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Primary HIV Prevention in Pregnant and Lactating Ugandan Women (PRIMAL)

20 mei 2016 bijgewerkt door: University of California, San Francisco


This study aims to test the effectiveness of a behavioral intervention aimed at preventing the primary acquisition of HIV by uninfected pregnant and lactating women in Uganda, East Africa where HIV transmission is high. Women who acquire HIV during pregnancy or lactation are at higher risk of adverse health and pregnancy outcomes and their baby is at high risk of acquiring HIV and dying.

Keeping HIV-uninfected women uninfected during pregnancy and lactation is an important component of the global World Health Organization (WHO) strategy to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV but there has been no study to date to assess interventions that can effectively keep these women uninfected.

In this study, the investigators will test the hypotheses that:

  1. extended repeat HIV testing and enhanced counseling (ERHTEC) during late pregnancy (>36 weeks) and breastfeeding can increase and sustain risk reduction behaviors and prevent incident STI and HIV infections among HIV-uninfected pregnant women, and
  2. that couple HIV testing and counseling (HTC) can further enhance this effect through improved couple communication and emotional and economic support from male partners.

Studie Overzicht

Gedetailleerde beschrijving

The specific aims of the study are:

  • Aim 1: to assess the effect of an extended repeat HIV testing and enhanced counseling (ERHTEC) intervention on sexual risk behavior and sexually transmitted infections (STI) and HIV acquisition in HIV-uninfected pregnant and lactating women enrolled individually
  • Aim 2: to assess the effect of ERHTEC on sexual risk behavior and the incidence of STI and HIV in uninfected pregnant and lactating women enrolled with their partner, and
  • Aim 3: to assess the costs and estimate the cost-effectiveness of the intervention.

We will conduct a stratified randomized trial of 410 HIV-negative pregnant Ugandan women enrolled individually and 410 HIV-negative pregnant women enrolled with their male partners in Mulago Hospital, Kampala and St Joseph Hospital, Kitgum, Northern Uganda. In each site, 205 women enrolled individually and 205 couples will be randomized to be either retested and counseled for HIV in late pregnancy only (>36 weeks) as per the WHO/Ministry of Health (MOH) recommendation, or to receive ERHTEC throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Individual women and couples randomized to the intervention arm will receive the ERHTEC intervention at 3, 6, 12, and 18 months postpartum. Follow-up will end at 24 months postpartum or 6 weeks after the end of breastfeeding, whichever occurs first.



Inschrijving (Werkelijk)



  • Niet toepasbaar

Contacten en locaties

In dit gedeelte vindt u de contactgegevens van degenen die het onderzoek uitvoeren en informatie over waar dit onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd.

Studie Locaties

      • Kampala, Oeganda
        • Mulago Hospital

Deelname Criteria

Onderzoekers zoeken naar mensen die aan een bepaalde beschrijving voldoen, de zogenaamde geschiktheidscriteria. Enkele voorbeelden van deze criteria zijn iemands algemene gezondheidstoestand of eerdere behandelingen.


Leeftijden die in aanmerking komen voor studie

15 jaar tot 49 jaar (Kind, Volwassen)

Accepteert gezonde vrijwilligers


Geslachten die in aanmerking komen voor studie



Inclusion Criteria:

  • Women: 15-49 years old, confirmed HIV negative, confirmed pregnant, living within 30kms /19 miles of hospital, willingness to sign informed consent
  • Men: > or = 15 years old, being an established partner of a woman participant, living within 30kms /19 miles of hospital, willingness to sign informed consent

Exclusion Criteria:

  • condition requiring hospitalization

Studie plan

Dit gedeelte bevat details van het studieplan, inclusief hoe de studie is opgezet en wat de studie meet.

Hoe is de studie opgezet?


  • Primair doel: Preventie
  • Toewijzing: Gerandomiseerd
  • Interventioneel model: Parallelle opdracht
  • Masker: Geen (open label)

Wapens en interventies

Deelnemersgroep / Arm
Interventie / Behandeling
Experimenteel: Women-Extended Repeat Testing and Enhanced Counseling
Pregnant/breastfeeding women enrolled individually and randomized to the intervention arm will receive extended repeat HIV testing and enhanced counseling at the time of labor and delivery and throughout the lactation period at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months postpartum or until cessation of breastfeeding, whichever occurs first.
Pregnant/breastfeeding women in the intervention arm and their male partners if present will receive extended repeat HIV testing and enhanced counseling around the time of labor and delivery and throughout the breastfeeding period.
Andere namen:
Experimenteel: Couples-Extended Repeat Testing and Enhanced Counseling
Pregnant/breastfeeding women enrolled in couples with their male partners and randomized to the intervention arm will receive extended repeat HIV testing and enhanced counseling at the time of labor and delivery and throughout the lactation period at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months postpartum or until cessation of breastfeeding, whichever occurs first.
Pregnant/breastfeeding women in the intervention arm and their male partners if present will receive extended repeat HIV testing and enhanced counseling around the time of labor and delivery and throughout the breastfeeding period.
Andere namen:

Wat meet het onderzoek?

Primaire uitkomstmaten

Maatregel Beschrijving
Frequency of unprotected sex
Tijdsspanne: 27 months
Self-reported number of unprotected sex episodes among women participants validated by detection of semen (Y chromosome) in vaginal swabs
27 months

Secundaire uitkomstmaten

Maatregel Beschrijving
STI incidence
Tijdsspanne: 27 months
Incidence of Syphilis, N. gonorrhea, C. trachomatis and T. vaginalis infections among women and men participants
27 months
HIV incidence
Tijdsspanne: 27 months
Incidence of HIV infection among women and men participants
27 months
Incidence of recurrent wanted and unwanted pregnancy
Tijdsspanne: 24 months
Incidence of wanted and unwanted recurrent pregnancy within 24 months of delivery
24 months

Medewerkers en onderzoekers

Hier vindt u mensen en organisaties die betrokken zijn bij dit onderzoek.


  • Hoofdonderzoeker: Jaco Homsy, MD, MPH, University of California, San Francisco

Publicaties en nuttige links

De persoon die verantwoordelijk is voor het invoeren van informatie over het onderzoek stelt deze publicaties vrijwillig ter beschikking. Dit kan gaan over alles wat met het onderzoek te maken heeft.

Studie record data

Deze datums volgen de voortgang van het onderzoeksdossier en de samenvatting van de ingediende resultaten bij Studieverslagen en gerapporteerde resultaten worden beoordeeld door de National Library of Medicine (NLM) om er zeker van te zijn dat ze voldoen aan specifieke kwaliteitscontrolenormen voordat ze op de openbare website worden geplaatst.

Bestudeer belangrijke data

Studie start

1 februari 2013

Primaire voltooiing (Werkelijk)

1 mei 2016

Studie voltooiing (Werkelijk)

1 mei 2016


Eerst ingediend

17 juni 2013

Eerst ingediend dat voldeed aan de QC-criteria

20 juni 2013

Eerst geplaatst (Schatting)

21 juni 2013

Updates van studierecords

Laatste update geplaatst (Schatting)

24 mei 2016

Laatste update ingediend die voldeed aan QC-criteria

20 mei 2016

Laatst geverifieerd

1 mei 2016

Meer informatie

Termen gerelateerd aan deze studie

Andere studie-ID-nummers

  • R01HD070767 (Subsidie/contract van de Amerikaanse NIH)
  • 1R01HD070767-01A1 (Subsidie/contract van de Amerikaanse NIH)

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