이 페이지는 자동 번역되었으며 번역의 정확성을 보장하지 않습니다. 참조하십시오 영문판 원본 텍스트의 경우.

Non Interventional Study For Patients Treated With Somavert® (GPOS)

2009년 8월 24일 업데이트: Pfizer

German Non Interventional Study For Patients Treated With Somavert®

This open-label, national, prospective, observational, non-interventional, multi-center, post marketing surveillance study was performed in order to examine the efficacy and safety of Somavert® in treatment of subjects with acromegaly and its effects on acromegaly related co-morbidities.

연구 개요



상세 설명

Non probability samples

연구 유형


등록 (실제)



연구원은 적격성 기준이라는 특정 설명에 맞는 사람을 찾습니다. 이러한 기준의 몇 가지 예는 개인의 일반적인 건강 상태 또는 이전 치료입니다.

자격 기준

공부할 수 있는 나이

18년 이상 (성인, 고령자)

건강한 자원 봉사자를 받아들입니다


연구 대상 성별


샘플링 방법

비확률 샘플

연구 인구

Subjects with diagnosed acromegaly who were already being treated with Somavert® or were to start treatment with Somavert® were included in the study.


Inclusion Criteria:

  • Subjects with diagnosed acromegaly who were already being treated with Somavert® or were to start treatment with Somavert® were included in the study.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Subjects treated with an investigational drug for treatment of acromegaly.
  • Subjects with symptoms such visual field loss, cranial nerve palsies or intracranial hypertension, indicating need for surgery.
  • Women who were pregnant or lactating.

공부 계획

이 섹션에서는 연구 설계 방법과 연구가 측정하는 내용을 포함하여 연구 계획에 대한 세부 정보를 제공합니다.

연구는 어떻게 설계됩니까?

디자인 세부사항

코호트 및 개입

개입 / 치료
Post marketing surveillance study = prospective, non-interventional observation of the use of Somavert®

연구는 무엇을 측정합니까?

주요 결과 측정

결과 측정
측정값 설명
Serious Adverse Events (SAE) and Adverse Events (AE)
기간: Baseline up to 5 years
Long term safety of Somavert in treatment of patients with acromegaly
Baseline up to 5 years

2차 결과 측정

결과 측정
측정값 설명
Change From Baseline Insulin-like Growth Factor I (IGF-I)
기간: Baseline, Follow-up 1 (FUP 1) at ~6 months , Follow-up 2 (FUP 2) at ~12 months, Follow-up 3 (FUP 3) at ~ 24 months, Follow-up 4 (FUP 4) at ~ 36 months, Follow-up 5 (FUP 5) at ~ 48 months, Follow-up 6 (FUP 6)at ~60 months
Change: IGF-I concentration at observation minus IGF-I concentration at baseline (local laboratory, different assay).
Baseline, Follow-up 1 (FUP 1) at ~6 months , Follow-up 2 (FUP 2) at ~12 months, Follow-up 3 (FUP 3) at ~ 24 months, Follow-up 4 (FUP 4) at ~ 36 months, Follow-up 5 (FUP 5) at ~ 48 months, Follow-up 6 (FUP 6)at ~60 months
IGF-I Values Within Normal Range
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Number of participants who have IGF-I values within normal range (local laboratory, different assay).
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
IGF-I Values Above Normal Range
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Number of participants who have IGF-I values above normal range (local laboratory, different assay).
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Change From Baseline Hemoglobin A 1c (HbA 1c)
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Change: HbA 1c at observation minus HbA 1c at baseline.
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
HbA 1c Values Within Normal Range
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Number of participants who have HbA 1c values within normal range.
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
HbA 1c Values Below Normal Range
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5), 60 months (FUP 6)
Number of participants who have HbA 1c values below normal range.
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5), 60 months (FUP 6)
HbA 1c Values Above Normal Range
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Number of participants with HbA 1c values above normal range.
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Change From Baseline Glucose (Fasting)
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Change: glucose at observation minus glucose at baseline.
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Change From Baseline Glucose <(2 Hour Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (2h oGTT)>
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3)
Change: glucose 2h oGTT at observation minus glucose 2h oGTT at baseline.
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3)
Glucose Values Within Normal Range (Fasting)
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Number of participants who have glucose values within normal range (fasting).
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Glucose Values Below Normal Range (Fasting)
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Number of participants with glucose values below normal range (fasting).
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Glucose Values Above Normal Range (Fasting)
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Number of participants with glucose values above normal range (fasting).
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Glucose (2 Hour Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (2h oGTT)) Values Within Normal Range
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Number of participants with glucose values (2h oGTT) within normal range.
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Glucose (2 Hour Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (2h oGTT)) Values Above Normal Range
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Number of participants with glucose values (2h oGTT) above normal range.
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
IGF-I Absolute Values
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
IGF-I absolute values (local laboratory, different assay).
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Absolute Glucose Values (Fasting)
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Absolute Glucose values (fasting)
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Absolute Glucose Values (2h oGTT)
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Absolute Glucose values - 2 Hour Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (2h oGTT).
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Absolute Hemoglobin A 1c (HbA 1c) Values
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Absolute value Hemoglobin A 1c (HbA 1c)
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Change From Baseline Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) in Diabetic Patients
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Change: IGF-I concentration at observation minus IGF-I concentration at baseline. (local laboratory, different assay).
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Absolute Values Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) in Diabetic Patients
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Absolute values Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) in Patients with Diabetes (local laboratory, different assay).
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) Values Within Normal Range in Diabetic Patients
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Number of Diabetic Patients with Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) values Within Normal Range (local laboratory, different assay).
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) Values Above Normal Range in Diabetic Patients
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Number of Diabetic Patients with Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) values Above Normal Range (local laboratory, different assay).
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Absolute Values for Hemoglobin A 1c (HbA 1c) in Diabetic Patients
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Absolute Values for Hemoglobin A 1c (HbA 1c) in Patients with Diabetes
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Change From Baseline Hemoglobin A 1c (HbA 1c) in Diabetic Patients
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Change: HbA 1c at observation minus HbA 1c at baseline.
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
HbA 1c Values Within Normal Range in Diabetic Patients
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Number of Diabetic Patients with HbA 1c Values Within Normal Range.
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
HbA 1c Values Below Normal Range in Diabetic Patients
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Number of Diabetic Patients with HbA 1c Values Below Normal Range
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
HbA 1c Values Above Normal Range in Diabetic Patients
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Number of Diabetic Patients with HbA 1c Values Above Normal Range
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Glucose Change From Baseline in Diabetic Patients (Fasting)
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Change: glucose at observation minus glucose at baseline
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Absolute Glucose Values in Diabetic Patients (Fasting)
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Absolute Glucose Values in Patients with Diabetes (fasting)
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Glucose Values Within Normal Range in Diabetic Patients (Fasting)
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Number of Diabetic Patients (fasting) with Glucose Values Within Normal Range
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Glucose Values Above Normal Range in Diabetic Patients (Fasting)
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Number of Diabetic Patients (fasting) with Glucose Values Above Normal Range
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Change in Headache Using Patient-assessed Acromegaly Symptom Questionnaire (PASQ)
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4)
Change: score at observation minus score at baseline. Headache symptom in PASQ: disease-specific questionnaire consisting of 6 questions scoring 0-8. Maximum score indicates severe signs and symptoms, with lower scores reflecting improved quality of life.
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4)
Change in Excessive Sweating Using Patient-assessed Acromegaly Symptom Questionnaire (PASQ)
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4)
Change: score at observation minus score at baseline. Excessive sweating symptom in PASQ: disease-specific questionnaire consisting of 6 questions scoring 0-8. Maximum score indicates severe signs and symptoms, with lower scores reflecting improved quality of life.
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4)
Change in Joint Pain Using Patient-assessed Acromegaly Symptom Questionnaire (PASQ)
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4)
Change: score at observation minus score at baseline. Joint pain symptom in PASQ: disease-specific questionnaire consisting of 6 questions scoring 0-8. Maximum score indicates severe signs and symptoms, with lower scores reflecting improved quality of life.
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4)
Change in Fatigue Using Patient-assessed Acromegaly Symptom Questionnaire (PASQ)
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4)
Change: score at observation minus score at baseline. Fatigue symptom in PASQ: disease-specific questionnaire consisting of 6 questions scoring 0-8. Maximum score indicates severe signs and symptoms, with lower scores reflecting improved quality of life.
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4)
Change in Soft Tissue Swelling Using Patient-assessed Acromegaly Symptom Questionnaire (PASQ)
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4)
Change: score at observation minus score at baseline. Soft tissue swelling symptom in PASQ: disease-specific questionnaire consisting of 6 questions scoring 0-8. Maximum score indicates severe signs and symptoms, with lower scores reflecting improved quality of life.
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4)
Change in Numbness or Tingling of Limbs Using Patient-assessed Acromegaly Symptom Questionnaire (PASQ)
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4)
Change: score at observation minus score at baseline. Numbness or tingling of limbs symptom in PASQ: disease-specific questionnaire consisting of 6 questions scoring 0-8. Maximum score indicates severe signs and symptoms, with lower scores reflecting improved quality of life.
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4)
Change in General Physical Condition Using Patient-assessed Acromegaly Symptom Questionnaire (PASQ)
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4)
Change: score at observation minus score at baseline. General physical condition symptom in PASQ: disease-specific questionnaire based on the previous 6 questions which evaluated headache, excessive sweating, joint pain, fatigue, soft tissue swelling and numbness or tingling of limbs. Scoring 0-10 (0 = worst and 10 = best possible).
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4)
Change in Total PASQ Score Using Patient-assessed Acromegaly Symptom Questionnaire (PASQ)
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4)
Total PASQ score: total score calculated as sum of items 1-6; range is 0-48. Change from baseline calculated as total score at observation minus total score at baseline. PASQ: disease-specific questionnaire consisting of 6 questions scoring 0-8. Maximum score indicates severe signs and symptoms, with lower scores reflecting improved quality of life.
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4)
Mean Change From Baseline for Body Weight
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 48 months (FUP 5)
Change: body weight at observation minus body weight at baseline
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 48 months (FUP 5)
Change From Baseline for Diastolic Blood Pressure (BP)
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 48 months (FUP 5)
Change: diastolic blood pressure at observation minus diastolic blood pressure at baseline
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 48 months (FUP 5)
Change From Baseline for Systolic Blood Pressure (BP)
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 48 months (FUP 5)
Change: systolic blood pressure at observation minus systolic blood pressure at baseline
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 48 months (FUP 5)
Change From Baseline in Ring Size
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Change from baseline: ring size at observation minus ring size at baseline
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Adjusted Mean Dose of Somavert® Needed to Normalize the IGF-I Concentration in the Safety Population
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Adjusted Mean Dose of Somavert® needed to normalize IGF-I concentration during study while simultaneously adjusting for potential confounding baseline variables measured prior to Somavert® therapy. Multiple linear regression model used to evaluate dose needed to normalise IGF-I concentration. Model included terms for IGF-I, growth hormone, age, weight and gender.
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Adjusted Mean Dose of Somavert® Needed to Normalize the IGF-I Concentration in the ITT Population
기간: Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)
Adjusted Mean Dose of Somavert® needed to normalize IGF-I concentration during study while simultaneously adjusting for potential confounding baseline variables measured prior to Somavert® therapy. Multiple linear regression model used to evaluate dose needed to normalise IGF-I concentration. Model included terms for IGF-I, growth hormone, age, weight and gender.
Baseline, 6 months (follow-up 1-FUP 1), 12 months (FUP 2), 24 months (FUP 3), 36 months (FUP 4), 48 months (FUP 5)

공동 작업자 및 조사자

여기에서 이 연구와 관련된 사람과 조직을 찾을 수 있습니다.


간행물 및 유용한 링크

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연구 기록 날짜

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연구 주요 날짜

연구 시작

2004년 1월 1일

기본 완료 (실제)

2008년 1월 1일

연구 완료 (실제)

2008년 1월 1일

연구 등록 날짜

최초 제출

2009년 3월 6일

QC 기준을 충족하는 최초 제출

2009년 3월 6일

처음 게시됨 (추정)

2009년 3월 9일

연구 기록 업데이트

마지막 업데이트 게시됨 (추정)

2009년 9월 2일

QC 기준을 충족하는 마지막 업데이트 제출

2009년 8월 24일

마지막으로 확인됨

2009년 3월 1일

추가 정보

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Non Interventional Observation에 대한 임상 시험
