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A Phase 1/2A, Single Dose Study Of PF-04383119 In Japanese Patients With Moderate To Severe Pain From Osteoarthritis Of The Knee

29. ledna 2021 aktualizováno: Pfizer


To evaluate the safety and tolerability of single IV doses of PF-04383119 in Japanese patients with moderate to severe pain from OA of the knee (Part I). To evaluate the preliminary analgesic efficacy of PF-04383119 in Japanese patients with moderate to severe pain from OA of the knee in comparison with placebo (Part I and Part II).

Přehled studie

Typ studie


Zápis (Aktuální)



  • Fáze 2

Kontakty a umístění

Tato část poskytuje kontaktní údaje pro ty, kteří studii provádějí, a informace o tom, kde se tato studie provádí.

Studijní místa

    • Gunma
      • Takasaki, Gunma, Japonsko, 370-0829
        • National Hospital Organization Takasaki General Medical Center
    • Kanagawa
      • Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japonsko, 210-0852
        • Nippon Kokan Clinic
    • Kanagawa-ken
      • Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa-ken, Japonsko, 252-0802
        • Fujisawa Shounandai Hospital
      • Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken, Japonsko, 224-0024
        • Medical Corporation Yamamoto Kinenkai Yamamoto Kinen Hospital
    • Oita
      • Beppu-shi, Oita, Japonsko, 874-0937
        • Nakamura Hospital
    • Tokyo
      • Fuchu City,, Tokyo, Japonsko, 183-8524
        • Tokyo Metropolitan Fuchu Hospital
      • Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japonsko, 106-8581
        • FuruKawabashi Hospital
      • Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japonsko, 108-8639
        • Research Hospital, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo
      • Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japonsko, 140-0001
        • Kitashinagawa Third Hospital
      • Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japonsko, 141-0001
        • Oosaki Hospital Tokyo Heart Center
      • Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japonsko, 141-8625
        • Kanto Medical Center NTT EC
      • Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japonsko, 162-8655
        • International Medical Center of Japan Toyama Hospital

Kritéria účasti

Výzkumníci hledají lidi, kteří odpovídají určitému popisu, kterému se říká kritéria způsobilosti. Některé příklady těchto kritérií jsou celkový zdravotní stav osoby nebo předchozí léčba.

Kritéria způsobilosti

Věk způsobilý ke studiu

35 let až 75 let (Dospělý, Starší dospělý)

Přijímá zdravé dobrovolníky


Pohlaví způsobilá ke studiu



Inclusion Criteria:

  • Japanese Male or female, Age 35-65 (Part 1), Age 35-75 (Part 2)
  • Diagnosis of osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee based on American College of Rheumatology criteria
  • Knee pain, and radiographic evidence of knee OA (Kellgren-Lawrence x-ray grade ≥2) obtained within 1 year of enrollment
  • At least one of the following: age >50, morning stiffness <30 minutes in duration, crepitus, and OA of the knee must involve the index tibiofemoral joint and must have present for at least 6 months
  • Patients who meet at least one of the following: unwilling to take non-opiate pain medications, or for whom non-opiate pain medications have failed, or are candidates for or seeking invasive interventions such as intraarticular injections, knee arthroplasty, or total knee surgery
  • Pain levels as required by the protocol at Screening and Baseline

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Diagnosis or history of RA, any inflammatory arthritis, gout, Paget's disease or any other disease that in the Investigator's opinion would interfere with the assessment of pain and other symptoms of OA
  • Patients with regional pain syndromes suggestive of fibromyalgia or regional pain caused by lumbar or cervical compressions with radiculopathy or at risk of developing radiculopathy.
  • Diagnosis or history of fibromyalgia
  • Planned surgical procedure during the duration of the study

Studijní plán

Tato část poskytuje podrobnosti o studijním plánu, včetně toho, jak je studie navržena a co studie měří.

Jak je studie koncipována?

Detaily designu

  • Primární účel: Léčba
  • Přidělení: Randomizované
  • Intervenční model: Paralelní přiřazení
  • Maskování: Trojnásobný

Zbraně a zásahy

Skupina účastníků / Arm
Intervence / Léčba
Komparátor placeba: Placebo
single dose of 10 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 100 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 200 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 25 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 50 mcg/kg IV
single dose of Placebo IV
Experimentální: 100 mcg/kg
single dose of 10 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 100 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 200 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 25 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 50 mcg/kg IV
single dose of Placebo IV
Experimentální: 200 mcg/kg
single dose of 10 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 100 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 200 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 25 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 50 mcg/kg IV
single dose of Placebo IV
Experimentální: 10 mcg/kg
single dose of 10 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 100 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 200 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 25 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 50 mcg/kg IV
single dose of Placebo IV
Experimentální: 25 mcg/kg
single dose of 10 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 100 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 200 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 25 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 50 mcg/kg IV
single dose of Placebo IV
Experimentální: 50 mcg/kg
single dose of 10 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 100 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 200 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 25 mcg/kg IV
single dose of 50 mcg/kg IV
single dose of Placebo IV

Co je měření studie?

Primární výstupní opatření

Měření výsledku
Popis opatření
Časové okno
Number of Participants With Treatment-Emergent Adverse Events (AEs) and Serious Adverse Events (SAEs)
Časové okno: Day 1 up to Day 92 for tanezumab 10, 25, 50 mcg/kg group and matching placebo group (Part 1, 2); Day 1 up to Day 120 for tanezumab 100 mcg/kg group and matching placebo group (Part 1, 2), 200 mcg/kg group and matching placebo group (Part 1)
An AE was any untoward medical occurrence in participant who received study drug without regard to possibility of causal relationship. An SAE was an AE resulting in any of following outcomes or deemed significant for any other reason: death; initial or prolonged inpatient hospitalization; life-threatening experience (immediate risk of dying); persistent or significant disability/incapacity; congenital anomaly. Treatment-emergent: events between first dose of study drug and up to Day 1 through Day 120 (Part 1 and 2) were absent before treatment or that worsened relative to pretreatment state
Day 1 up to Day 92 for tanezumab 10, 25, 50 mcg/kg group and matching placebo group (Part 1, 2); Day 1 up to Day 120 for tanezumab 100 mcg/kg group and matching placebo group (Part 1, 2), 200 mcg/kg group and matching placebo group (Part 1)
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised (HVLT-R) Total Score at Baseline
Časové okno: Baseline (Part 1 and Part 2)
The HVLT-R is an instrument used to measure verbal learning and memory (recognition and recall). It consists of 3 learning trials: free recall, delayed recall, and yes/no delayed recognition. The total recall score was the sum of 3 'free recall' learning trials, and reflects the participant's ability to learn. The total score ranges from 0 (no memory) to 36 (best memory). Higher score indicated best memory.
Baseline (Part 1 and Part 2)
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised (HVLT-R) Total Score at Day 1
Časové okno: Day 1 (Part 1 and 2)
The HVLT-R is an instrument used to measure verbal learning and memory (recognition and recall). It consists of 3 learning trials: free recall, delayed recall, and yes/no delayed recognition. The total recall score was the sum of 3 'free recall' learning trials, and reflects the participant's ability to learn. The total score ranges from 0 (no memory) to 36 (best memory). Higher score indicated best memory.
Day 1 (Part 1 and 2)
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised (HVLT-R) Total Score at Day 4/5
Časové okno: Day 4/5 (Part 1 and 2)
The HVLT-R is an instrument used to measure verbal learning and memory (recognition and recall). It consists of 3 learning trials: free recall, delayed recall, and yes/no delayed recognition. The total recall score was the sum of 3 'free recall' learning trials, and reflects the participant's ability to learn. The total score ranges from 0 (no memory) to 36 (best memory). Higher score indicated best memory.
Day 4/5 (Part 1 and 2)
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised (HVLT-R) Total Score at Week 1
Časové okno: Week 1 (Part 1 and Part 2)
The HVLT-R is an instrument used to measure verbal learning and memory (recognition and recall). It consists of 3 learning trials: free recall, delayed recall, and yes/no delayed recognition. The total recall score was the sum of 3 'free recall' learning trials, and reflects the participant's ability to learn. The total score ranges from 0 (no memory) to 36 (best memory). Higher score indicated best memory.
Week 1 (Part 1 and Part 2)
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised (HVLT-R) Total Score at Week 2
Časové okno: Week 2 (Part 1 and Part 2)
The HVLT-R is an instrument used to measure verbal learning and memory (recognition and recall). It consists of 3 learning trials: free recall, delayed recall, and yes/no delayed recognition. The total recall score was the sum of 3 'free recall' learning trials, and reflects the participant's ability to learn. The total score ranges from 0 (no memory) to 36 (best memory). Higher score indicated best memory.
Week 2 (Part 1 and Part 2)
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised (HVLT-R) Total Score at Week 3
Časové okno: Week 3 (Part 1 and 2)
The HVLT-R is an instrument used to measure verbal learning and memory (recognition and recall). It consists of 3 learning trials: free recall, delayed recall, and yes/no delayed recognition. The total recall score was the sum of 3 'free recall' learning trials, and reflects the participant's ability to learn. The total score ranges from 0 (no memory) to 36 (best memory). Higher score indicated best memory.
Week 3 (Part 1 and 2)
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised (HVLT-R) Total Score at Week 4
Časové okno: Week 4 (Part 1 and Part 2)
The HVLT-R is an instrument used to measure verbal learning and memory (recognition and recall). It consists of 3 learning trials: free recall, delayed recall, and yes/no delayed recognition. The total recall score was the sum of 3 'free recall' learning trials, and reflects the participant's ability to learn. The total score ranges from 0 (no memory) to 36 (best memory). Higher score indicated best memory.
Week 4 (Part 1 and Part 2)
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised (HVLT-R) Total Score at Week 13
Časové okno: Week 13 (Part 1 and Part 2)
The HVLT-R is an instrument used to measure verbal learning and memory (recognition and recall). It consists of 3 learning trials: free recall, delayed recall, and yes/no delayed recognition. The total recall score was the sum of 3 'free recall' learning trials, and reflects the participant's ability to learn. The total score ranges from 0 (no memory) to 36 (best memory). Higher score indicated best memory.
Week 13 (Part 1 and Part 2)
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised (HVLT-R) Total Score at Week 17
Časové okno: Week 17 (Part 1 and Part 2)
The HVLT-R is an instrument used to measure verbal learning and memory (recognition and recall). It consists of 3 learning trials: free recall, delayed recall, and yes/no delayed recognition. The total recall score was the sum of 3 'free recall' learning trials, and reflects the participant's ability to learn. The total score ranges from 0 (no memory) to 36 (best memory). Higher score indicated best memory.
Week 17 (Part 1 and Part 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Current Index Knee Pain at Week 1
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 1 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for current index knee pain was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 1 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Current Index Knee Pain at Week 2
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 2 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for current index knee pain was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 2 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Current Index Knee Pain at Week 3
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 3 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for current index knee pain was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 3 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Current Index Knee Pain at Week 4
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 4 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for current index knee pain was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 4 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Current Index Knee Pain at Week 5
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 5 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for current index knee pain was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 5 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline In Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Current Index Knee Pain at Week 6
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 6 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for current index knee pain was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 6 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline In Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Current Index Knee Pain at Week 7
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 7 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 10 0= extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for current index knee pain was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 7 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline In Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Current Index Knee Pain at Week 8
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 8 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for current index knee pain was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 8 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Current Index Knee Pain at Week 9
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 9 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for current index knee pain was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 9 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Current Index Knee Pain at Week 10
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 10 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for current index knee pain was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 10 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Current Index Knee Pain at Week 11
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 11 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for current index knee pain was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 11 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Current Index Knee Pain at Week 12
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 12 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for current index knee pain was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 12 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Current Index Knee Pain at Week 13
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 13 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for current index knee pain was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 13 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain in the Past 24 Hours at Week 1
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 1 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 1 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain in the Past 24 Hours at Week 2
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 2 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 2 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain in the Past 24 Hours at Week 3
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 3 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 3 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain in the Past 24 Hours at Week 4
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 4 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 4 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain in The Past 24 Hours at Week 5
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 5 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 5 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain in the Past 24 Hours at Week 6
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 6 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 6 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain in the Past 24 Hours at Week 7
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 7 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 7 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain in the Past 24 Hours at Week 8
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 8 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 8 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain in the Past 24 Hours at Week 9
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 9 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 9 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain in the Past 24 Hours at Week 10
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 10 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 10 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain in the Past 24 Hours at Week 11
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 11 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 11 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain in the Past 24 Hours at Week 12
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 12 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 12 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain in the Past 24 Hours at Week 13
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 13 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 13 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain During Walking in the Past 24 Hours at Week 1
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 1 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain during walking in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 1 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain During Walking in the Past 24 Hours at Week 2
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 2 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain during walking in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 2 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain During Walking in the Past 24 Hours at Week 3
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 3 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain during walking in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 3 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain During Walking in the Past 24 Hours at Week 4
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 4 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain during walking in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 4 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain During Walking in the Past 24 Hours at Week 5
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 5 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain during walking in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 5 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain During Walking in the Past 24 Hours at Week 6
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 6 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain during walking in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 6 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain During Walking in the Past 24 Hours at Week 7
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 7 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain during walking in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 7 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain During Walking in the Past 24 Hours at Week 8
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 8 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain during walking in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 8 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain During Walking in the Past 24 Hours at Week 9
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 9 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain during walking in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 9 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain During Walking in the Past 24 Hours at Week 10
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 10 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain during walking in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 10 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain During Walking in the Past 24 Hours at Week 11
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 11 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain during walking in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 11 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain During Walking in the Past 24 Hours at Week 12
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 12 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain during walking in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 12 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) Score For Index Knee Pain During Walking in the Past 24 Hours at Week 13
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 13 (Part 1 and 2)
VAS assesses participant responses from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme) with 101 point resolution for measuring pain intensity. Higher score indicated greater pain intensity. VAS for index knee pain during walking in the past 24 hours was recorded on the electronic diary.
Baseline, Week 13 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Version 3.1 (WOMAC 3.1) Subscales Scores at Week 1
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 1 (Part 1 and 2)
WOMAC 3.1: participant assessed questionnaire consists of 24 questions divided into 3 domains; pain (5 questions), stiffness (2 questions), function (17 questions). Functional domain provided information of ability to perform activities of daily living. The participant performed test directly on electronic diary, using validated electronic VAS ranging from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme). Each domain scored by averaging VAS scores of component questions. Total subscale score for each of the 3 domains range from: 0 to 100, lower score indicated better daily living.
Baseline, Week 1 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in WOMAC 3.1 Subscales Scores at Week 2
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 2 (Part 1 and 2)
WOMAC 3.1: participant assessed questionnaire consists of 24 questions divided into 3 domains; pain (5 questions), stiffness (2 questions), function (17 questions). Functional domain provided information of ability to perform activities of daily living. The participant performed test directly on electronic diary, using validated electronic VAS ranging from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme). Each domain scored by averaging VAS scores of component questions. Total subscale score for each of the 3 domains range from: 0 to 100, lower score indicated better daily living.
Baseline, Week 2 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in WOMAC 3.1 Subscales Scores at Week 4
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 4 (Part 1 and 2)
WOMAC 3.1: participant assessed questionnaire consists of 24 questions divided into 3 domains; pain (5 questions), stiffness (2 questions), function (17 questions). Functional domain provided information of ability to perform activities of daily living. The participant performed test directly on electronic diary, using validated electronic VAS ranging from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme). Each domain scored by averaging VAS scores of component questions. Total subscale score for each of the 3 domains range from: 0 to 100, lower score indicated better daily living.
Baseline, Week 4 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in WOMAC 3.1 Subscales Scores at Week 8
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 8 (Part 1 and 2)
WOMAC 3.1: participant assessed questionnaire consists of 24 questions divided into 3 domains; pain (5 questions), stiffness (2 questions), function (17 questions). Functional domain provided information of ability to perform activities of daily living. The participant performed test directly on electronic diary, using validated electronic VAS ranging from 0 to 100 (0=none to 100= extreme). Each domain scored by averaging VAS scores of component questions. Total subscale score for each of the 3 domains range from: 0 to 100, lower score indicated better daily living.
Baseline, Week 8 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in WOMAC 3.1 Subscales Scores at Week 13
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 13 (Part 1 and 2)
WOMAC 3.1: participant assessed questionnaire consists of 24 questions divided into 3 domains; pain (5 questions), stiffness (2 questions), function (17 questions). Functional domain provided information of ability to perform activities of daily living. The participant performed test directly on electronic diary, using validated electronic VAS ranging from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme). Each domain scored by averaging VAS scores of component questions. Total subscale score for each of the 3 domains range from: 0 to 100, lower score indicated better daily living.
Baseline, Week 13 (Part 1 and 2)
Change From Baseline in WOMAC 3.1 Subscales Scores at Week 17
Časové okno: Baseline, Week 17 (Part 1 and 2)
WOMAC 3.1: participant assessed questionnaire consists of 24 questions divided into 3 domains; pain (5 questions), stiffness (2 questions), function (17 questions). Functional domain provided information of ability to perform activities of daily living. The participant performed test directly on electronic diary, using validated electronic VAS ranging from 0 to 100 (0 = none to 100 = extreme). Each domain scored by averaging VAS scores of component questions. Total subscale score for each of the 3 domains range from: 0 to 100, lower score indicated better daily living.
Baseline, Week 17 (Part 1 and 2)

Sekundární výstupní opatření

Měření výsledku
Popis opatření
Časové okno
Maximum Observed Plasma Concentration (Cmax) - Part 1
Časové okno: Part 1: Pre-dose, Day 1 (10 minutes, 0.5, 1, 4, 12 hours post intravenous infusion), Day 2, 3, 4/5, 8, 15, 22, 29, 43, 57, 71, 92, 120 post-infusion
Part 1: Pre-dose, Day 1 (10 minutes, 0.5, 1, 4, 12 hours post intravenous infusion), Day 2, 3, 4/5, 8, 15, 22, 29, 43, 57, 71, 92, 120 post-infusion
Time to Reach Maximum Observed Plasma Concentration (Tmax) - Part 1
Časové okno: Part 1: Pre-dose, Day 1 (10 minutes, 0.5, 1, 4, 12 hours post intravenous infusion), Day 2, 3, 4/5, 8, 15, 22, 29, 43, 57, 71, 92, 120 post-infusion
Part 1: Pre-dose, Day 1 (10 minutes, 0.5, 1, 4, 12 hours post intravenous infusion), Day 2, 3, 4/5, 8, 15, 22, 29, 43, 57, 71, 92, 120 post-infusion
Area Under the Curve From Time Zero to Extrapolated Infinite Time [AUC (0-infinity)] - Part 1
Časové okno: Part 1: Pre-dose, Day 1 (10 minutes, 0.5, 1, 4, 12 hours post intravenous infusion), Day 2, 3, 4/5, 8, 15, 22, 29, 43, 57, 71, 92, 120 post-infusion
AUC (0-infinity) is defined as the area under the plasma concentration versus time curve (AUC) from time zero (pre-dose) to extrapolated infinite time (0-infinity). It is obtained from AUC (0-t) plus AUC (t-infinity).
Part 1: Pre-dose, Day 1 (10 minutes, 0.5, 1, 4, 12 hours post intravenous infusion), Day 2, 3, 4/5, 8, 15, 22, 29, 43, 57, 71, 92, 120 post-infusion
Area Under The Curve From Time Zero to Last Quantifiable Concentration (AUClast) - Part 1
Časové okno: Part 1: Pre-dose, Day 1 (10 minutes, 0.5, 1, 4, 12 hours post intravenous infusion), Day 2, 3, 4/5, 8, 15, 22, 29, 43, 57, 71, 92, 120 post-infusion
AUClast is defined as the area under the plasma concentration time-curve from zero to the last measured concentration.
Part 1: Pre-dose, Day 1 (10 minutes, 0.5, 1, 4, 12 hours post intravenous infusion), Day 2, 3, 4/5, 8, 15, 22, 29, 43, 57, 71, 92, 120 post-infusion
Volume of Distribution (Vz) - Part 1
Časové okno: Part 1: Pre-dose, Day 1 (10 minutes, 0.5, 1, 4, 12 hours post intravenous infusion), Day 2, 3, 4/5, 8, 15, 22, 29, 43, 57, 71, 92, 120 post-infusion
Vz is defined as the the theoretical volume in which the total amount of drug would need to be uniformly distributed to produce the desired blood concentration of a drug.
Part 1: Pre-dose, Day 1 (10 minutes, 0.5, 1, 4, 12 hours post intravenous infusion), Day 2, 3, 4/5, 8, 15, 22, 29, 43, 57, 71, 92, 120 post-infusion
Volume of Distribution At Steady State (Vss) - Part 1
Časové okno: Part 1: Pre-dose, Day 1 (10 minutes, 0.5, 1, 4, 12 hours post intravenous infusion), Day 2, 3, 4/5, 8, 15, 22, 29, 43, 57, 71, 92, 120 post-infusion
Vss is defined as the the theoretical volume in which the total amount of drug would need to be uniformly distributed to produce the desired blood concentration of a drug. It is the apparent volume of distribution at steady-state.
Part 1: Pre-dose, Day 1 (10 minutes, 0.5, 1, 4, 12 hours post intravenous infusion), Day 2, 3, 4/5, 8, 15, 22, 29, 43, 57, 71, 92, 120 post-infusion
Systemic Clearance (CL) - Part 1
Časové okno: Part 1: Pre-dose, Day 1 (10 minutes, 0.5, 1, 4, 12 hours post intravenous infusion), Day 2, 3, 4/5, 8, 15, 22, 29, 43, 57, 71, 92, 120 post-infusion
CL is a quantitative measure of the rate at which a drug substance is removed from the body.
Part 1: Pre-dose, Day 1 (10 minutes, 0.5, 1, 4, 12 hours post intravenous infusion), Day 2, 3, 4/5, 8, 15, 22, 29, 43, 57, 71, 92, 120 post-infusion
Mean Residence Time (MRT) - Part 1
Časové okno: Part 1: Pre-dose, Day 1 (10 minutes, 0.5, 1, 4, 12 hours post intravenous infusion), Day 2, 3, 4/5, 8, 15, 22, 29, 43, 57, 71, 92, 120 post-infusion
MRT was calculated as area under the moment curve/area under the concentration effect curve.
Part 1: Pre-dose, Day 1 (10 minutes, 0.5, 1, 4, 12 hours post intravenous infusion), Day 2, 3, 4/5, 8, 15, 22, 29, 43, 57, 71, 92, 120 post-infusion
Plasma Decay Half-Life (t1/2) - Part 1
Časové okno: Part 1: Pre-dose, Day 1 (10 minutes, 0.5, 1, 4, 12 hours post intravenous infusion), Day 2, 3, 4/5, 8, 15, 22, 29, 43, 57, 71, 92, 120 post-infusion
Plasma decay half-life is the time measured for the plasma concentration to decrease by one half.
Part 1: Pre-dose, Day 1 (10 minutes, 0.5, 1, 4, 12 hours post intravenous infusion), Day 2, 3, 4/5, 8, 15, 22, 29, 43, 57, 71, 92, 120 post-infusion
Percentage of Participants With Positive Anti-tanezumab Antibody Test Results
Časové okno: Baseline up to Day 120
Human serum anti-drug antibody (ADA) samples were analyzed for the presence or absence of anti-tanezumab antibodies by using the semi-quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Baseline up to Day 120

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Termíny studijních záznamů

Tato data sledují průběh záznamů studie a předkládání souhrnných výsledků na ClinicalTrials.gov. Záznamy ze studií a hlášené výsledky jsou před zveřejněním na veřejné webové stránce přezkoumány Národní lékařskou knihovnou (NLM), aby se ujistily, že splňují specifické standardy kontroly kvality.

Hlavní termíny studia

Začátek studia (Aktuální)

6. června 2008

Primární dokončení (Aktuální)

25. prosince 2009

Dokončení studie (Aktuální)

25. prosince 2009

Termíny zápisu do studia

První předloženo

25. dubna 2008

První předloženo, které splnilo kritéria kontroly kvality

29. dubna 2008

První zveřejněno (Odhad)

30. dubna 2008

Aktualizace studijních záznamů

Poslední zveřejněná aktualizace (Aktuální)

21. února 2021

Odeslaná poslední aktualizace, která splnila kritéria kontroly kvality

29. ledna 2021

Naposledy ověřeno

1. ledna 2021

Více informací

Termíny související s touto studií

Plán pro data jednotlivých účastníků (IPD)

Plánujete sdílet data jednotlivých účastníků (IPD)?


Popis plánu IPD

Pfizer will provide access to individual de-identified participant data and related study documents (e.g. protocol, Statistical Analysis Plan (SAP), Clinical Study Report (CSR)) upon request from qualified researchers, and subject to certain criteria, conditions, and exceptions. Further details on Pfizer's data sharing criteria and process for requesting access can be found at: https://www.pfizer.com/science/clinical_trials/trial_data_and_results/data_requests.

Tyto informace byly beze změn načteny přímo z webu clinicaltrials.gov. Máte-li jakékoli požadavky na změnu, odstranění nebo aktualizaci podrobností studie, kontaktujte prosím register@clinicaltrials.gov. Jakmile bude změna implementována na clinicaltrials.gov, bude automaticky aktualizována i na našem webu .

Klinické studie na PF-04383119 (tanezumab)
