이 페이지는 자동 번역되었으며 번역의 정확성을 보장하지 않습니다. 참조하십시오 영문판 원본 텍스트의 경우.

NEUROFEEDBACK on Event-Related Potential (ERP) (MyB)

2019년 10월 28일 업데이트: Hospices Civils de Lyon

Clinical Evaluation of a Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI)-Based Training of Attention in Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

This project aims to assess the evolution of symptoms in ADHD children from 8 to 17 years, with various types of attention training.

Different groups A, B and C will be evaluated: the first with Neurofeedback training, the second with a similar training but not indexed on brain activity and the third without training.

30 patients will be randomly assigned to groups A and B according to a ratio 2:1.

Others patients who meet the same criteria but for logistical reasons cannot comply with the training constraints will be assigned to group C.

Children included in groups A and B will participate in training sessions (Neurofeedback and control training, respectively) as well as in four evaluation sessions. Children in group C will only participate in evaluation sessions (baseline control group).

Patients of groups A and B will be followed over 6 months: 4 months of training and a follow-up evaluation 2 months after training.

Patients of group C will be followed each 2 months for 6 months. This study uses electro-encephalography measures, serious video game, neuropsychological tests and questionnaires.

It also uses actigraphy measures to evaluate sleep quality.

연구 개요

연구 유형


등록 (실제)



  • 해당 없음

연락처 및 위치

이 섹션에서는 연구를 수행하는 사람들의 연락처 정보와 이 연구가 수행되는 장소에 대한 정보를 제공합니다.

연구 장소

      • Bron, 프랑스, 69500
        • Hospices Civils de Lyon


연구원은 적격성 기준이라는 특정 설명에 맞는 사람을 찾습니다. 이러한 기준의 몇 가지 예는 개인의 일반적인 건강 상태 또는 이전 치료입니다.

자격 기준

공부할 수 있는 나이

8년 (어린이)

건강한 자원 봉사자를 받아들입니다


연구 대상 성별



Inclusion Criteria:

  • Children and teenagers aged from 8 to 17 years' old
  • Children and teenagers with a deficit attention disorder with or without hyperactivity, in the mixed form or in a pure inattentive form according to Diagnostique et Statistique des troubles Mentaux (DSM)-V.
  • Children and teenagers having a score in Verbal Comprehension Index (or Index Verbal Reasoning) and Perceptual Reasoning Index (or Index Reasoning fluid) ≥ 80 of WISC IV or V test, not older than two years.
  • Children and teenagers without psychostimulant treatment
  • Children and teenagers with psychostimulant treatment agreed to achieve a therapeutic break at each visit day and with a stable dose during all the study.
  • Children and teenagers whose parents have agreed and signed informed consent form of the study.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Children aged less than 8 and teenagers are more than 18 years' old.
  • Children and teenagers having a score in Verbal Comprehension Index (or Index Verbal Reasoning) and Perceptual Reasoning Index (or Index Reasoning fluid) < 80 of WISC IV or V test, not older than two years.
  • Children and teenagers with developmental disorder except "Dys" disorders.
  • Children and teenagers with pure hyperactivity (without attentional deficit)
  • Children and teenagers with epilepsy except benign epilepsies (without brain damage), free of crisis for two years and without treatment.
  • Children and teenagers with ADHD with conduct disorders and aggression
  • Children and teenagers with ADHD and Tourette's syndrome.
  • Patients treated by anti / epilepsy or psychotropic treatments (with the exception of psychostimulant treatment).
  • Patients with psychostimulant treatment and whose parents aren't agreed to achieve a therapeutic break at each visit day.
  • Patients with visual deficiency uncorrectable with lenses or glasses.

공부 계획

이 섹션에서는 연구 설계 방법과 연구가 측정하는 내용을 포함하여 연구 계획에 대한 세부 정보를 제공합니다.

연구는 어떻게 설계됩니까?

디자인 세부사항

  • 주 목적: 건강 서비스 연구
  • 할당: 무작위
  • 중재 모델: 병렬 할당
  • 마스킹: 삼루타

무기와 개입

참가자 그룹 / 팔
개입 / 치료
실험적: Group A

Children will be assigned to this group in a random fashion according to a ratio 2:1 with respect to group B (see below).

20 subjects will be included in this group.

Children in group A will receive BCI-based training implemented through original P300-based controlled games.

They will attend 30 1-hour long training sessions at a pace of 2 sessions per week.

Each session includes: installation of the child, the EEG system and an eye-tracking system, a 5-minutes relaxation phase, a short EEG recording at rest, a brief reminder of the instructions, 30 minutes of training by playing video games and finally a time for the child to wash her/his hair.

Moreover, 4 neuropsychological sessions will complement the 30 training sessions. During these sessions neuropsychological tests and quality of life questionnaires will be answered.

활성 비교기: Group B
Children will be assigned in this group in a random fashion. 10 subjects will be included in this group.

Children in group B will receive a training that is not based on brain activity, but in a blind fashion. They will attend 30 1-hour long training sessions at a pace of 2 sessions per week.

Each session includes: installation of the child, setting up the EEG and eye-tracking systems, a 5-minutes relaxation phase, short EEG recording at rest, a brief reminder of the instructions, 30 minutes of video game based training and finally a time for the child to wash her/his hair.

Besides, 4 neuropsychological sessions will complement the 30 training sessions. During these sessions neuropsychological tests and quality of life questionnaires will be performed.

활성 비교기: Group C

Will be included in this group children who meet the inclusion criteria and who, with their families, are motivated to participate in the study but cannot claim to be part of groups A or B (because of logistical constraints: living too far away to comply with the frequency of the visits required by the training).

Group C allows to follow the natural evolution of children with ADHD with no intervention.

The children included in this group will not receive any training. They only take part to the 4 neuropsychological sessions. Like others, they will attend 1 neuropsychological session every two months over six months.

연구는 무엇을 측정합니까?

주요 결과 측정

결과 측정
측정값 설명
Evaluation of the relative effect on symptoms of inattention between the two proposed training techniques, A and B, with the ADHD Rating Scale in children with ADHD
기간: every two months over six months.
Questions with odd numbers interested in the dimension "inattentive" will particularly be studied. The investigator expect an improvement in the type of score: ''ADHD-Inattentive'' children in group A compared to children in Group B. More specifically, he expect to improve responses to questions number 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 and 17. By definition, an evolving response would be to move from " 2=Often; 3=Very often" to " 1=Sometimes; 0=Rarely/Never".
every two months over six months.

2차 결과 측정

결과 측정
측정값 설명
Neuropsychological assessments of effects of training on the symptoms of inattention in ADHD children
기간: every months over six months.
ADHD Rating Scale (questions with odd numbers) will be performed ADHD children from groups A, B and C will be compared
every months over six months.
Neuropsychological assessments of effects of training on the symptoms of inattention in ADHD children
기간: every months over six months.
Bron/Lyon Attention Stability test (BLAST) test will be performed ADHD children from groups A, B and C will be compared
every months over six months.
Neuropsychological assessments of effects of training on the symptoms of inattention in ADHD children
기간: every months over six months.
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) subtests will be performed ADHD children from groups A, B and C will be compared
every months over six months.
Neuropsychological assessments of the effects of the lack of training on the symptoms of inattention in ADHD children
기간: every months over six months.
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) will be performed ADHD children from groups A, B and C will be compared
every months over six months.
Neuropsychological assessments of the effects of the lack of training on the symptoms of inattention in ADHD children
기간: every months over six months.
ADHD Rating Scale (questions with odd numbers) will be performed ADHD children from groups A, B and C will be compared
every months over six months.
Neuropsychological assessments of the effects of the lack of training on the symptoms of inattention in ADHD children
기간: every months over six months.
Bron/Lyon Attention Stability test (BLAST) will be performed ADHD children from groups A, B and C will be compared
every months over six months.
Compare the effects of the two types of trainings on the hyperactivity symptoms in ADHD children using neuropsychological assessments.
기간: every two months over six months
ADHD Rating Scale (questions with even numbers), Test d'évaluation de l'Attention (TAP) and Continuous Performance Test (CPT) will be performed ADHD children from groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
neuropsychological assessments of the effects of the two types of trainings on the hyperactivity symptoms in ADHD children
기간: every two months over six months
ADHD Rating Scale (questions with even numbers) will be performed ADHD children from groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
neuropsychological assessments of the effects of the two types of trainings on the hyperactivity symptoms in ADHD children
기간: every two months over six months
Test d'évaluation de l'Attention (TAP) will be performed ADHD children from groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
neuropsychological assessments of the effects of the two types of trainings on the hyperactivity symptoms in ADHD children
기간: every two months over six months
Continuous Performance Test (CPT) will be performed ADHD children from groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
neuropsychological assessments of the effects of the lack of training on the impulsivity symptoms in ADHD children
기간: every two months over six months
Continuous Performance Test (CPT) will be performed ADHD children from groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
neuropsychological assessments of the effects of the lack of training on the impulsivity symptoms in ADHD children
기간: every two months over six months
Test d'évaluation de l'Attention (TAP) will be performed ADHD children from groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
neuropsychological assessments of the effects of the lack of training on the impulsivity symptoms in ADHD children
기간: every two months over six months
ADHD Rating Scale (questions with even numbers) will be performed ADHD children from groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
neuropsychological assessments of the effects of the lack of training on the hyperactivity symptoms in ADHD children
기간: every two months over six months
Continuous Performance Test (CPT) will be performed ADHD children from groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
neuropsychological assessments of the effects of the lack of training on the hyperactivity symptoms in ADHD children
기간: every two months over six months
ADHD Rating Scale (questions with even numbers) will be performed ADHD children from groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
neuropsychological assessments of the effects of the lack of training on the hyperactivity symptoms in ADHD children
기간: every two months over six months
Test d'évaluation de l'Attention (TAP) will be performed ADHD children from groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify whether the changes in inattentive symptoms in groups A (Neurofeedback training) correlate with changes in specific EEG parameter, namely the P300 wave.
기간: every two months over six months
ADHD Rating Scale (questions with odd numbers) will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify whether the changes in inattentive symptoms in groups A (Neurofeedback training) correlate with changes in specific EEG parameter, namely the P300 wave.
기간: every two months over six months
TAP will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify whether the changes in inattentive symptoms in groups A (Neurofeedback training) correlate with changes in specific EEG parameter, namely the P300 wave.
기간: every two months over six months
CPT will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify whether the changes in inattentive symptoms in groups A (Neurofeedback training) correlate with changes in specific EEG parameter, namely the P300 wave.
기간: every two months over six months
BLAST will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify whether the changes in inattentive symptoms in groups A (Neurofeedback training) correlate with changes in specific EEG parameter, namely the P300 wave.
기간: every two months over six months
Attention and Distractibility Questionnaire (for children) will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify whether the changes in inattentive symptoms in groups B (Neurofeedback training) correlate with changes in specific EEG parameter, namely the P300 wave.
기간: every two months over six months
ADHD Rating Scale (questions with odd numbers)will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify whether the changes in inattentive symptoms in groups B (Neurofeedback training) correlate with changes in specific EEG parameter, namely the P300 wave.
기간: every two months over six months
TAP will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify whether the changes in inattentive symptoms in groups B (Neurofeedback training) correlate with changes in specific EEG parameter, namely the P300 wave.
기간: every two months over six months
CPT will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify whether the changes in inattentive symptoms in groups B (Neurofeedback training) correlate with changes in specific EEG parameter, namely the P300 wave.
기간: every two months over six months
BLAST will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify whether the changes in inattentive symptoms in groups B (Neurofeedback training) correlate with changes in specific EEG parameter, namely the P300 wave.
기간: every two months over six months
Attention and Distractibility Questionnaire (for children) will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify whether the changes in inattentive symptoms in groups C (Neurofeedback training) correlate with changes in specific EEG parameter, namely the P300 wave.
기간: every two months over six months
ADHD Rating Scale (questions with odd numbers) will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify whether the changes in inattentive symptoms in groups C (Neurofeedback training) correlate with changes in specific EEG parameter, namely the P300 wave.
기간: every two months over six months
TAP will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify whether the changes in inattentive symptoms in groups C (Neurofeedback training) correlate with changes in specific EEG parameter, namely the P300 wave.
기간: every two months over six months
CPT will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify whether the changes in inattentive symptoms in groups C (Neurofeedback training) correlate with changes in specific EEG parameter, namely the P300 wave.
기간: every two months over six months
BLAST will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify whether the changes in inattentive symptoms in groups C (Neurofeedback training) correlate with changes in specific EEG parameter, namely the P300 wave.
기간: every two months over six months
Attention and Distractibility Questionnaire (for children) will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify the evolution of the classical Neurofeedback biomarkers Slow Cortical Potential (SCP))
기간: every two months over six months
ADHD Rating Scale (questions with odd numbers) will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify the evolution of the classical Neurofeedback biomarkers Slow Cortical Potential (SCP))
기간: every two months over six months
TAP will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify the evolution of the classical Neurofeedback biomarkers Slow Cortical Potential (SCP))
기간: every two months over six months
BLAST will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify the evolution of the classical Neurofeedback biomarkers Slow Cortical Potential (SCP))
기간: every two months over six months
Attention and Distractibility Questionnaire (child) will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Assess whether the classical Neurofeedback biomarkers correlate with the evolution of behavioral and primary neurophysiological measures (P300) in all groups.
기간: every two months over six months
ADHD Rating Scale (questions with odd numbers) will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Assess whether the classical Neurofeedback biomarkers correlate with the evolution of behavioral and primary neurophysiological measures (P300) in all groups.
기간: every two months over six months
TAP will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Assess whether the classical Neurofeedback biomarkers correlate with the evolution of behavioral and primary neurophysiological measures (P300) in all groups.
기간: every two months over six months
BLAST will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Assess whether the classical Neurofeedback biomarkers correlate with the evolution of behavioral and primary neurophysiological measures (P300) in all groups.
기간: every two months over six months
Attention and Distractibility Questionnaire (child) will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify the evolution of the classical Neurofeedback biomarkers Theta/Beta Ratio (TBR)
기간: every two months over six months
ADHD Rating Scale (questions with odd numbers) will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify the evolution of the classical Neurofeedback biomarkers Theta/Beta Ratio (TBR)
기간: every two months over six months
TAP will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify the evolution of the classical Neurofeedback biomarkers Theta/Beta Ratio (TBR)
기간: every two months over six months
BLAST will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify the evolution of the classical Neurofeedback biomarkers Theta/Beta Ratio (TBR)
기간: every two months over six months
Attention and Distractibility Questionnaire (child) will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Assess whether the classical Neurofeedback biomarkers TBR correlate with the evolution of behavioral and primary neurophysiological measures (P300) in all groups.
기간: every two months over six months
ADHD Rating Scale (questions with odd numbers) will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Assess whether the classical Neurofeedback biomarkers TBR correlate with the evolution of behavioral and primary neurophysiological measures (P300) in all groups.
기간: every two months over six months
TAP will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Assess whether the classical Neurofeedback biomarkers TBR correlate with the evolution of behavioral and primary neurophysiological measures (P300) in all groups.
기간: every two months over six months
BLAST will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Assess whether the classical Neurofeedback biomarkers TBR correlate with the evolution of behavioral and primary neurophysiological measures (P300) in all groups.
기간: every two months over six months
Attention and Distractibility Questionnaire (child) will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify the evolution of the classical Neurofeedback biomarkers Sensori-Moteur Rythm (SMR)
기간: every two months over six months
ADHD Rating Scale (questions with odd numbers) will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify the evolution of the classical Neurofeedback biomarkers Sensori-Moteur Rythm (SMR)
기간: every two months over six months
TAP will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify the evolution of the classical Neurofeedback biomarkers Sensori-Moteur Rythm (SMR)
기간: every two months over six months
BLAST will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Quantify the evolution of the classical Neurofeedback biomarkers Sensori-Moteur Rythm (SMR)
기간: every two months over six months
Attention and Distractibility Questionnaire (child) will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Assess whether the Neurofeedback biomarkers SMR correlate with the evolution of behavioral and primary neurophysiological measures (P300) in all groups.
기간: every two months over six months
ADHD Rating Scale (questions with odd numbers)will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Assess whether the Neurofeedback biomarkers SMR correlate with the evolution of behavioral and primary neurophysiological measures (P300) in all groups.
기간: every two months over six months
TAP will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Assess whether the Neurofeedback biomarkers SMR correlate with the evolution of behavioral and primary neurophysiological measures (P300) in all groups.
기간: every two months over six months
BLAST will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Assess whether the Neurofeedback biomarkers SMR correlate with the evolution of behavioral and primary neurophysiological measures (P300) in all groups.
기간: every two months over six months
Attention and Distractibility Questionnaire (child) will be evaluated ADHD children of groups A, B and C will be compared
every two months over six months
Evaluate the impact of the trainings on the sleep quality in ADHD children.
기간: every two months over six months.
Sleep questionnaires will be distributed ADHD children in groups A, B and C will be compared.
every two months over six months.
Evaluate the impact of the trainings on the sleep quality in ADHD children.
기간: every two months over six months.
The sleep data may also be collected using an actigraph (ancillary study). ADHD children in groups A, B and C will be compared.
every two months over six months.
Evaluating the impact of the trainings on the quality of life in ADHD children.
기간: every two months over six months

The Child Behavior CheckList (CBCL) questionnaire will be performed

Groups A, B and C will be compared.

every two months over six months
Evaluating the impact of the trainings on the quality of life in ADHD children.
기간: every two months over six months

Information about the quality of life will be also collected in a logbook by family members and provided at each visit.

Groups A, B and C will be compared.

every two months over six months

공동 작업자 및 조사자

여기에서 이 연구와 관련된 사람과 조직을 찾을 수 있습니다.


  • 수석 연구원: Alexis ARZIMANOGLOU, Hospices Civils de Lyon

연구 기록 날짜

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연구 주요 날짜

연구 시작 (실제)

2017년 2월 2일

기본 완료 (실제)

2019년 9월 9일

연구 완료 (실제)

2019년 9월 9일

연구 등록 날짜

최초 제출

2017년 8월 4일

QC 기준을 충족하는 최초 제출

2017년 9월 18일

처음 게시됨 (실제)

2017년 9월 21일

연구 기록 업데이트

마지막 업데이트 게시됨 (실제)

2019년 10월 29일

QC 기준을 충족하는 마지막 업데이트 제출

2019년 10월 28일

마지막으로 확인됨

2019년 10월 1일

추가 정보

이 연구와 관련된 용어

약물 및 장치 정보, 연구 문서

미국 FDA 규제 의약품 연구


미국 FDA 규제 기기 제품 연구


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Neurofeedback training에 대한 임상 시험
