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COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown Effect in Adolescents and Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes: Positive Results of an Unpreceded Challenge for Telemedicine and Patient Self-management (COVIDIABADO)

2021. február 1. frissítette: Centre Hospitalier Sud Francilien

Observational Study of Glycemic Control and Self-management of Young People (Aged 13 to 25 Years ) With Type 1 Diabetes During COVID-19 Lockdown.

Lockdown resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic was an unpreceded model of the impact of lifestyle on chronic diseases, especially for adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D) whose lifestyle is known to strongly impact disease management. The investigators aimed to assess changes in self-monitoring and glycemic control in this population before, during, and after the two-month French lockdown. Te investigators hypothesized an improvement in glucose control and glucose sensor usage.

The protocol will include all patients with T1D from 13 to 25 years old using a flash glucose monitoring related to the LibreView cloud platform.

The primary outcome, evolution of percentage of glucose time in range 70-180 mg/dL (TIR), and secondary outcomes (glucose management indicator GMI, time spent below range TBR, and sensor usage) will be analyzed with a linear mixed-effects regression model.

A tanulmány áttekintése



Részletes leírás

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) data will be collected from the cloud-based platform, LibreView.

Data will be collected for patients from Sud-Francilien hospital (Corbeil-Essonnes, France) and Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital (Kremlin-Bicêtre, France). Data related to glucose control and sensor usage will be collected from the Libreview platform. Data related to patients' characteristics, treatment and telemedicine visits (number of contacts with health professionals) will be collected from the medical record and confirmed with telephone-administered questionnaire.

The lockdown imposed by the French government occurred from March 17 to May 10, 2020. Therefore, outcomes will be assessed 4 times: the month before lockdown, during the first month, the second month of lockdown, and one month after lockdown ended.

Potential confounding factors will be studied: age, gender, type of insulin delivery (multiple daily injections, MDI; insulin pump), contacts with health professionals (physician or nurse).

Descriptive statistics will include means with standard deviations, numbers of patients and percentages.

Outcomes will be analysed with a linear mixed-effects regression model. Analyses will be performed with R studio version 3.5.0.

Tanulmány típusa


Beiratkozás (Tényleges)


Kapcsolatok és helyek

Ez a rész a vizsgálatot végzők elérhetőségeit, valamint a vizsgálat lefolytatásának helyére vonatkozó információkat tartalmazza.

Tanulmányi helyek

      • Corbeil-Essonnes, Franciaország, 91100
        • Centre Hospitalier Sud Francilien

Részvételi kritériumok

A kutatók olyan embereket keresnek, akik megfelelnek egy bizonyos leírásnak, az úgynevezett jogosultsági kritériumoknak. Néhány példa ezekre a kritériumokra a személy általános egészségi állapota vagy a korábbi kezelések.

Jogosultsági kritériumok

Tanulmányozható életkorok

13 év (Gyermek, Felnőtt)

Egészséges önkénteseket fogad


Tanulmányozható nemek


Mintavételi módszer

Valószínűségi minta

Tanulmányi populáció

The population will be selected from two university general hospitals of the region of Ile de France (France): Kremlin-Bicetre hospital and Sud-Francilien hospital.

The population will be aged from to 13 to 25 years at the beginning of lockdown.


Inclusion Criteria:

  • Type 1 diabetes
  • Age between 13 and 25 years
  • use of a flash glucose monitoring related to the LibreView cloud platform
  • patients follow-up by the diabetes department of Hopital Sud Francilien or the diabetes department of Hôpital Bicêtre.
  • patient informed of the study and not having objected to it.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • patients out of France during lockdown
  • other type of diabetes
  • Duration of diabetes of less than one year
  • patient aged under 13 years or above 26 years old

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Tervezési részletek

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Elsődleges eredményintézkedések

Intézkedés leírása
Changes in percentage of time spent in range 70-180 mg/dL after lockdown compared to before lockdown
Időkeret: Measure repeated 2 times : month before lockdown (28 days), after lockdown
Percentage of time spent in glucose range from 70 to 180 mg/dL over a month (28 days) according to continuous glucose monitoring data collected on Libreview.
Measure repeated 2 times : month before lockdown (28 days), after lockdown
Changes in percentage of time spent in range 70-180 mg/dL during first month of lockdown compared to before lockdown
Időkeret: Measure repeated 2 times : month before lockdown (28 days), first month of lockdown (28 days)
Percentage of time spent in glucose range from 70 to 180 mg/dL over a month (28 days) according to continuous glucose monitoring data collected on Libreview.
Measure repeated 2 times : month before lockdown (28 days), first month of lockdown (28 days)
Changes in percentage of time spent in range 70-180 mg/dL during second month of lockdown compared to before lockdown
Időkeret: Measure repeated 2 times : month before lockdown (28 days), second month of lockdown (28 days)
Percentage of time spent in glucose range from 70 to 180 mg/dL over a month (28 days) according to continuous glucose monitoring data collected on Libreview.
Measure repeated 2 times : month before lockdown (28 days), second month of lockdown (28 days)

Másodlagos eredményintézkedések

Intézkedés leírása
Evolution of glucose management indicator (GMI) compared to before lockdown.
Időkeret: Measures repeated 4 times (including 28 days of data for each): month before lockdown (28 days), first month of lockdown (28 days), second month of lockdown (28 days), first month after lockdown (28 days).
Glucose Management Indicator (GMI) approximates the laboratory A1C level expected based on average glucose measured using continuous glucose monitoring data collected on Libreview.
Measures repeated 4 times (including 28 days of data for each): month before lockdown (28 days), first month of lockdown (28 days), second month of lockdown (28 days), first month after lockdown (28 days).
Evolution of glucose time spent below range <54 mg/dL
Időkeret: Measure repeated 4 times (including 28 days of data for each): month before lockdown (28 days), first month of lockdown (28 days), second month of lockdown (28 days), first month after lockdown (28 days).
Percentage of time spent in this glucose range in a month (28 days) according to continuous glucose monitoring data collected on Libreview.
Measure repeated 4 times (including 28 days of data for each): month before lockdown (28 days), first month of lockdown (28 days), second month of lockdown (28 days), first month after lockdown (28 days).
Evolution of glucose time spent below range 54 - 70 mg/dL
Időkeret: Measure repeated 4 times (including 28 days of data for each): month before lockdown (28 days), first month of lockdown (28 days), second month of lockdown (28 days), first month after lockdown (28 days).
Percentage of time spent in this glucose range in a month (28 days) according to continuous glucose monitoring data collected on Libreview.
Measure repeated 4 times (including 28 days of data for each): month before lockdown (28 days), first month of lockdown (28 days), second month of lockdown (28 days), first month after lockdown (28 days).
Evolution of glucose time spent below range 180-250 mg/dL
Időkeret: Measure repeated 4 times (including 28 days of data for each): month before lockdown (28 days), first month of lockdown (28 days), second month of lockdown (28 days), first month after lockdown (28 days).
Percentage of time spent in this glucose range in a month (28 days) according to continuous glucose monitoring data collected on Libreview.
Measure repeated 4 times (including 28 days of data for each): month before lockdown (28 days), first month of lockdown (28 days), second month of lockdown (28 days), first month after lockdown (28 days).
Evolution of glucose time spent below range > 250 mg/dL
Időkeret: Measure repeated 4 times (including 28 days of data for each): month before lockdown (28 days), first month of lockdown (28 days), second month of lockdown (28 days), first month after lockdown (28 days).
Percentage of time spent in this glucose range in a month (28 days) according to continuous glucose monitoring data collected on Libreview.
Measure repeated 4 times (including 28 days of data for each): month before lockdown (28 days), first month of lockdown (28 days), second month of lockdown (28 days), first month after lockdown (28 days).
Evolution of average glucose in mg/dL compared to before lockdown.
Időkeret: Measure repeated 4 times (including 28 days of data for each): month before lockdown (28 days), first month of lockdown (28 days), second month of lockdown (28 days), first month after lockdown (28 days).
Average glucose level in a month (28 days) according to continuous glucose monitoring data collected on Libreview.
Measure repeated 4 times (including 28 days of data for each): month before lockdown (28 days), first month of lockdown (28 days), second month of lockdown (28 days), first month after lockdown (28 days).
Evolution of hypoglycaemia frequency compared to before lockdown.
Időkeret: Measure repeated 4 times (including 28 days of data for each): month before lockdown (28 days), first month of lockdown (28 days), second month of lockdown (28 days), first month after lockdown (28 days).
Number of hypoglycaemia events (glycemia under 70 mg/dL during at least 15 minutes) in a month (28 days) according to continuous glucose monitoring data collected on Libreview.
Measure repeated 4 times (including 28 days of data for each): month before lockdown (28 days), first month of lockdown (28 days), second month of lockdown (28 days), first month after lockdown (28 days).
Evolution of glucose sensor use compared to before lockdown.
Időkeret: Measures repeated 4 times (including 28 days of data for each): month before lockdown (28 days), first month of lockdown (28 days), second month of lockdown (28 days), first month after lockdown (28 days).
The level of glucose data collected related to the glucose monitoring frequency and the number of scans with continuous glucose monitoring data collected on Libreview.
Measures repeated 4 times (including 28 days of data for each): month before lockdown (28 days), first month of lockdown (28 days), second month of lockdown (28 days), first month after lockdown (28 days).

Együttműködők és nyomozók

Itt találhatja meg a tanulmányban érintett személyeket és szervezeteket.


  • Kutatásvezető: Alfred PENFORNIS, MD PhD, Centre Hospitalier Sud Francilien

Tanulmányi rekorddátumok

Ezek a dátumok nyomon követik a ClinicalTrials.gov webhelyre benyújtott vizsgálati rekordok és összefoglaló eredmények benyújtásának folyamatát. A vizsgálati feljegyzéseket és a jelentett eredményeket a Nemzeti Orvostudományi Könyvtár (NLM) felülvizsgálja, hogy megbizonyosodjon arról, hogy megfelelnek-e az adott minőség-ellenőrzési szabványoknak, mielőtt közzéteszik őket a nyilvános weboldalon.

Tanulmány főbb dátumok

Tanulmány kezdete (Tényleges)

2021. január 15.

Elsődleges befejezés (Tényleges)

2021. január 22.

A tanulmány befejezése (Tényleges)

2021. január 22.

Tanulmányi regisztráció dátumai

Először benyújtva

2020. december 7.

Először nyújtották be, amely megfelel a minőségbiztosítási kritériumoknak

2020. december 15.

Első közzététel (Tényleges)

2020. december 17.

Tanulmányi rekordok frissítései

Utolsó frissítés közzétéve (Tényleges)

2021. február 2.

Az utolsó frissítés elküldve, amely megfelel a minőségbiztosítási kritériumoknak

2021. február 1.

Utolsó ellenőrzés

2021. február 1.

Több információ

A tanulmányhoz kapcsolódó kifejezések

Terv az egyéni résztvevői adatokhoz (IPD)

Tervezi megosztani az egyéni résztvevői adatokat (IPD)?


Gyógyszer- és eszközinformációk, tanulmányi dokumentumok

Egy amerikai FDA által szabályozott gyógyszerkészítményt tanulmányoz


Egy amerikai FDA által szabályozott eszközterméket tanulmányoz


Ezt az információt közvetlenül a clinicaltrials.gov webhelyről szereztük be, változtatás nélkül. Ha bármilyen kérése van vizsgálati adatainak módosítására, eltávolítására vagy frissítésére, kérjük, írjon a következő címre: register@clinicaltrials.gov. Amint a változás bevezetésre kerül a clinicaltrials.gov oldalon, ez a webhelyünkön is automatikusan frissül. .

Klinikai vizsgálatok a 1-es típusú cukorbetegség

Klinikai vizsgálatok a glucose control and sensor usage

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