US company started new clinical trial of Coached or Non-Coached Weight Loss Intervention

The company Noom Inc is enrolling patients into the clinical trial investigating of Coached or Non-Coached Weight Loss Intervention.

The aim of study is to evaluate the effect of one-on-one coaching in the Noom Healthy Weight Program, a digital behavior change, weight loss intervention, compared to the same program with no coaching, as well as influential factors.

The trial is designed to enroll male and female 18 years to 65 years and is being conducted in the Noom, Inc, New York, United States.

The study start date is November 20, 2020.

The patients that can be enrolled into this study include:

  • Self-report of good health (physical and mental).
  • Not diagnosed with diabetes.
  • Overweight or obesity (BMI ≥ 27).
  • Able to meet our criteria of adherence to the program (at least 1 engagement per week on one of the following: logged exercise, logged meals, steps, weigh-ins, coach messages, read articles, and days with at least one weigh-in.).
  • For females : Not 6 months postpartum and Not planning to become pregnant in the next 5 months.

The population that are excluded from participation:

  • Currently pregnant or ≤ 6 months postpartum.
  • Presence of a condition or abnormality that in the opinion of the Investigator would compromise the quality of the data E.g., evidence of an eating disorder, major chronic condition.

This page provides a more detailed overview of this clinical trial:

Clinical Research News

Bevorstehende klinische Studien
