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Intranasal Insulin Treatment in Patients With Schizophrenia

2012年11月15日 更新者:Xiaoduo Fan、University of Massachusetts, Worcester
This study is an 8-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of intranasal insulin as an adjunctive therapy, with a 4-week follow-up, in 60 non-diabetic schizophrenia subjects to examine insulin's effect on psychopathology and cognition. In addition, the study will examine insulin's effects on weight, food intake, resting energy expenditure, and body composition.





The specific aims include:

Primary aims

  1. Examine the efficacy of intranasal regular insulin (40 IU 4 times per day) in improving cognitive deficits in patients with schizophrenia.
  2. Examine the efficacy of intranasal regular insulin in improving negative symptoms and positive symptoms of schizophrenia.

Secondary aims

  1. Examine intranasal insulin's effects on weight, food intake and resting energy expenditure.
  2. Examine intranasal insulin's effects on body composition, waist circumference, and waist/hip ratio.



注册 (实际的)



  • 第四阶段




    • Massachusetts
      • Worcester、Massachusetts、美国、01605
        • University of Massachusetts Medical School





18年 至 65年 (成人、年长者)





Inclusion Criteria:

  1. Age 18-65 years.
  2. Diagnosis of schizophrenia, any subtype or schizoaffective disorder, any subtype.
  3. Stable dose of the current antipsychotic drug for at least one month.
  4. Well established compliance with outpatient treatment per treating clinician's judgement.
  5. Able to complete the cognitive assessment battery (must be English speaking).
  6. Female subjects will be eligible to participate in the study if they are of non-childbearing potential or of child-bearing potential and willing to practice appropriate birth control methods (complete abstinence from sexual intercourse, female sterilization, sterilization of male partner, implants of levonorgestrel, injectable progestogen, oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices, or double barrier methods of contraception using spermicide with either a condom or diaphragm) during the study.

Exclusion Criteria:

  1. Inability to provide informed consent.
  2. Current substance abuse.
  3. Psychiatrically unstable per treating clinician's judgement.
  4. Significant medical illnesses including uncontrolled hypertension, diabetes, seizure. disorder, severe cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, pulmonary, or thyroid diseases.
  5. Pregnancy or breastfeeding.





  • 主要用途:治疗
  • 分配:随机化
  • 介入模型:并行分配
  • 屏蔽:四人间


intranasal, 40IU, 4 times daily
Intranasal Insulin Treatment
intranasal, 40IU, 4 times daily



Cognitive Function- Digit Span Total
大体时间:Week 8
Subjects completed the digit span task. Assessment was completed at Screening/Baseline, Week 4, and Week 8. Higher scores represent higher recall accuracy, and therefore less advanced psychopathology. Min score= 0, Max score= 30. Week 8 values are displayed below.
Week 8
Cognitive Function- Verbal Fluency
大体时间:Week 8
Subjects completed a verbal fluency test. Assessment was completed at Screening/Baseline, Week 4, and Week 8. Higher scores represent higher levels of verbal fluency, and therefore less advanced psychopathology. Min score= 0, Max score= N/A. Week 8 values are displayed below.
Week 8
Cognitive Function- HVLT Immediate Recall Total
大体时间:Week 8
Subjects completed a word recall task. Assessment was completed at Screening/Baseline, Week 4, and Week 8. Higher scores represent higher recall accuracy, and therefore less advanced psychopathology. Min score= 0, Max score= 36. Week 8 values are displayed below.
Week 8
Cognitive Function- HVLT Delayed Recall Total
大体时间:Week 8
Subjects completed a delayed word recall task. Assessments were completed at Screening/Baseline, Week 4, and Week 8. Higher scores represent higher recall accuracy, and therefore less advanced psychopathology. Min score= 0, Max score= 12. Week 8 values are displayed below.
Week 8
Cognitive Function- Trails A
大体时间:Week 8
Subjects completed a timed "trails" (i.e. connect-the-dots) test. Assessments were completed at Screening/Baseline, Week 4, and Week 8. Scores were measured by time to complete in seconds. Max score= N/A. Lower values represent less advanced psychopathology. Week 8 values are displayed below.
Week 8
Cognitive Function- Trails B
大体时间:Week 8
Subjects completed a timed "trails" (i.e. connect the dots) test. Assessments were completed at Screening/Baseline, Week 4, and Week 8. Scores were mesured by time to complete in seconds. Max score= N/A. Lower values represent less advanced psychopathology. Week 8 values are displayed below.
Week 8
Cognitive Function- CPT D Prime Score
大体时间:Week 8
Subjects completed a computer-based cognitive test designed to measure sustained attention (attention to a specific stimulus over a period of several minutes) before and after intranasal treatment. During this test, participants respond as quickly as possible to any consecutive presentation of identical stimuli on the computer screen. The stimuli (2, 3, and 4-digit targets) were presented with increasing cognitive load in successive blocks. Correct responses, responses made to the second of 2 identical stimuli presented in a row, were scored as hits. False alarms were also recorded. The "d prime score" is a score given to each participant on a scale of 0.0- 1.0 in which discrimination sensitivity is measured. A score of zero equates to no sensitivity, whereas a score of 1.0 equates to perfect sensitivity. Values below represent postreatment performance minus pretreatment performance. Higher scores represent less advanced psychopathology. Week 8 values are displayed below.
Week 8
Cognitive Function- CPT Hits Rate (Proportion)
大体时间:Week 8
Subjects completed a computer-based cognitive test. The test is described in detail in a previous outcome measure ("CPT d prime score"). Hits rate was defined as the proportion of correct responses to the relevant stimuli (response to two identical targets) compared to total responses (total hits). Assessments were completed at Screening/Baseline, Week 4, and Week 8. Hits rate as a proportion of total hits was measured. Min score= 0, Max score= 1.0. Higher values represent higher stimulus recognition accuracy, and thus less advanced psychopathology. Week 8 values are displayed below.
Week 8
Cognitive Function- CPT Reaction Time of Hits (Milliseconds)
大体时间:Week 8
Subjects completed a computer-based cognitive functioning test designed to measure sustained attention (attention to a stimulus over a period of several minutes). The test is described in detail in a previous outcome measure ("CPT d prime score"). Reaction time of hits is defined as the average time each participant took to respond correctly to relevant stimuli. Assessments were completed at Screening/Baseline, Week 4, and Week 8. Reaction time was measured in milliseconds. Max score= N/A. Lower values represent less advanced psychopathology. Week 8 values are displayed below.
Week 8
Cognitive Function- CPT False-alarm Rate (Proportion)
大体时间:Week 8
Subjects completed a computer-based cognitive functioning test designed to measure sustained attention (attention to a stimulus over a period of several minutes). False alarm rate is defined as the proportion of overall hits that were in response to an incorrect stimulus (two consecutive non-identical targets). Assessments were completed at Screening/Baseline, Week 4, and Week 8. False-alarm hits were measured as a proportion of total hits. Min score= 0, Max score= 1.0. Lower values represent higher hit accuracy and less advanced psychopathology. Week 8 values are displayed below.
Week 8
Psychopathology- PANSS Total
大体时间:Week 8
Positive symptoms, negative symptoms, and general psychopatholgy of schizophrenia were measured at Screening/Baseline, Week 4, and Week 8. The assessment consisted of 30 total items, with each item measured on a seven-point scale (1= absent, 4= moderate, 7= extreme). Min score= 30, Max score= 210. Higher scores represent more advanced psychopathology. Week 8 values are displayed below.
Week 8
Psychopathology- PANSS Positive
大体时间:Week 8
Positive symptoms of schizophrenia were measured at Screening/Baseline, Week 4, and Week 8. The assessment consisted of seven items, with each item measured on a seven-point scale (1= absent, 4= moderate, 7= extreme). Min score= 7, Max score= 49. Higher scores represent more advanced psychopathology. Week 8 values are displayed below.
Week 8
Psychopathology- PANSS Negative
大体时间:Week 8
Negative symptoms of schizophrenia were measured at Screening/Baseline, Week 4, and Week 8. Assessment consisted of seven-items, with each item measured on a seven-point scale (1= absent, 4= moderate, 7= extreme). Min score= 7, Max score= 49. Higher scores represent more advanced psychopathology. Week 8 values are displayed below.
Week 8
Psychopathology- PANSS General Psychopathology
大体时间:Week 8
General psychopathology was measured at Screening/Baseline, Week 4, and Week 8. The assessment consisted of 16 items, with each item measured on a seven-point scale (1= absent, 4= moderate, 7= extreme). Min score= 16, Max score= 112. Higher scores represent more advanced psychopathology. Week 8 values are displayed below.
Week 8
Psychopathology- SANS Total
大体时间:Week 8
Negative symptoms of schizophrenia were measured at Screening/Baseline, Week 4, and Week 8. Assessment consisted of 25 items, with each item measured on a six-point scale (0= none, 3= moderate, 5= severe). Min score= 0, Max score= 125. Higher scores represent more advanced psychopathology. Week 8 values are displayed below.
Week 8
Psychopathology- CDSS Total
大体时间:Week 8
Symptoms of depression were measured at Screening/Baseline, Week 4, and Week 8. Assessment consisted of 9 items, with each item measured on a four-point scale (0= absent, 3= severe). Min score= 0, Max score= 27. Higher scores represent more advanced psychopathology. Week 8 values are displayed below.
Week 8
Psychopathology- QLS Total
大体时间:Week 8
Quality of life was measured at Screening/Baseline, Week 4, and Week 8. Assessment consisted of 21 items, with each item measured on a seven-point scale (0= not present, 3= sometimes present, 6= always present). Min score= 0, Max score= 126. Higher scores represent lower quality of life. Week 8 values are displayed below.
Week 8




  • 首席研究员:Xiaoduo Fan, MD, MPH, MS、UMass Medical School


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Insulin or Placebo的临床试验
