French University Hospital conducts a clinical trial of Neurological Abnormalities in SARS-CoV-2 ICU Patients

University Hospital, Clermont-Ferrand is starting a new clinical trial of WHO - Neurological Abnormalities in SARS-CoV-2 ICU Patients.

The SARS-CoV-2 epidemic is leading to a large number of patients in intensive care units due to severe hypoxemic pneumonia. After an acute phase that may require controlled mechanical ventilation and deep sedation, removal of sedation often reveals a pathological awakening in the vast majority of patients. This encephalopathy state remains, to date and to researchers knowledge, unexplained. Clinical features do not appear to fully correlate with regular delirium. This encephalopathy might be explained by deep and prolonged hypoxemia, a wide use of sedation drugs, systemic inflammation or the hostile ICU environment.
This study is intended to investigate neurological abnormalities associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Complete daily neurological examinations will be routinely conducted in intensive care unit patients. Specific biological analyses will also be performed in these patients by collecting additional blood samples from an arterial or central catheter, every 2 days. These clinical and biological examinations will be continued throughout patient's stay in the intensive care unit.

The clinical trial started in October 13, 2020 and will continue throughout August 13, 2021.

Dosage of biomarkers typically explored in intensive care unit delirium and Dosage of neuronal injury markers will be primary outcome measures.

The patients that can be enrolled into this study include patients hospitalized in Intensive Care Unit and infected bye SARS-CoV-2.

Among the excluding conditions appear neuropsychiatric history that may interfere with neurological evaluations in the intensive care unit.

The contacts and locations are the CHU, Clermont-Ferrand, France.

For more details:

Clinical Research News

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