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A Study of the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics of MK-5823 in Overweight or Obese Participants Who Are Healthy or Have Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (MK-5823-002)

2016年2月3日 更新者:Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC

A Multiple Dose Clinical Trial to Study the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics of MK-5823 in Healthy Overweight/Obese Subjects and Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

The purpose of this study is to assess the multiple rising dose safety/tolerability and pharmacokinetics of MK-5823 in overweight/obese participants who are healthy and overweight/obese participants with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).






注册 (实际的)



  • 阶段1





18年 至 65年 (成人、年长者)





Inclusion Criteria:

  • Male or female of non-childbearing potential
  • A Body Mass Index between 27 and 35 kg/m^2 and weighs at least 50 kg
  • Judged to be in good health and for the T2DM Panels, good health other than the diagnosis of T2DM
  • For T2DM Panels only: has a diagnosis of T2DM and is being treated with lifestyle management (e.g. diet and exercise) alone or in combination with a stable dose of metformin
  • A nonsmoker and/or has not used nicotine or nicotine-containing products for at least approximately 6 months

Exclusion Criteria:

  • History of stroke, chronic seizures or major neurological disorder
  • History of clinically significant gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, hematological, hepatic, immunological, renal, respiratory, or genitourinary abnormalities or diseases.
  • History of clinically significant endocrine abnormalities or diseases (including type I or type II, or steroid-induced diabetes for healthy participant panel; and excluding T2DM for the T2DM Panels)
  • Irritable bowel syndrome, or recurrent nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal pain.
  • History of neoplastic disease
  • History of cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, macular edema, macular degeneration, vitreous hemorrhage, glaucoma, ocular surgery, ocular trauma or blindness
  • Requires treatment with systemic or ocular corticosteroids
  • For T2DM Panels, a history of hypoglycemic unawareness
  • For T2DM Panels, active treatment with any anti-hyperglycemic drug other than metformin
  • For T2DM Panels, treatment with any peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma agonist (e.g. Avandia or Actos) within 12 weeks of study participation
  • Unable to refrain from using any medication beginning 2 weeks before study participation
  • Consumes excessive amounts of alcohol (>3 per day)
  • Consumes more than 6 caffeinated beverages per day
  • Had major surgery or donated or lost more than 1 unit of blood
  • Participated in another investigational study within 4 weeks of study participation
  • History of significant multiple and/or severe allergies or anaphylactic reaction
  • Hypersensitivity to glucagon or insulin
  • Uses illicit drugs or has a history of drug or alcohol abuse within 3 months of study participation
  • Woman of child-bearing potential or is a nursing mother
  • For T2DM Panels, age >50 years





  • 主要用途:治疗
  • 分配:随机化
  • 介入模型:并行分配
  • 屏蔽:双倍的


实验性的:0.35 mg MK-5823 - Healthy Participants

MK-5823 administered subcutaneously (doses ranging from 0.35 mg to 2.8 mg) once daily for 3 weeks. Doses may be adjusted downward based on safety, tolerability, and/or pharmacokinetic data. The decision to dose escalate will be based on accrued safety/tolerability data at the prior dose level.

In each arm, 6 participants will be randomized to receive study drug and 2 participants will be randomized to receive placebo.

Matching placebo to MK-5823 administered subcutaneously once daily for 3 weeks.
实验性的:0.7 mg MK-5823 - Healthy Participants

MK-5823 administered subcutaneously (doses ranging from 0.35 mg to 2.8 mg) once daily for 3 weeks. Doses may be adjusted downward based on safety, tolerability, and/or pharmacokinetic data. The decision to dose escalate will be based on accrued safety/tolerability data at the prior dose level.

In each arm, 6 participants will be randomized to receive study drug and 2 participants will be randomized to receive placebo.

Matching placebo to MK-5823 administered subcutaneously once daily for 3 weeks.
实验性的:1.4 mg MK-5823 - Healthy Participants

MK-5823 administered subcutaneously (doses ranging from 0.35 mg to 2.8 mg) once daily for 3 weeks. Doses may be adjusted downward based on safety, tolerability, and/or pharmacokinetic data. The decision to dose escalate will be based on accrued safety/tolerability data at the prior dose level.

In each arm, 6 participants will be randomized to receive study drug and 2 participants will be randomized to receive placebo.

Matching placebo to MK-5823 administered subcutaneously once daily for 3 weeks.
实验性的:2.8 mg MK-5823 - Healthy Participants

MK-5823 administered subcutaneously (doses ranging from 0.35 mg to 2.8 mg) once daily for 3 weeks. Doses may be adjusted downward based on safety, tolerability, and/or pharmacokinetic data. The decision to dose escalate will be based on accrued safety/tolerability data at the prior dose level.

In each arm, 6 participants will be randomized to receive study drug and 2 participants will be randomized to receive placebo.

Matching placebo to MK-5823 administered subcutaneously once daily for 3 weeks.
实验性的:1.4 mg MK-5823 - Participants with T2DM

MK-5823 administered subcutaneously (doses ranging from 0.35 mg to 2.8 mg) once daily for 3 weeks. Doses may be adjusted downward based on safety, tolerability, and/or pharmacokinetic data. The decision to dose escalate will be based on accrued safety/tolerability data at the prior dose level.

In each arm, 6 participants will be randomized to receive study drug and 2 participants will be randomized to receive placebo.

Matching placebo to MK-5823 administered subcutaneously once daily for 3 weeks.
实验性的:2.8 mg MK-5823 - Participants with T2DM

MK-5823 administered subcutaneously (doses ranging from 0.35 mg to 2.8 mg) once daily for 3 weeks. Doses may be adjusted downward based on safety, tolerability, and/or pharmacokinetic data. The decision to dose escalate will be based on accrued safety/tolerability data at the prior dose level.

In each arm, 6 participants will be randomized to receive study drug and 2 participants will be randomized to receive placebo.

Matching placebo to MK-5823 administered subcutaneously once daily for 3 weeks.



Number of participants who experienced at least one adverse event
大体时间:Up to 49 days
Up to 49 days
Number of participants who discontinued from study drug due to an adverse event
大体时间:Up to 21 days
Up to 21 days


Area under the plasma concentration time curve from Hour 0 to Hour 24 (AUC0-24) following once daily administration of MK-5823
大体时间:Predose on Day 1 (baseline) through 672 hours following the initial dose
Predose on Day 1 (baseline) through 672 hours following the initial dose
Maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) following once daily administration of MK-5823
大体时间:Predose on Day 1 (baseline) through 672 hours following the initial dose
Predose on Day 1 (baseline) through 672 hours following the initial dose
Lowest plasma concentration (Ctrough) following once daily administration of MK-5823
大体时间:Predose on Day 1 (baseline) through 672 hours following the initial dose
Predose on Day 1 (baseline) through 672 hours following the initial dose
Time to maximum plasma concentration (Tmax) following once daily administration of MK-5823
大体时间:Predose on Day 1 (baseline) through 672 hours following the initial dose
Predose on Day 1 (baseline) through 672 hours following the initial dose
Apparent terminal half-life (apparent t1/2) following once daily administration of MK-5823
大体时间:Predose on Day 1 (baseline) through 672 hours following the initial dose
Predose on Day 1 (baseline) through 672 hours following the initial dose




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  • 5823-002

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