Knee range of motion will be measured by goniometer
At baseline, at 1 hour and 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in eccentric isokinetic knee extensors peak torque
大体时间:At baseline, 1 hour, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Eccentric isokinetic knee extensors peak torque will be assessed on an isokinetic dynamometer
At baseline, 1 hour, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in concentric isokinetic knee extensors peak torque
大体时间:At baseline, 1 hour, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Concentric isokinetic knee extensors peak torque will be assessed on an isokinetic dynamometer
At baseline, 1 hour, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in eccentric isokinetic knee flexors peak torque
大体时间:At baseline, 1 hour, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Eccentric isokinetic knee flexors peak torque will be assessed on an isokinetic dynamometer
At baseline, 1 hour, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in concentric isokinetic knee flexors peak torque
大体时间:At baseline, 1 hour, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Concentric Iisokinetic knee flexors peak torque will be assessed on an isokinetic dynamometer
At baseline, 1 hour, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in isometric peak torque
大体时间:At baseline, 1 hour, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
The isometric peak torque will be assessed on an isokinetic dyanmometer
At baseline, 1 hour, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in fatigue index of isometric torque during 10 second
大体时间:At baseline, 1hour, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Fatigue rate during MVIC will be estimated through the percent drop of peak torque between the first and the last three seconds of a 10-secong maximal isometric contraction.
At baseline, 1hour, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Change in delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS) in the knee flexors (KF) and extensors (KE) of both limbs
大体时间:At baseline, 1 hour, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.
Muscle soreness (KF and KE) will be assessed during palpation of the muscle belly and the distal region
At baseline, 1 hour, at 24, 48 and 192 hours following the eccentric exercise protocol.


Dietary intake
大体时间:Over a 5 -day period at baseline
Dietary intake will be assessed using 5 -day diet recalls
Over a 5 -day period at baseline
最大耗氧量 (VO2max)




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75 eccentric contractions的临床试验
